Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation
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No. 2850
(January 1st 2025 Issue)

Make a great step forward in the
anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement!

Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths marching through the government district, Jun. 16, Tokyo

Let us fight for a radical change of the crisis-ridden world of today!
I. Struggles of the revolutionary left in 2024

A. Crush Russia's aggression in Ukraine! Denounce Israel's genocide against Palestinians! - Our vehement fights
B. Promoting the revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the danger of a thermonuclear war amid the head-on clash between the US and China
C. Struggles to smash the reactionary offensives launched by the Japanese governments led by Kishida and Ishiba
D. A great struggle to foil the 'fascistic transformation of universities'

II. The advent of a 'Trump Empire' - the present world rapidly swallowed by darkness
A. 'Present-day Hitler' Trump's return
- A Trump Empire
B. A great cataclysm of the world under the US-China clash
- Vladimir Putin frantic to expand Russia's occupied areas, depending on North Korea
- The collapse of the al-Assad regime in Syria
- Benjamin Netanyahu dancing for joy at Trump's victory
- The Xi-led China hell-bent on winning 'global South' counties over to its side
- Rulers of European countries ready for Trump's return
C. The Ishiba-led government of Japan launching reactionary offensives and the Japanese labour movement deteriorating into today's Industrial Patriotic movement
- A crisis of the Japanese labour movement verging on ruin and revolutionary workers' fights to break it

III. Let us fight for a great upsurge in antiwar struggles and anti-military alliance, anti-fascism struggles!
A. Crush Russia's aggression in Ukraine!
B. Smash Netanyahu's war!
C. Break through the danger of a thermonuclear war erupting in East Asia!
D. Shatter the offensives by the Ishiba government for strengthening the US-Japan military alliance and expanding armaments!
E. Fight for a militant upsurge in the 2025 spring labour offensive!

IV. Let us strengthen our ideological, organizational bases to overturn the dark world!
A. On our revolutionary guidelines for the struggle against Russia's aggression in Ukraine
B. 'Making Marxism indigenous' - What it means
C. With a burning passion for revolutionizing praxis

Dialogues with Ukrainian comrades

Exchanged messages and a movie
(From a report to the Dec. 1st Public Political Meeting of the JRCL)

- An Email from Japan to a Ukrainian comrade
- Reply from Ukraine
- A message from the Commons to the JRCL Meeting
- A soulful outcry of Ukrainian people:
What I felt and thought after watching the movie

The movie
How we defended the skies over Vietnam
Ukrainian veterans who battled against the US Forces invasion

[6-7] New Year's cartoon

(1) A Trump Empire (in the style of an Ukiyo-e print by Utagawa Kuniyoshi)
(2) Screaming Lai Ching-te (styled after Edvard Munk)
(3) Xi Jingpin and China (in Katsushika Hokusai's style)
(4) Putin and Kim (in a missile style)
(5) Workers in Ukraine and Europe
(6) A Ukrainian woman waiting for her partner battling at the front
(7) Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths launching out into the world
(8) Symbolizing Japanese workers' anger
(9) FLTI-CI calling for the unity of the world working class
(10) Netanyahu a mass murderer
(11) Mexican and Canadian rulers
(12) Japanese Prime Minister Ishiba, Rengo President Yoshino, opposition leaders Noda and Tamaki
(13) South Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol besieged by the anger of youths
(14) Upset and unsettled rulers in Europe
(15) Rulers in 'Global South' countries gathering around BRICS

Trump's return accelerating the drastic structural changes of today's world economy

Head-on clashes between US imperialism and China over the division and reorganization of international supply chains

- Intensifying struggles for de-globalization
- The deepening crisis of the US economy in the middle of brisk financial speculation
- The Xi Jingpin leadership desperate to build up 'supply chains for alternative energies'

[10-11] New Year's resolutions (Part 1)
The Okinawa Prefectural Committee
The Kansai Regional Committee
The Kyushu Regional Committee

The Prefectural / Municipal Workers Committee
The Postal Workers Committee
The Traffic and Transport Workers Committee
The Electric Industrial Workers Committee
The District General Workers Committee

[12] Photo Special Struggles in 2024

Prevent the military build-up and the constitutional revision!
Crush Russia's aggression in Ukraine! Denounce Israel's genocide in Gaza!

