Weekly Kaihoh / Liberation |
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No. 2710
(March 21st 2022 Issue)
Don't allow a general attack on Kiev by the Russian troops! -- 'Cease-fire negotiations': for Putin to force a surrender - Ukrainian people, crush the Russian invading forces with resistance! - Russian people, bring down Putin-led authoritarian ruling system based on the FSB! -- Workers and people in Japan, rise in an antiwar struggle against Russia's aggression in Ukraine!
'Denounce Russia's military aggression against Ukraine! Russian people, topple the Putin government!'
'Denounce Russia's aggression in Ukraine!' JRCL made an urgent appeal to the public at Shinjuku station, March 5th
- An extra of Kaihoh evoked enthusiastic responses from workers and toiling people - What is decisive is to fight against Stalinism Under the slogan 'Stop aggression! Stop attacks on nuclear stations!', workers, students and citizens held an emergency rally in Yoyogi Park, Shibuya, March 5th
Sapporo, Hokkaido, March 6th 'Down with the Putin government!' Workers and students rose in a united action - Solidarity with Ukrainian and Russian people confirmed in the rally prior to the demo
Nagoya, March 4th Workers and students voiced thunderous denunciations of Russia's aggression
Naha, Okinawa
Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students strived for a militant upsurge of an antiwar rally against Russia's aggression in Ukraine, March 1st (pic right) Kanazawa, March 5th
[4] The struggle of postal workers Achieve an explosive upsurge in the 2022 spring labour offensive! Let us advance the offensive, denouncing the JP Union leadership's abandonment of wage-hike demands! I. Company management is intent on wage restraint; the union leadership is acting in concert with the management II. Union leaders have abandoned making a demand for higher wages III. The anti-proletarian nature of the leadership's Vision for Business Activities IV. Let us create a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive, based on activities in our production points! [5] Devotion to the survival of the company in the 'age of carbon neutral' A criticism of the Toyota union's course of action for the 2022 spring labour offensive - This year's spring labour offensive: met with the acceleration of a 'shift to EV (electric vehicles)' - Loud cries for the promotion of CN (carbon neutral) and DX (digitalization), and for the need of Toyota workers' 'active involvement' - The anti-proletarian nature of the leadership's 'wage demands corresponding to jobs and functional qualifications' - Denounce the labour aristocrats of Toyota for having destroyed the spring labour offensive! Topics Labour leaders' remarks on Russia's aggression in Ukraine Both Rengo and Zenroren leaderships are laying their hope on the diplomatic efforts of state rulers [6] People's ill feeling boiling in Cambodia towards its 'suzerain', China - Chinese company bosses are treating workers in developing countries with contempt - China using Hun Sen as a mouthpiece of the Chinese government - A Chinese version of neo-colonialist rule Putin's so-called 'denazification' Never let the 'offspring of Stalin' continue perpetrating atrocities! TOP |
No. 2709
(March 14th 2022 Issue)
in solidarity with Ukrainian people fighting against the aggression! - Russian people, rise to topple the Putin regime! - Let us make a gigantic surge of international antiwar struggles!
