The Executive Committee for the 46th International Antiwar Assembly
The 46th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan |
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The Okinawa regional meeting | The Hokkaido regional meeting |
Overseas Appeal for the 46th International Antiwar Assembly |
Let us create an international antiwar struggle!
(A) Oppose the worldwide deployment of US missile defences! Oppose the newly started competitive build-up of nuclear military power between the US and China-Russia! The American imperialist administration of President George W. Bush is bogged down with successive defeats in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, despite its reinforcements drafted on the pretext of a 'war on terror'. It is now plunged into complete isolation from the rest of the world. At home it is faced with a serious depression, or rather, is on the verge of a dramatic collapse of its economic foundation, caused by skyrocketing international oil prices, one of the results of the forcible invasion of Iraq and its defeat, and by the breakdown of its financial system, and further a sharp decline in the dollar, triggered by soaring subprime loan defaults. All this has led to the collapse of its imperialist domination over the world as the 'sole superpower'. In a desperate bid to gloss over and circumnavigate this impasse, the Bush administration is hell-bent on deploying missile defences in Poland and the Czech Republic, as well as in Japan, with the aim of maintaining its overwhelming ascendancy in nuclear military power at any cost. The American power holders, who consider China and Russia to be their main enemies that threaten their dominance over the world, are determined to build up worldwide missile defence (MD) systems in a bid to overwhelm these two states militarily. They have launched this scheme to 'disable' Chinese and Russian intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs). They are forcing their allies in Europe and Asia to participate in, cooperate with and conform to their plan. The power holders of EU countries, however, have indirectly put a brake on the US-led move towards the deployment of missile defences in Central Europe by defining it as an integral part, not of the US-made scheme but of a 'future NATO-wide missile defence architecture'. European rulers have taken heed of Putin's Russia, which is offering strenuous resistance to the US plan and is even adopting a 'brinkmanship policy' to foil it. Likewise, newly inaugurated South Korean president Lee Myung Bak, who on the surface stressed the need 'to redefine the US-ROK alliance', has also rejected deployment in his country. While the Bush Empire has got itself into an impasse, the Fukuda government in Japan alone is giving full support to the US plan for MD systems, as it is tightly chained up with the US-Japan security alliance. Hand in hand with the Bush administration, this LDP (Liberal Democratic Party) government is implementing a succession of reactionary schemes, including the establishment of US Force headquarters to command a nuclear war in the eastern hemisphere in the form of the Bilateral Joint Operations Coordination Centre (BJOCC) in Yokota on the outskirts of Tokyo, the provision of the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier USS George Washington in Yokosuka to make it serve as a floating command base on the sea, and the deployment of missile defence armaments such as SAMs (ship-to-air missiles) and PAC-3s (Patriot Advanced Capability 3s) along with a full range of equipment for a global intelligence and communications network. Throughout the country, combined and integrated US-Japanese forces are continually engaged in joint military exercises with the aim of technologically improving the missile shield. Japan is now placed on a quasi-war footing against China and Russia. In competition with American imperialists who are bent on building up their worldwide MD systems, Chinese and Russian rulers are also reinforcing their nuclear military capabilities. By trampling down the protests of workers and toiling people all over the world against the military build-up, they have embarked on an arms race in outer space. Thus our world in the 21st century faces an impending crisis - the threat of a third World War - exacerbated by an intensifying scramble for natural resources and food between the imperialist powers of the US-Japan-Europe and China-Russia. Why is this state of affairs permitted? Because both the antiwar/peace movement and the labour movement in Japan are still under the control of labour aristocrats, who are at the helm of trade unions affiliated to the Japan Trade Union Confederation (Rengo), and that of the Japanese Communist Party, a party of converted Stalinists, and so are grossly distorted into something that gives priority to 'national defence'. We, revolutionary Japanese workers and students, call on our comrades all over the world! Rise now to create an international antiwar struggle in all countries against the US imperialists' worldwide deployment of missile defences, and against the build-up of nuclear military strength by the rulers of China and Russia in competition with the US. Here in Japan, we have been advancing our struggle against war and the US-Japan military alliance