(Clockwise from the upper left)

- Militant workers and students marching on the US embassy (Jun. 16th)
'No to the 2 plus 2 meeting! Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan nuclear-armed military alliance!' Zengakuren students protesting in front the Prime Minister's Office (Jul. 28)
'No to Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' Students marching through the Wasesda district (May 3rd)
'Crush Putin's war! No to Israel's genocide in Gaza and invasion of Lebanon!': Workers and students of the Kansai region marching on the US Consulate General (Nov. 2nd. Osaka)
'Down with the Kishida government!' Workers and students of the Tokai region marching through the streets (Jun. 16th, Nagoya)
'Crush Putin's war!' 'Denounce the goncide in Gaza!' Workers and students of the Kyushu region in a militant demonstration (Mar. 3rd, Fukuoka)
'Prevent the constitutional revision and the military build-up!' Workers and students protesting against the reactionary offensives by the Ishiba government (Nov. 3rd, Sapporo)
'Crush the aggression in Ukraine!' Militant protesters in front of the Russian Consulate General (Mar. 3rd, Sapporo)

(At the centre of the page)

'Denounce the government for abandoning disaster victims in Noto!' Kanazawa University students protesting in front of the prefectural office of the ruling party (Oct. 2nd, Kanazaw)
'Prevent the Kishida government's military build-up and constitutional revision!' Students marching through the central district of Kanazawa (Apr. 30th)

Don't make the Southwest Islands a military fortress!
Protest actions in Okinawa

(In the left row)

- 'No to the US-Japan joint exercise, Keen Sword 25!' Students of the University of Ryukyus and the Okinawa International University (Oct. 19th, Nakagusuku Port)
'Stop the reclamation for a new US base in Henoko!' Students raising their fists (May 19th, Nogo)
- 'Stop the reclamation!' A protest action on the sea (Apr. Nago)

Let us develop our anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement into a worldwide movement!
The public political meeting of the JRCL (Dec. 1st, Tokyo)


No. 2849
(December 16h 2024 Issue)

JRCL public political meeting Dec. 1st
Achieved overwhelmingly!

Let us fight to leap into a
worldwide anti-Stalinist communist movement!

The keynote report: Advance the anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement to radically change the crisis-ridden world of today!
- Emergence of a 'Trump Empire' and an all-out attack of the Ishiba-led government
- Build an ideological = organizational bridgehead to radically overturn today's world covered with darkness

Presentation of letters from a Ukrainian comrade and a movie

Resolves expressed by worker comrades
- Hokuriku region: we denounced the government for abandoning disaster victims and strengthened our organization
- A municipal worker: Let us break though the crisis of the declining labour movement in Japan

Reports by student comrades: struggles to crush the destructive offensives against students' associations

Denounce the Liberal Democratic Party government for causing a shortage of rice and skyrocketing rice prices!


Denounce Yoon Suk-yeol's declaration of martial law!
Overthrow the government of the People's Power Party supported by the US-South Korea alliance!

- 'Eradicate pro-North Korea, ant-national forces' (Yoon Suk-yeol)

Denounce the Xi-led government of China for supporting the military junta in an impasse!
Myanmar: A year after the Oct. 27th uprising

US Space Force Japan launched
US and Japanese rulers hell-bent on building up a joint military system for nuclear pre-emptive attacks

Common digital infrastructures for the state and localities' being built up by the LDP government
Smash the attempt to strengthen the neo-fascist ruling system!

Prevent a bad revision of the personnel and salary system for public service workers!