Militants marched on the Russian Embassy Zengakuren and antiwar youths carried out an emergency demonstration
- Create a surge of antiwar struggles in solidarity with workers and people in Ukraine! Sapporo, Hokkaido, Feb. 24th Militants hurled denunciations at the Russian consulate general Zengakuren and antiwar youths rose in protest
Kansai, Feb. 25th - Mar. 1st Fighting students carried out a series of protest actions
- They protested to the Russian consulate general in Osaka, Feb. 26th - JRCL distributed leaflets denouncing the aggression, at a station in Osaka, Feb. 26th Kagoshima, Feb. 25th Kagoshima University students rose in action Students called on workers, citizens and youths to oppose Putin's barbarities
Hokuriku, Feb. 22nd-23rd 'Arise against Putin's aggression in Ukraine!' Calls were made consecutively
Tokai, Feb. 25th Zengakuren and the antiwar youths of the Tokai region rose in protest
[4-5] A solidarity speech by a JRCL representative to the February 6th Workers' Solidarity Meeting For a big upsurge of the wage struggle in the spring of 2022 A. A few aspects of the 'US-China cold war' amid the pandemic B. The reactionary nature of the Kishida government's 'new capitalism' C. Let us fight to win a big, across-the-board wage raise! [5] The Welfare Ministry's 'self-support subsidy system' Denounce the Kishida government's policy of leaving poverty-stricken people in the lurch amid the Covid-19 pandemic! - The amount of subsidy is very small; the number of those who are eligible is limited Topics Following LDP hawks, the leader of the DPFR calls for a 'reworking of Japan's three non-nuclear principles' With the support of the Chairwoman of Rengo, DPFR is rushing towards conversion to a 'ruling party' [6] For an upsurge of the 2022 spring offensive of auto workers Denounce the leadership of the Automobile Workers' Union for dissolving shunto into labour-management consultations to 'seek solutions to the problems of the auto industry and companies'! -Union leaders are fully supportive of the management's restructuring plans arranged to match a shift to electric vehicles - Labour aristocrats are asking for support from the government in promoting 'carbon neutral' projects [7] No to aggression in Ukraine! (The JRCL statement in English) [8] Осуждаем агрессию против Украины! (The JRCL statement in Russian) TOP |
No. 2708
(March 7th 2022 Issue)
Russian people, down with Putin!
'No to aggression in Ukraine!' Flames of antiwar protests blazed up across the country Tokyo, Feb. 25th 'Stop the Putin government's massacre of Ukrainian people!' Zengakuren rose to protest at the Russian Embassy
Naha, Okinawa, Feb. 25th 'Stop the Putin government's barbarities!' Zengakuren Okinawa held a protest rally
Fukuoka, Feb. 24th - 25th 'Condemn Putin's brutalities!' JRCL appealed to the public in the city centre
[6] 'Stop the new US base construction! No to the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance!' Ryukyu Univ. and Okinawa Int'l Univ. students held a demonstration in Henoko, Okinawa, Feb. 12th Students marched on the main Camp Schwab gate
'Block the holding of the Commission meeting on the Constitution!' Kobe Univ. and Nara Women's Univ. students made a protest to the local LDP office, Kobe, Feb. 9th
'No to the Constitutional Revision' Rally and Demonstration, Feb. 19th, Nagoya Nagoya Univ. and Aichi Univ. students strived in the van for the upsurge of the demonstration
[3-4] The second keynote speech to the February 6th Workers' Solidarity Meeting With the united power of workers, stop the Kishida government's move to revise the Constitution! 1. The deepening crisis of war amid the 'new East-West cold war' 2. Japanese imperialism: at the 'front line' of the US-China clash 3. The Kishida government dashing to establish a neo-fascist constitution 4. Create a huge upsurge of struggles against the revision of the Constitution by strengthening workers' unity! - Education workers' struggles we organized from below - Advance anti-constitutional revision, antiwar, anti-Ampo, anti-fascist struggles! [4] Topics Don't allow the passage of the 'economic security promotion bill'! An authoritarian legislation being aimed to develop and protect Japan's dual-use technologies [5] Denounce the union leadership for emphasizing 'a thoroughgoing implementation of labour-management consultations' for the 'reconstruction of the industry'! Create a militant upsurge in the 2022 spring offensive of private railway unions'! I. Private railway capitalists are intent on wage cuts and redundancies - Hard fighting of militant workers against the union leadership's abandonment of struggles II. The leadership dictates that union members should have 'heart-to-heart talks' with the management III. Let us fight for a big, across-the-board wage increase! Leading private railroad companies desperate to restructure their businesses TOP |
down with Putin! Solidarity with Ukranian people!
No. 2707
(February 28th 2022 Issue)
Stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine! - US imperialism is desperate to build an encircling net against China - The Kishida-led Japanese government is frantic to revise the Constitution and strengthen the US-Japan global alliance -- Commission meetings for the revision of the Constitution being held repeatedly; an economic security bill to be enacted during the current Diet session - Create an explosive upsurge in the anti-constitutional revision, antiwar and anti-Ampo struggles!