assiduously by overcoming the degeneration of the official leadership of opposition movements. We are resolved to stand in the forefront of this international struggle. (B) Strike a final blow at the Bush Empire! The Bush-led militarist empire of America is now suffering from the total collapse of its unipolar domination of the world, having brought wars of aggression and poverty upon toiling masses all over the world. This empire, however, is now trying frantically to wriggle out of the morass it has created. In Iraq, their decisive operation, carried out forcibly by the occupying forces - with the Iraqi army of the Maliki government deployed in the forefront - to wipe out the Mahdi Army, an anti-American Shiite militia led by cleric Muqtada al-Sadr, has ended in complete failure. Or rather, it has resulted in the consolidation of the Iranian government's political influence on the Iraqi government as well as Shiite and Sunnite forces, since Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's offer to act as mediator between the Maliki government and the Sadr group turned out to be successful. This should be the worst result for the Bush administration, which is even contriving to topple the present Iranian government under the pretext of 'preventing its nuclear development'. Nations described by Bush as US allies in the 'Coalition of the Willing' have made a rush to withdraw their troops from the field of battle. The Empire has become stuck in a bottomless quagmire of civil war between Shiite and Sunnite forces, which the US itself instigated. Even while issuing its death cry, it is still continuing with its occupation and the brutal killing of Iraqi people. In Afghanistan, too, the defeat of the US occupying forces is obvious. President Karzai, a puppet of US imperialists, has been forced into a tight corner by the Taliban, who have regained their strength. He narrowly escaped an assassination attempt by the Taliban using secret agents they have established within the government. The US-led International Security Assistance Forces (ISAF), the 'heretical' allied forces that have been trampling down this country, the poorest of all Islamic countries, are now kept on the defensive by fierce guerrilla attacks from Taliban and al-Qaeda forces. The puppet Karzai government, a 'local government' which merely confines itself to the capital Kabul, is on the verge of collapse. Frenzied US forces have gone so far as to launch air raids by crossing national borders, on tribal areas in Pakistan, which they regard as 'safe heavens for the Taliban', and perpetrate indiscriminate murders of Afghan and Pakistani people. This brutal act has even led to an armed conflict with the newly inaugurated Pakistani government, which has antipathy towards the US government. In Palestine as well as in Lebanon, bloodthirsty assaults on Muslim people, atrocious offensives that the Bush Empire has launched by instigating the Zionist state of Israel, have totally failed. Bush's round visit to Middle Eastern countries intended to stage 'peace in the Middle East' - a plot to mark the last days of his presidency - ended in fiasco due to his own stupidity. He hailed Israel as a 'promised land for God's chosen people' and provoked an angry response from all the rulers of Arab countries, including Saudi Arabia. In opposition to these shabby, last-ditch attempts by the idiot Bush, a region-wide encircling net against imperialist America and Zionist Israel is now steadily being formed, on the initiative of the Iranian Ahmadinejad government, and in the strengthened bond between Hamas in Palestine, Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Syrian government and the Shiite-led Iraqi government. Chinese and Russian rulers, who intend to break the domination of American imperialism over the Middle East and take its oil-related interests away, are propping up and giving various support to the 'anti-American' governments of Iran and Syria, as well as to those of Saudi Arabia and other oil-producing countries that intend to distance themselves from the US and its dollar. Thus, the evil stratagem of the Bush Empire to dominate the Middle East, according to which it has attempted to plunder oil resources and has continued to murder Muslim people at will in the name of a 'war on terror' since the start of its invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 followed by that of Iraq in 2003, has gone totally bankrupt. This is precisely what Bush, the mad cowboy president who has inflicted a succession of wars of aggression according to the 'strategy of pre-emptive strike' under the pretext of a 'war on terror' by basing himself on the neo-conservative idea of unilateralism, has brought upon himself. This is not all. Hit by a grave economic crisis, this 'world's sole military superpower' now finds itself shaken to its foundations, as it is faced with a serious breakdown of its economic base, the very basis for its economic and financial dominance over the world. A chain reaction triggered by the subprime loan debacle - the uncontrollable turmoil in the international financial system, the declining dollar and soaring oil prices - has precipitated the US economy into recession. Because of the spiralling progression of all of these, the dollar system in itself, the economic