This year's Recommendation from the National Personnel Authority and its reactionary nature

Immigrant 'technical trainees' killed and injured in frequent work-related accidents
Don't exploit foreign workers like expendable objects!

The Ishiba government's 'comprehensive economic policies' to coerce the toiling masses into greater hardships


No. 2848
(December 9th 2024 Issue)

Take a big step forward for antiwar struggles!
Smash the tremendous military buildup and the
strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance by the Ishiba government!

Shatter Putin's war!
Condemn the genocide in Gaza!

- Don't let the US and Japanese rulers decide on a war plan against China
- Denounce the JCP leadership's abandonment of struggles and fight under the banner 'No to the US-Japan military alliance'!
- Let us promote the Ukraine antiwar struggle and the struggle to denounce the genocide in Gaza!

The 'festival of students' autonomy and culture' realized powerfully

The 63rd Kagoshima University Festival
November 15th-17th

Buying votes and spreading disinformation:
Putin-led Russia plotted for the overthrow of the present government

Monopoly capitalists are crying out for the 'maximum use of atomic energy'

Keidanren presented a Basic Energy Plan, proposal to the government

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power station
Monopoly capitalists deceitfully justify Tepco's bankrupted '40-year plan for decommissioning reactors'

The anti-proletarian nature of the JCP leaders' argument for the 'increase in the amount of disposable time'

On the so-called 'qualitative development in the movement over working hours'
(A) A miserable setback in their policy of 'promoting increases in the amount of disposable time'
(B) Petty bourgeois vulgarians' argument for the 'recovery of disposable time'
(C) Their so-called 'movement for the increase in the amount of free time, which is adjacent to future society'

The Volkswagen management plans to sack scores of thousands of workers

Metal workers' unions of Germany are braced for industrial action

'Improve your company's ability to pass the jump in costs on to the product prices, or else quit your business'!?
Nikkei Shimbun threatens small and medium companies in the name of reporting 'conditions for wage raises'

The twilight of the Intel Empire

The US government and Pentagon try frantically to rescue the declining semiconductor manufacturer

Chinese working people have been plunged into unprecedented unemployment and poverty


No. 2847
(December 2nd 2024 Issue)

Fight for a militant upsurge in the
spring labour offensive 2025!

Denounce the JTUC leadership,
an accomplice in suppressing wages and advancing prices!

- Monopoly capitalists are imposing wage restraint and price increase in the name of a 'virtuous cycle of wages and prices'
- The JTUC leadership are directing unions to self-restrain their wage hike demands and to accept higher prices of living necessities
- Let us fight to win a big, across-the-board wage raise!

'Oppose the strengthening of the US military X-band radar site!'

Militant students fought in the van of protesters
November 10th, Kyotango, Kyoto
(pic) Students of Kobe University and Nara Women's University fighting together with 400 workers and citizens

Denounce the Kim Jong-un regime for participating and assisting in the war of aggression against Ukraine!

- Entreated by Putin, Kim sent North Korean soldiers
- The dispatch of troops is thoroughly concealed from the people of the country
- Prevent a thermo-nuclear war from breaking out in the Korean Peninsula!

The summit meeting of BRICS
Rulers of emergent countries gathered in preparation for Trump's second presidency
The Xi leadership of China hell-bent on winning emerging countries to its side
- 'Enemies boarding the same boat' for the single point, 'Against higher tariffs and protectionism'
- Putin the aggressor took advantage of his turn for the Chair

Postal workers
Fight against the intensification of labour for the year-end and New Year period!

No to the imposition of long working hours and intensified labour on bus workers!

Denounce the leadership of Shitetsu-soren [General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] for fully cooperating with the managements under the banner 'Make the industry attractive'

Harsh labour in TSMC factories for manufacturing advanced semi-conductors


A JTUC meeting for the spring labour offensive: critical remarks burst out against the Yoshino leadership

Chancay Port in Peru

The Xi-led government of China embarked on the construction of a hub in South America for its One Belt One Road project

Japan and Australia '2 plus 2' meeting
Agreed to rally Pacific island states by the bait of aid for constructing communication infrastructures

The Defence Ministry frantic to mobilize start-ups in a bid to recover from Japan's delay in developing military technologies


No. 2846
(November 25th 2024 Issue)

Crush the Ishiba government's reinforcement of the
US-Japan military alliance and military buildup!