Putin and Modi jointly declared for a 'multipolar world' - Two rulers confirmed the promotion of military and economic cooperation - Putin-led Russia is scheming to 'divide the QUAD' - The Modi-led Indian government's 'have it both ways'-style diplomacy under the slogan 'India's autonomy' [4-5] The first keynote speech to the February 6th Workers' Solidarity Meeting Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! For a militant upsurge of the 2022 spring labour offensive! I. The government and monopoly capitalists imposing sacrifices on workers amid the pandemic A. Wage cuts and mass dismissals forced on workers by capitalists B. The Kishida government is abandoning workers and people suffering in poverty II. Shatter dismissals and wage cuts with the united power of workers! A. Denounce the leadership of Rengo bent on imploring 'investment in people'! - What is the 'Rengo-style labour movement'? B. The anti-proletarian nature of the Zenroren leadership's campaign to request the government to support the management in raising workers' wages C. Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Hitachi management plans to apply its 'job-based employment' system to all employees Don't allow the relocation of workers and dismissals! - The management is bent on shifting its business to 'IoT platform service' Topics Declaration of the abandonment of struggles for higher wages Emphasis laid on 'investment in people': the action plan for the 2022 spring offensive of Shitetsu-soren [Japan General Federation of Private Railway and Bus Workers' Unions] [6] SDF airborne troops conducted exercises of parachuting from US Air Force carriers January 25th - 27th, the SDF Higashifuji drill ground - An exercise based on the concept of EABO [Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations] and aimed at securing footholds for attacks, supplies and information gathering - The buildup of readiness for combat against China with US and Japanese forces in one united body 'Denounce the F-15 fighter jet crash right after take-off from the Komatsu air base!' No to the strengthening of the SDF Komatsu air base as a strongpoint for attacking China and Russia! Denounce the dumping of a fuel tank onto a residential area from an F-16 fighter jet deployed at the US Misawa Base! - Just then, F-16 fighter jets were about to engage in a largest scale US-Japan joint combat training ever conducted for pre-emptive attacks against China TOP |
No. 2706
(February 21st 2022 Issue)
Preparedness for the 2022 spring labour offensive reinforced in the Workers' Solidarity Meeting February 6th
- Denounce the Rengo leadership for imploring monopoly capitalists and the government to 'invest in people'! : the first keynote speech - Create a big struggle against the constitutional revision, against Ampo, against fascism! : the second keynote speech - Fight for a 'big, across-the-board wage increase'! : a solidarity speech by the JRCL representative - Firm determinations expressed by a student representing Zengakuren and workers representing each of the industries
[2] 'Denounce the F-15 fighter jet crash after take-off from the Komatsu air base!' Militant students of Kanazawa University set up a protest at the SDF Komatsu air base, February 4th
[3-4] Stop Russia's armed invasion of Ukraine! Oppose military intervention by the US and NATO! A head-on clash between Russia and the US over the 'eastward expansion of NATO' - The Russian Army's extensive manoeuvres enveloping Ukraine - - 'Gray zone warfare': an exchange of false propaganda and cyber attacks - Putin-led Russia's counteroffensive aimed at recovering the territory of the former Soviet Union - The Biden administration frantic to pull NATO together - Let us fight by exerting the true worth of the revolutionary antiwar struggle! [4] Toyota declared it would expand the production of electric vehicles - The rapid development of a worldwide 'shift to electric vehicles' - The Toyota management doubled research and development expenses, plus plant and equipment investment, to 8 trillion yen - Don't allow the management to make any sacrifice of workers! [5] Expose the deceitful nature of a high court-mediated settlement! A suit for the unfair dismissal of workers against a funeral company was 'settled' - The court settlement unduly says the company has 'no responsibility' as far as the employment contract goes; --Rengo Chairwoman Yoshino comments that the settlement was a 'success' for workers - The company resorted to the dismissal to destroy the newly formed trade union A livelihood support centre offering support to needy people is crowded with workers and toiling people, Naha, Okinawa - Workers have been downtrodden and 'disposed of' one after another - The criminal nature of the policy of the Kishida government: giving preference and good treatment to US bases and monopoly capitalists Topics 'If you raise wages, you will gain profits'!? A JCP-led Zenroren's think tank is preaching to monopoly capitalists the 'significance of the spring labour offensive' [6] Justification of the policy of assimilating ethnic minorities into the Han Chinese in the name of the 'community of the Chinese nation' - On the address delivered by Xi Jinping at the Central Ethnic Work Conference - Xi says 'Chinese culture is the trunk; ethnic cultures are branches' - Mongolian-language education is prohibited in Inner Mongolia - Severe security systems are being built in the name of the 'stability of society' - Xi Jinping is scheming to serve the third term as General Secretary An 'educational reform' in the Chinese style 'No studying at fee-charging cram schools! No assigning too much homework! Learning Xi Jinping Thought is a must!' TOP |