base for US domination over the world as the 'sole superpower', is now on the verge of its final collapse. Business practices akin to fraud - subprime home loans, to which many poor people have fallen victim, and the securitization of these risky mortgages to sell in the form of RMBSs (residential mortgage-backed securities) or CDOs (collateralized debt obligations) - have naturally gone bankrupt. This major bankruptcy has set off another steep decline: financial derivative products as a whole, including LBOs (leveraged buyouts) and CDSs (credit default swaps), have gone into free fall. This has brought about a total loss of international confidence in US financial institutions, which could even spark international financial panic at any moment. This is a truly welcome development, in the sense that it has brought to light the total bankruptcy of financial alchemy, which American imperialists invented under the cover of 'financial engineering'. Today' s American state monopoly capitalism in the form of casino capitalism, which has survived so far by resorting solely to this financial alchemy in patching up the hollowing out of its manufacturing sectors and huge current account deficits, has been pronounced to be at its historical end. This tolls the death knell for the hegemony of imperialist USA, which has forced neo-liberalist reforms and political as well as military subordination on every other country with the aim of winning the whole world for its market. The Bush administration's scheme to deploy missile defences worldwide is the last-ditch attempt of this 'world's sole militarist superpower' to tide over its mortal crisis. So is its neo-colonialist economic invasion of developing countries in a new form on the pretext of protecting the global environment and by means of 'CO2 emissions trading'. (C) Oppose the imperialist powers of the US, Japan and Europe forcing poverty and environmental destruction on developing countries! The combination of imperialist America's bankruptcy in its financial system, the steep decline in the dollar, skyrocketing international oil prices and economic recession is now developing into a 'simultaneous worldwide depression spreading outwards from the USA'. Since the governments of developed capitalist countries have remodelled their politico-economic structures into those of casino capitalism in the name of globalization based on the Yankee imperialist ideology of neo-liberalism, they are now suffering on the whole from economic difficulties due to a domino-effect financial crisis and price hikes (or inflation). Under the slogans of 'deregulation' and 'privatization' of public sectors, the monopoly bourgeoisie and their governments in developed countries have mounted reactionary offensives against workers and toiling people: mass layoffs, the extensive introduction of temporary employment, deprivation of labour rights, deterioration of working conditions, and wage cuts. These governments tout the principle of a 'small government and a strong state', while making it a major premise to secure a tremendous amount of military expenditure. On the one hand, they have adopted policies of reducing corporation taxes and promoting the restructuring of corporate organizations for the purpose of supporting monopoly capitalists in large-scale enterprises. On the other hand, they have been bent on relaxing labour standards and reducing public social security services. Now that the world is sinking into a slump, capitalists in each country are sacking their employees on a mass scale. Supported by their governments' strengthening of the above-mentioned reactionary measures, they are throwing workers out into the street in succession, while drastically raising the prices of food and other daily necessaries. Thus, in developed countries, the number of temporary workers (called the 'working poor') is increasing dramatically. These workers are exposed to hopeless impoverishment. So are socially vulnerable people such as the jobless, aged and disabled. All this is also a result of labour aristocrats permitting these reactionary offensives. In Japan, the Fukuda government has forcibly introduced a merciless medical insurance system (dubbed the policy of 'deserting the elderly'), which imposes a heavier burden on elderly people by not only deducting higher premiums from their pension benefits but also increasing their contributions for treatment, disregarding the fact that they are making ends meet on their small pensions alone. In developing countries in Asia, Africa and Latin America, which are now incorporated into the US-led 'global market', multinational monopoly capitalist corporations from the US, Japan and Europe are pressing governments in each county to accept poor standards of labour conditions and bad environmental standards, which could hardly be permitted even in their home countries. They are thus forcing local toiling people to endure harsh exploitation, ruthless expropriation, health damage and environmental destruction. Global warming, an outcome of industrialization in the 20th century, is now melting the Arctic ice cap and causing profound changes in the earth's climate, such as simultaneous occurrences of droughts and major typhoons, cyclones or hurricanes. Because of a steep rise in grain and other food prices - which has been brought about by a general slump in agricultural production due to these climate changes, as well as soaring oil prices, and has also been promoted by speculative dealings by financial gamblers (including US and European hedge funds) - a great number of people are threatened with starvation, unable to buy food. This is also because American imperialism has been forcing other countries' governments to 'liberalize' imports of agricultural products. To make matters worse, under the protection of the Bush administration and its policy of converting automobile fuel to bio-ethanol, US monopolies of agribusiness are rushing to step up the production of maize for bio-ethanol, with a resultant cut in the production of wheat and soybeans. This has brought about a rapid rise in international grain prices and has brought starvation to many people in developing countries that depend on grain imports from the US, especially those in the so-called poorest countries. Political horse-trading among imperialist rulers in the world over reductions in carbon dioxide in the name of 'measures to cope with global warming' has in itself been accelerating the increase in the number of starving people and the progression of environmental destruction. Imperialists of the US, Japan, and EU countries are pressing rulers of BRICs (Brazil, Russia, India and China) to reduce CO2 emissions, while they themselves are overtly or covertly permitting their own manufacturing monopolies to continue enormous emissions of CO2. Worse still, these monopolies have embarked upon a new moneymaking venture, namely the development of 'eco-friendly technologies' (e.g. energy-saving technologies and those of alternative energies in place of oil). They are engaging in fierce competition with each other to export these technologies in the name of 'emissions trading'. In fact, they are absorbed in 'planting' these technologies, which could reap them huge profits, in developing countries, calling this procedure a 'clean development mechanism (CDM)'. On top of that, international hedge funds are rushing to securitize 'emissions quotas' and their trade in the form of derivatives in pursuit of opportunities to make more money through speculation. Furthermore, our government in Japan, as well as those of the US and France, have again started to encourage dangerous nuclear power generation by falsely calling it 'an eco-friendly, clean energy'. Under the wing of their governments, nuclear industry monopolies in these countries are so eager to sell their nuclear plants in China, India, Brazil and oil-rich Arab countries. Without a doubt, the Group of Eight summit, or the so-called 'environment summit', to be held in Japan from July 7th to 9th, will be an arena for both the imperialist power holders of the US, Japan and the EU, and the rulers of China, Russia and the group of emerging economies and developing countries led by China and Russia, to press 'measures to reduce CO2 emissions' upon each other and thus accelerate environmental destruction under the slogan of 'protecting the global environment'. The coming summit meeting, to be held beside Lake Toya in Hokkaido, a site of entrancing scenic beauty, will surely turn out to be a place for ugly bargaining over 'emissions trading', sales war for new eco-businesses, and a scramble for grains and mineral resources, between the three blocks of (1) the US and Japan, (2) EU countries (led by France, Germany and Britain), and (3) economically rising countries. It will merely serve as a springboard for promoting the destruction of the global environment. With the Olympic games in Beijing near at hand, Hu Jintao's China was recently hit by the Great Sichuan earthquake. The disaster occurred during a revolt by the Tibetan people. This calamity, which claimed more than 80,000 lives and instantly transformed this region into a hell on earth, laid bare the dark side of China, a 'capitalist state' that still harbours the pretence of socialism. Buildings of shoddy construction with no reinforcement, deficient supplies of water, electricity and gas, and poor disaster relief operations - all of these revealed that the remarkable growth of the Chinese economy (symbolized by the booming cities of Shanghai and Beijing) rests on the abandonment, or victimization of poor toiling people in rural and remote regions. This bespeaks the anti-proletarian nature of the state capitalism that the Chinese government has created, by means of its policy for 'transformation to capitalism from above'. The earthquake has exposed to the light of day that the implementation of this policy by the government of the converted Stalinist bureaucracy has brought forth a tremendous gap between the rich (a handful of capitalists and bureaucrats) and the poor (workers and toiling people), a widening economic gap between urban and rural areas, and awful destruction of the environment. It is just like Hurricane Katrina that hit the southern part of the US three years ago, thus unsparingly revealing the dark side of America's 'prosperity'. As for Russia, Putin, who was able to fulfil his ambition to reinstate Russia as 'a world power' thanks to a steep rise in international oil prices, has further consolidated his system of autocratic rule by placing Dmitry Medvedev in the post of