Overturn the critical situation of the class struggle in Japan!
Rally to the JRCL Public Political Meeting

- The Ishiba-led shaky government frantic to build up Japan as a military power
- Strengthening the US-Japan-South Korea triangular alliance centring on the US-Japan nuclear military alliance
- Let us fight dauntlessly by accusing the JCP leadership of its treacheries and degeneration!

'Smash all the reactionary offensives taken by the Ishiba government!'
Militant students called for opposition to US-Japan military alliance in a rally against the new US base construction

November 2nd, Henoko, Okinawa

One antiwar event presented after another
Students realized the festival of their 'autonomy and culture'

The Wakagi [Sapling] Festival in Kokugakuin University
Tokyo, November 2nd-4th

The false charge of 'unlawful receipt of extra benefits'
Don't allow the frame-up engineered by the police against four Zengakuren students!

Denounce the unjustifiable police search of those students' apartments!
Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction)

JRCL and Zengakuren jointly held a press conference to fight back
November 13th

'Denounce the unjustifiable police search!'
Voices of indignation being raised on campuses

US-Japan joint field training exercises Keen Sword 25

Pulverize the scheme to make civilian airports 'paramilitary bases'!

An SDF Osprey crash in Yonaguni Island

Don't make the Sakishima Islands, Japan's westernmost archipelago, a military fortress against China!

'Give me back my husband, my son!'
Russian people continuing to fight despite Putin's repression

The symbol of the seizure of territory
Statues of Stalin are being built in many places in Russia


Wajima City in the Noto Peninsula

Taking advantage of the 'double disaster', the municipal authorities plan to merge and scrap elementary schools

Sharp Corporation: A liquid crystal panel factory in Sakai closed
Denounce the dismissal and redeployment of all 800 employees!

Monopoly capitalists are crying out for wage restraint and the raising of prices
Keidanren's 2025 Labour Management Report (draft)

The International Event on 'Revolutionary Marxism and War'

held in Buenos Aires, November 2nd
The working class-based solidarity spreading and deepening all over the world
Shatter Russia's aggression in Ukraine! Condemn the genocide of Palestinians!
- The JRCL-RMF sent a message of solidarity to the Event
- The Social Movement of Ukraine sent greetings to the Event
- JRCL received a mail of thanks from the FLTI as an initiator of the Event


No. 2845
(November 18th 2024 Issue)

Rally to the
JRCL Public Political Meeting

Trump's landslide victory and the deepening darkness of the world
This is the time to uplift antiwar struggles!

- The US Presidential election and its meaning
- The American state transforming: the emergence of a 'Trump empire'
-- Arrogantly pushing through 'America First'
- The collapse of the militarist empire as the 'sole superpower' and its root cause
- Let us fight for a radical overturn of the present world in a deepening crisis!

'Let us stop the Ishiba-led government launching reactionary offensives!'

Antiwar and anti-constitutional revision voices raised up
A mass rally in front of the Diet building, November 3rd

- 'Prevent military build-up and constitutional revision! No to the strengthening of the military alliance!' JRCL encouraged the participants
- 'Constitutional revision becomes less likely' The JCP leadership with no sense of crisis to the situation
- Break the JTUC leadership's oppression of mass struggles and the JCP leadership's distortion of the struggles! Let us fight in unity!

'No to the military alliance! Stop the revision of the Constittion!'
A 'Rally for the Constitution' in Kanazawa, November 3rd
The JRCL inspired the participants

Vehement counterattacks against the Ishiba government promoting military build-up and the constitutional revision!