No. 2705
(February 14th 2022 Issue)
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Militants rose up against constitutional revision, against Ampo Zengakuren Hokkaido and antiwar youths jointly carried out a militant demonstration Sapporo, January 30th
- 'Stop Russia's invasion of Ukraine!': the solidarity rally prior to the demonstration
[2] With the public and private sector acting together, the Kishida government is assisting the US in developing fast reactors - Providing Japanese technologies and facilities in full measure - An attempt to roll back China and Russia which go ahead of the US The 'quantum war' between the US and China: a battle over quantum computing on cryptography [3] The US-Japan '2 + 2' agreements Formulation of a war plan against China to prepare for a 'Taiwan emergency' - Operations to be planned jointly by the US and the Japanese forces in the name of 'full alignment of strategies' - Japan's readiness to build up a pre-emptive attack system is stated positively - Joint research and development in the fields of outer space, cyber space, artificial intelligence and quantum technology - An enormous increase in Japan's Host Nation Support, a budget for the US forces stationed in Japan, agreed in the name of the 'resiliency of the alliance' [4] The JCP begs the Kishida government to adopt 'peaceful diplomacy with the use of Article 9' Denounce the JCP central leadership for abandoning opposition to Ampo! - The utmost right-wing nature of the JCP's policy in 'opposing the revision of Article 9' -- Shamelessly concealing their past of 'praising' China - Proposal of a 'strong economy': a craving for the 'strengthening of the competitiveness' of Japanese monopoly capital - While clinging to a desire to form an 'opposition coalition', they have got stuck in a far more right-wing elaboration of basic policies [5] Workers' suicides repeated in a Panasonic semi-conductor factory The management tries to settle the situation with deceitful 'reconciliation' - 138 hours per month: imposition of excessive overtime on the worker plunged him into depression - The Panasonic management is seeking a 'way to survive' at the sacrifice of workers Topics Yoshino-led Rengo leadership has openly embarked on the support of LDP candidates for the coming Upper House election [6] The Kishida government is bent on disposing of radioactively contaminated components of reactors abroad Don't allow the restart of Tomari nuclear reactor No. 3 promoted by the government and Hokkaido Electric Power Co.! - A slapdash 'safety review' by the Nuclear Regulation Authority - Criticize the JCP for being caught up in the 'carbon-free' policies promoted by the government and monopoly capitalists! Let us fight unflinchingly! TOP |
No. 2704
(February 7th 2022 Issue)
The flame of anti-constitutional revision, antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles blazed up in Tokyo
- A militant demonstration under the banner 'Oppose the US-Japan global alliance!' - 'Break through the war crisis impending amid the "new East-West cold war"!': Solidarity rally prior to the demonstration - The direction of the struggle shown to break through the imminent danger of war - Stop Russia's military invasion of Ukraine! - Don't allow US and European imperialists' military intervention!
[2] The SDF's joint field training exercises conducted last November US-Japan joint 'preliminary exercises' for war against China [3] The Belarusian-Polish border The Putin government concocted the plot to send 'immigrants' into Europe - Putin and Lukashenko's counteroffensive against EU states' rulers - The EU's coercive response in the name of 'preventing illegal immigration' - Russia and Western imperialist powers have now entered into a 'pre-war state' [4] Bloody repression of Kazakh workers' uprising and the dispatch of CSTO [Collective Security Treaty Organizarion] troops to Kazakhstan Putin-led Russia scheming to recover the territory of the former Soviet Union - A power struggle in Kazakhstan to drive out the Nazarbayev family - Putin has brought Kazakhstan over to the Russia-centred system - The Putin government hell-bent on strengthening the unity of CSTO An anti-US triangle Khamenei-led Iran building up a common front with China and Russia [5] The 'security clearance' system 'Economic security' against China: The government is promoting a system that prevents the leakage of dual-use technologies Don't allow the construction of a high-level nuclear disposal site in Horonobe! Topics Spring labour offensive in alternative years of Kikan Roren (Japan Federation of Basic Industry Workers' Union, JBU) Just one percent! Denounce the derisory wage increase demands of the labour aristocrats of the steel industry!