President. The Russian government is vying with the US, Canada and Norway over the reserves of petroleum and natural gas on the seabed of the Arctic Ocean, gloating at the melting of its ice due to the global warming. The world is now witnessing the start of an environmental = economic war, i.e. economic war connected with conflicts over environmental issues, between the three poles: (1) the US and Japan, (2) the EU, and (3) China and Russia. These imperialist states and the BRIC nations are struggling with each other for economic dominance over developing countries and for the lion's share of natural resources under the cover of 'protecting the environment'. We call on working people all over the world. Let us oppose the new form of neocolonialist invasion of developing countries by the US, European and Japanese imperialist powers on the pretext of 'protecting the global environment'. Never let them force starvation and environmental destruction on these countries. Oppose the Chinese and Russian governments' acts of plundering natural resources and promoting environmental destruction in competition with imperialist states. (D) Fight now for a surge of international antiwar struggle! Comrades all over the world! In this 21st century, we are confronted with the seeds of another world war. US imperialism is deploying missile defences worldwide, while China and Russia are steadily strengthening their nuclear military capabilities, including an arms race in outer space, in rivalry with the US. Imperialist powers of the US, Japan and Europe are making economic inroads into developing countries through eco-business struggles and bitter competition over speculation under the cover of 'protecting the global environment', while the 'allied' emerging economies led by China and Russia are competing with the former. World powers are intensifying a mad scramble for food and resources, while starvation and poverty are spreading on an unprecedented scale. The seeds of war present in the contemporary world are growing and spreading day by day. This crisis on a global scale is intensifying as we speak, with its epicentre in the conflict between three blocks: (1) the declining empire of America and its poodle, Japan, (2) the countries of the continental EU led by the Franco-German axis, and (3) the group of emerging economies with China and Russia at their head. War, poverty and environmental destruction are inseparably combined with each other in every sense. Worldwide poverty and environmental destruction forced by imperialism have aroused angry revolts by workers and toiling people, while imperialist armies are perpetrating massacres and state-machinated acts of terror to suppress and upset these revolts. Workers and other people in Europe, Asia, Latin America and the rest of the world, as well as Muslim people in the Middle East, are waging indomitable struggles. Yet, in almost all developed capitalist countries, degenerate leaders of the labour movement (who have undergone 'establishmentarianization') are oppressing these struggles and supporting the brutalities of imperialism. This is precisely the tragedy of the 21st century, brought about by the prolongation, albeit deformed, of the life of contemporary imperialism, having been freed from its yoke with the collapse of Stalinism and supplemented by converted Stalinism. We must stop this tragedy and break through the crisis of warfare caused by the newly started competition for nuclear military build-up between the US and China-Russia. In order to create genuine working class-based power to realize this, the Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) is fighting resolutely in Japan by bringing to light the criminal nature of converted Stalinists, inheritors of the 'negative legacy' of Stalinism. We shall never permit the bureaucracy of China, who still hold up 'socialism' but are in fact accelerating the transformation of its politico-economic structure to 'state capitalism'. Neither shall we let the Japanese Communist Party praise and follow them. Japan is the only country in world history that has ever suffered the horrors of atomic bombs, dropped on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by American imperialism in the closing stages of the Second World War. From this country, we call on our comrades all over the world. We call on our comrades all over the world. Let us join forces and create an international antiwar struggle to break through the emerging crisis of warfare. Fight in solidarity against the stormy offensives of neo-liberal reaction, against the coercion of poverty, and against the extreme destruction of the global environment caused by imperialist powers, as well as China, Russia and other states under the rule of converted Stalinists! The revolutionary left, workers, people all over the world! Stand up to break through the dire crisis of warfare, absolute pauperization and the destruction of the global environment in the 21st century! (July 1st, 2008) |
Messages of solidarity from foreign friends |
The Assembly received 17 messages from 10
foreign countries. The Executive Committee
thanks the following organizations / individuals
for their letters encouraging international