The united actions of workers and students in the Kansai Region
November 2nd
Raising yells in anger in front of the US Consulate General

The united actions of workers and students in the Kyushu Region
November 3rd
'Don't make the Southeast Islands a military fortress!'

The united actions of workers and students in the Hokkaido Region
November 3rd
White-helmeted protesters marching on the LDP's regional office

The united actions of workers and students in the Tokai Region
November 2nd
Raising angry fists at the local LDP office


Sakai Moving Service Co.

Defrauding workers of overtime pay under the guise of a 'piece-work system'

'Grants-in-aid to human resources development': Companies' illegal receipt revealed

Training companies profiting from the government's measures for 're-skilling'

The Yoshino leadership of the JTUC pressing workers to accept price hikes and the restraint of wage raise


No. 2844
(November 11th 2024 Issue)

Stop the Ishiba government's rush to expand armaments and
strengthen the US-Japan military alliance!
Break through the crisis of the Japanese labour movement
verging on extinction!

Rally to the JRCL Public Political Meeting on December 1st!

- The Ishiba-led LDP government frantic to launch a reactionary offensive by bringing the Democratic Party for the People over to its side
- The JTUC leadership schemes to form a political force that supports the 'strengthening of Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]' and 'promotion of nuclear power generation'
- The JCP leadership now on the point of collapse: Let us deliver a hard blow to them!
- Create a militant upsurge in the antiwar, anti-Ampo, anti-constitutional revision struggles, wage hike struggles and politico-economic struggles!

Small / medium-sized manufacturers are mobilized for military production

Stop the planned construction of an intermediate storage facility for spent nuclear fuel in Kaminoseki, Yamaguchi Prefecture!

The devastating earthquake, followed by torrential downpours
The Noto Peninsula visited by a 'complex disaster'

- Catastrophic landslide disasters: brought about by central and local authorities' abandonment of restoration work after the earthquake

Haruki Wada, a historian taken in by Putin

The criminal nature of his argument 'for an immediate cease-fire in the war in Ukraine'

- 'A cease-fire in any case! You had better hear also what Russia has to say'
- The deceitful nature of his argument 'for an immediate cease-fire'
- Praising Putin, justifying his invasion
- Wada is won over by the FSB

The 98th convention of Jichiro [All Japan Prefectural and Municipal Workers' Union]

Criticisms burst out against the JTUC leadership's suppression of antiwar, peace struggles
Let us fight militantly for the upsurge of the local government workers' autumnal wage struggles!

The Yoshino-headed JTUC leadership cries out for the formation of a 'new nucleus of political power'

No to the US-Japan joint exercises Keen Sword 25!

Protesters gathered to stop the unloading of SDF vehicles

October 19th, Naka-gusuku Gulf Port, Okinawa

(pic above) 'Smash the strengthening of Ampo!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students appealed to workers and residents

'No to the joint exercises!' Angry workers and militant students raised clenched fists at the SDF Komatsu air base
October 28th, the early morning rally at the base, Komatsu, Ishikawa Prefecture
(pic below)

A US commander openly declares a planned operation to attack Chinese forces with unmanned vehicles

A Big Tech company plans to aid the restart of a Three Mile Island nuclear reactor once closed


No. 2843
(November 4th Issue)

Shatter all the offensives launched by the
shaky Ishiba government!

The end of the Liberal Democratic Party's 'one-party dominant system'
and the present tasks of the revolutionary Left

- The fall of the ruling coalition of the LDP with Komei into a 'ruling minority' and manoeuvres for a 'policy-based' liaison with opposition parties
- Power strife within the LDP intensified after the general election
- Moves towards new grand political realignment accelerated amid the global turbulence
- Let us fight to break the danger of extinction of the Japanese labour movement and promote antiwar, anti-constitutional revision struggles and politico-economic struggles!