No. 2703
(January 31st 2022 Issue)
Come together at the - Denounce the labour aristocrats of Rengo immersed in labour-management consultations over 'investment in people'! - Fight in unity to win a big, across-the-board wage rise! - Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance as a global alliance! Prevent the revision of the Constitution!
'Denounce the US-Japan Security Consultative Committee Meeting!' Zengakuren Okinawa held a protest action at the US consulate, Urasoe, Jan. 8th ![]() (pic) 'Shatter the US-Japan global alliance! Stop the new US base construction in Henoko!' Militant students raising their angry fists 'Let us fight against the restart of Tomari Reactor No. 3!' JRCL called on participants in the 'Sayonara nuke' rally, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Dec. 3rd ![]() (pic) JRCL leaflets received enthusiastic responses [3-4] Putin-led Russia pursuing an ambition to "revive great Rus' " Stop Russia's military invasion of Ukraine! Never allow US and European imperialist powers to make a military intervention! Create a revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the crisis of war mounting amid the 'new East-West cold war'! - Russia stepping up its preparation for invading Ukraine to prevent 'NATO's Eastern expansion' -- 'Hybrid warfare' already launched - US imperialism driven into a predicament - Russia's counteroffensive against America with the aim of overturning the history after the collapse of the USSR -- 'Today's Ivan the Terrible' advocating the revival of 'historical Russia' -- A scheme for 'Eurasian integration' based on alliance-like collusion with China - Never allow Russia to invade Ukraine! Oppose US-led NATO's military intervention! [5] 'Smart factories': abnormal ways of working is imposed on workers - 'Smart glasses' are introduced into bolt-tightening work - Exhausting labour is forced on workers due to the introduction of ICTs - Monopoly capitalists are intent on sacking skilled workers and using 'disposable' workers Topics The latest report of Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] transmits an order to suppress wage hikes Monopoly capitalists have declared their determination to intensify exploitation [6] Interviewing the Chairman and the Chief Secretary of Zengakuren For an explosive upsurge in struggles against constitutional revision and anti-war, anti-Ampo struggles! Zengakuren will fight in the van! - Fierce battles we have been struggling for two years since the outbreak of the pandemic - 30 years after the collapse of the USSR: We've been fighting as we learn from the struggles of Kan'ichi Kuroda Nicaragua's break-off of relations with Taiwan Xi-led China is extending its operations into 'the backyard of US imperialism' The US-Japan and China with Russia are all hell-bent on strengthening their posture for electromagnetic warfare - Jamming, Spoofing and cheating TOP |
Win a big, across-the-board wage rise! I. Mass dismissals and wage cuts amid industrial reorganization and the fights of revolutionary workers A. The reorganization of industries for 'digitalization and decarbonization' ----and the shifting of all burdens onto workers ----- Restructuring implemented by monopoly capitalists and reforms in 'employment, personnel and wage' systems ------- Government support to monopoly capitalists in the name of 'new capitalism' B. Labour aristocrats of Rengo [JTUC] immersed in 'tripartite consultations between the government, labour and management' ----and revolutionary and militant workers struggling strenuously II. Pulverize the offensives of dismissals and wage cuts! Create a militant upsurge of the 2022 shunto [spring labour offensive]! A. Don't allow the leadership of Rengo to destroy the spring labour offensive! ----- Denounce the dissolution of shunto into 'labour-management consultations for restructuring'! B. Don't allow the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] to distort shunto ----into a campaign of 'appealing to the public for requesting the government to raise wages'! ----- Denounce the parliamentarianist distortion of shunto! C. For victory in the 2022 spring labour offensive! ----Crush the Kishida government's machination to revise the Constitution! ----- For a big, across-the-board wage increase! Shatter all the attacks on workers accompanying major restructurings! ------ Oppose the revision of the Constitution! Oppose the massive military buildup and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! [4] An arms race between the US and China colluded