Oppose the Keen Sword 25, preliminary exercises for war against China

South China Sea

Frequent attacks by Chinese coastguard ships on Philippine and Vietnamese vessels


The Defense Innovation Science and Technology Institute

Don't allow the government to mobilize universities and researchers for developing high-tech weapons!

The joint development of next-generation fighters promoted by the Japanese, UK and Italian governments under the control of US imperialism

The 91st National Convention of Shitetsu-soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers’ Unions]
Denounce the leadership for pressing its affiliated unions to yield to wage cuts and restructuring in the name of 'making the industry attractive'!


Boeing workers' strike

Unions launched an indefinite strike for a 40% wage raise

- Rejecting offers from the management three times
- Workers are fighting on, not allowing the IAM leadership to make treacherous submissions
- A militant upsurge in the American labour movement

The JTUC leadership justifies its self-restrained demands in the name of a 'sustainable wage raise'

[6] Kaleidoscope

Sri Lanka in turmoil

No more 'trap of debt'!

Vietnam's omni-directional diplomacy: friendly to both China and the US

Modi-led party's landslide defeat in the regional election


No. 2842
(October 28th 2024 Issue)

Shatter Netanyahu's war!
Denounce the invasion of Lebanon and the
massacres of Gazans by the Zionist power!

- The murder of Hamas leaders: Israeli rulers are frantic to liquidate Palestinians' struggle for liberation
- Stop the attack on Iran, escalation of warmongering in all parts of the Middle East!
- Let us fight in solidarity with Palestinians and other people in the Middle East who are struggling desperately to resist
- Stand up and fight against Putin's war!

A hair-trigger situation off the northern edge of Hokkaido
A flare launched at a Russian patrol aircraft by an ASDF fighter

The Tumen River: China's new military base to be set up near the coast of the Japan Sea?

Make this 21st century a century of revolution


Condemnations against the government and prefectural authorities for abandoning disaster victims in the Noto Peninsula

Miseries of workers in northern Noto: hit over again by an crushing calamity

'Temporary housing' for quake victims, built in a hazard zone, got submerged by torrential rain


JEIU [Japanese Electrical, Electronic and Information Unions]
A rush for an Industrial Patriotic movement that touts 'solution of social problems and the development of the industry'
Criticism of the 2024-2025 plan of action

I. Labour aristocrats emphasizing the building of a 'new movement and system of organization'
II. An aspiration for the development of the electrical industry and the revival of the Japanese economy
III. The JEIU bureaucracy is hell-bent for today's version of the Industrial Patriotic movement

Sharp increase in the number of 'spot workers' or pay-as-you-go workers
Don't dispose of workers freely!


'5 per cent and more': The JTUC leadership again restrains wage increase demands for the 2025 spring labour offensive

'Don't allow the Ishiba government to strengthen the US-Japan military alliance and the constitutional revision!'

Workers and residents gathering together to oppose the new US base construction

October 5th

(pic) Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students fought in the van

'No to the construction of a powder magazine in Satsuma Town!'
Workers and citizens' antiwar rally in front of Kagoshima station
October 13th
(pic) Kagoshima Univ. students raising the banner 'No to Ampo!'

'Crush the constitutional revision!' 'Smash the military expansion!'
JRCL appealed to the citizens of Kanazawa
October 11th


No. 2841
(October 21st 2024 Issue)

A vehement outcry raised
against the revision of the Constitution, against the expansion of armaments
Shatter Putin's war! Denounce Israel's invasion of Lebanon!

Zengakuren and Antiwar Youths carried out

a militant demonstration in the centre of Tokyo
October 6th

White-helmeted demonstrators marched on the Diet Building,
on the US and the Russian Embassies

Marching on the Diet Building The solidarity rally

- Smash all the reactionary offensives mounted by the Ishiba government!: solidarity rally prior to the demonstration
- 'Break through the danger of the outbreak of a Third World War!': a comrade speaking for the JRCL
- Let us all strive to create an explosive upsurge in the anti-constitutional revision, antiwar / anti-Ampo struggles and in the struggle against fascism!