with Russia expanding into the arena of outer space - China and Russia are frantic to develop and deploy hypersonic weapons - The US is bent on setting up an observation network of as many as 1,200 small satellites [5] Resolute Dragon 21, the first-ever US-Japan joint military exercise based on the new 'concept of EABO [Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations]', conducted across the Japanese Archipelago in December Unified preparedness for combat against China is being built [6] 'Stop the constitutional revision!' Voices echoed throughout the country Nagoya, December 19th 'Stop the constitutional revision!' Aichi Univ. and Nagoya Univ. students strived in the forefront of workers and citizens
Fukuoka, December 14th 'Stop the revision of the Constitution!' JRCL staged a resolute protest in front of the local LDP office
Kanazawa, December 16th 'Let us oppose the US-Japan global alliance!' The enthusiastic call of the JRCL Hokuriku Regional Committee was met with warm responses
'Stop the construction of a high-level nuclear disposal site in Horonobe!' Jointly with workers, farmers and citizens, militant students fought in the 'Horonobe Day' action in Hokkaido, November 23rd - Don't allow the Kishida government and Japan Atomic Energy Agency to start the construction of a new facility 500 metres underground!
[7] New Year's resolutions (Part 3) The Chugoku Regional Committee The Electric Industrial Workers Committee The Mass Communication Workers Committee The Small and Medium Enterprise Workers Committee [8] Declining US imperialism frantic to roll back China (Part 2) D. The declining militarist empire approaching to its end - Rising of inflation and the impoverishment of workers and the masses E. The deepening antagonism and split within the American ruling class TOP |
No. 2701
(January 17th 2022 Issue)
Shatter the revision of the Constitution,
Central Student Orgburo
I. The impending crisis of a hot war amid the 'new cold war' between the US and China with Russia - The head-on clash between the US and China (and Russia) for world hegemony in the 21st century II. The revision of the Constitution and the strengthening of the military alliance: the Kishida-led Japanese government's ultra-reactionary offensives III. Abysmal degeneration of the existing opposition movements and revolutionary fights of Zengakuren IV. Create an enormous upsurge in the anti-constitutional revision, antiwar / anti-Ampo, and anti-fascist struggles! A. Denounce the central leadership of the Japanese Communist Party for abandoning opposition to Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]! B. Create a storm of revolutionary antiwar struggle! Oppose the Kishida government's imposition of sacrifices on toiling people in the name of 'new capitalism'! Denounce the destruction of the global environment by US, European and Japanese imperialism as well as Chinese neo-Stalinism! [5] Declining US imperialism frantic to roll back China (Part 1) A. The Biden administration is desperate to counter the 'tied-up challenge' of China and Russia - A scheme to build an Asian version of NATO B. An ostentatious ceremony desperate to make an appearance of the 'unity of democracies' C. Enclosure of technologies for dual use (military and civilian) and acceleration of US-China decoupling [6-7] New Year's resolutions (Part 2) The Hokkaido Regional Committee The Kansai Regional Committee The Tokai Regional Committee The District General Workers Committee The Education Workers Committee The Social Welfare Workers Committee The Heavy Industrial Workers Committee The Metal Industrial Workers Committee [8] 'No to Yama Sakura 81, a US-Japan joint command post exercise!' Militant students of the Kansai region strived in the van of the protest December 11th, Itami, Hyogo Prefecture The largest ever US-Japan joint command post exercise conducted on the supposition of a ''Taiwan emergency'
'Stop "Resolute Dragon 21", a US-Japan bilateral military exercise!' Zengakuren and antiwar youths in Hokkaido rose in protest December 8th, in front of the SDF drill ground gate in Yausubetsu, Hokkaido
Okinawa, Yamaguchi and Hiroshima prefectures hit by mass Covid-19 infections spread from local US military bases - US troops entered Japan without taking Covid-19 tests on grounds of SOFA (Status of Forces Agreement) based on Ampo (US-Japan Security Treaty) - Don't allow the rulers of the US and Japan to make preparations for war against China! - Let us fight firmly with the aim of removing all the US bases and repealing Ampo! TOP |