Don't allow the deployment of US Army intermediate-range nuclear missiles in Japan!

The launch of Defense Innovation Science and Technology Institute

The LDP government is intent on promoting military-technological development in the form of cooperation between the military, industrial enterprises and universities

Stop the restart of and construction of new / additional nuclear reactors by the new government led by Shigeru Ishiba!

Suspend and scrap all nuclear reactors and nuclear fuel cycle facilities immediately!

Tepco's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear reactor No.2
The 'experimental attempt to take out nuclear fuel debris' failed


An inexcusable crime

The JCP leadership approves of Russia's aggression in Ukraine

- A proposal for 'peace talks' that presses Ukraine to surrender
- Faced with the JRCL's criticism, it made a crafty modification
- Denounce the JCP leadership for acquitting Putin the aggressor

All the commotion about the expulsion of the adherents of a former right-leaned party leader aggravates the confusion inside the JCP

Year 2024 problem in physical distribution

'Higher efficiency in distribution' imposes harsh labour on transport workers


2025 budget requests
The Education and Finance Ministries to place heavier burdens upon education workers

Militants demonstrated with a fiery spirit against the government's move to make the whole Southwest Islands a military fortress

Workers and students' united action in Okinawa, October 6th

- Thwart the creation of an Asian version of NATO!: solidarity rally prior to the demonstration
- 'Smash Putin's war!': a comrade speaking for the JRCL

(pic above left)
Zengakuren Okinawa and Antiwar Workers Committee members marching through the main street in Naha
The banner reads:
Definitely no to the new US base construction in Henoko!
Stop the constitutional revision and the military buildup!

Shatter Russia's aggression against Ukraine!
Condemn Israel's genocide in Gaza!"

(pic above right)
Solidarity rally prior to the demonstration

'Don't allow the Ishiba government to launch ultra-reactionary offensives!
'No to War' Rally in Aichi, September 28th, Nagoya

Overcoming JCP's distortion of struggles, militant workers fought in the rally
In solidarity with them, JRCL distributed leaflets


Back Issues
2024 No.2801-2810   No.2811-2820   No.2821-2830   No.2831-2840   
2023 No.2751-2760   No.2761-2770 No.2771-2780  No.2781-2790   No.2791-2800  
2022 No.2701-2710  No.2711-2720  No.2721-2730  No.2731-2740  No.2741-2750 
2021 No.2651-2660   No.2661-2670 No.2671-2680  No.2681-2690  No. 2691-2700 
2020 No.2601-2610  No.2611-2620 No.2621-2630 No.2631-2640  No. 2641-2650 
2019 No.2551-2560   No. 2561-2570  No.2571-2580 No.2581-2590  No.2591-2600 
2018  No.2501-2510 No.2511-2520  No.2521-2530   No.2531-2540 No.2541-2550 
2017 No.2451-2460 No. 2461-2470  No. 2471-2480   No.2481-2490 No.2491-2500 
2016 No.2401-2410  No.2411-2420   No.2421-2430 No.2431-2440  No.2441-2450 
2015 No.2351-2360  No.2361-2370  No.2371-2380  No.2381-2390  No. 2391-2400 
2014 No.2301-2310  No. 2311-2320  No. 2321-2330  No. 2331-2340  No. 2341-2350 
2013 No. 2251-2260  No. 2261-2270  No. 2271-2280  No. 2281-2290 No.2291-2300 
2012 No. 2201-2210  No. 2211-2220  No. 2221-2230  No. 2231-2240  No. 2241-2250 
2011 No. 2151-2160 No. 2161-2170 No. 2171-2180 No. 2181-2190 No. 2191-2200
2010 No. 2101-2110 No. 2111-2120 No. 2121-2130 No. 2131-2140 No. 2141-2150
2009 No. 2051-2060 No. 2061-2070 No. 2071-2080 No. 2081-2090 No. 2091-2100