solidarity. - Revolutionary Marxists in Britain - Tavini Huiraatira No Te Ao Maohi - Front de Libération de la Polynésie - The Humanist Party, the Czech Republic - Vladimir Pronin, Ukrainian Intellectuals for Socialism - David McReynolds, former Chair of the War Resisters International, the USA - News and Letters Committees, the USA - The Workers Revolutionary Party (EEK), Greece - A World To Win, Britain - Northstar Compass, Canada - The International Coordination of Leninist Trotskyist Fraction (FLT) - The Permanent Revolution Collective - The Russian Workers' Communist Party-Russian Party of Communists (RWCP-RPC) - RWCP-RPC Tumen Regional Committee - RWCP-RPC Sverdlovsk Regional Committee - N. Morgnova, Tula, Russia - The Communist Party of the Soviet Union - The Regional Party of Communists (Leningrad) ¨Revolutionary Marxists in Britain July 24th 2008, London,
Britain We,
Revolutionary Marxists in Britain, send our comradely greetings to the 46th
Anti-War Assembly. We declare our
solidarity with the struggle of the workers of Japan and of the world against
war, poverty and environmental destruction. In Britain, the
"Labour" Prime Minister Gordon Brown continues the foreign policy of his
predecessor Tony Blair, often depicted as the "poodle" of George
Bush. Brown declared in his one-day visit to Iraq on that he wanted the
withdrawal of British troops — but only once
certain 'objectives' were met. This is no different from the position of George
Bush. Brown means
that the troops will stay until the Iraqi people become subservient to the objectives
of imperialism. The resistance of the Iraqi people means that this will not happen. In Britain, the
working class is resisting attempts to impose a cut in real wages by keeping
pay rises below inflation. The strike of 500,000 local government workers on 16
and 17 July is the latest manifestation of this resistance. Militant trade
unionists increasingly demand that unions end their affiliation to the Labour
Party and form a new workers' party. Working class
families have been compelled to buy rather than rent their homes because of the
end to building of houses by local councils. The collapse in house prices and
rising interest rates on home loans have pushed many working class homeowners
into poverty. The rise in the price of fuel and food continues and makes it
difficult for millions of working class people to afford necessities. Meanwhile the
government continues its doctrinaire policy of privatising public services. The
British Medical Association, which represents doctors, has expressed horror at
the proposed further privatisation of health services. In education, the
privately financed "academies'' perform badly and expel ''difficult''
pupils. As the Overseas
Appeal for the Assembly states, it is the working class that can end war and
poverty. For this, the working class needs a revolutionary leadership. We
declare our solidarity with the Japan Revolutionary Communist League in its
struggle to build such a leadership. We support the principles of Revolutionary
Marxism as developed by the JRCL and set out in the works of the late Comrade
Kan'ichi Kuroda. Revolutionary Marxism is the basis on which communists can
build the leadership that will enable the working class to fulfil its
revolutionary role. ¨ TAVINI HUIRAATIRA NO TE AO MAOHI ― The Liberation Front of Polynesia (F.L.P) 26 Juillet 2008,
Papeete, French Polynesia (Te Ao Maohi) A nos frères et sœurs de lutte et
participants du Congrès Au nom du Président, Monsieur Oscar
Manutahi TEMARU et de tous les militants du Tavini Huiraatira, nous adressons
nos sincères salutations nationalistes et fraternelles à tous ceux et celles
présents aujourd’hui, à ce 46ème congrès. Nous remercions les organisateurs pour
l’invitation faite au peuple polynésien, afin que ce dernier puisse venir
exprimer la situation politique déplorable dans laquelle il évolue et déclarer
son soutien à tous les membres actifs de ce congrès. Le Président de la République
française, Nicolas SARKOZY, déclarait l’an dernier (le 25 septembre 2007) à
New-York, sa volonté que «les droits des peuples à disposer d’eux-mêmes» soient
totalement respectés dans le monde entier. Or, nous (Peuple Maohi) sommes
encore témoins et victimes des agissements pro colonialistes français dans
notre pays. En effet, après avoir subi la décision
du Général DE GAULLE d’implanter un centre d’expérimentation atomique en
Polynésie, période allant de 1966 à 1996, sans qu’aucune mesures de sécurité
civile et sanitaire efficaces ne soient prises; aujourd’hui nous devons encore
accepter les déclarations des émissaires français: Estrosi et Jégo
(consécutivement Secrétaires d’Etat en charge des territoires d’Outre-mer
français) et De La Gravière (Délégué à la Sureté Nucléaire pour le Ministère de
la Défense), quant à l’innocuité de leurs essais nucléaires dans notre ciel et
dans notre sol. De plus, nous devons accepter que notre
avenir politique, avec toutes les répercussions économiques, culturelles et
sociales qui en découlent, soit décidé à plus de 20,000 kms de notre «fenua»
(pays). Cette attitude et bien d’autres,
traduisent le manque de considération de l’Etat des Droits de l’Homme pour le
peuple Maohi, peuple déraciné, spolié et anesthésié par les beaux discours d’un
président qui n’a pour première préoccupation que de maintenir la France dans
le rang des grandes puissances économiques et politiques, au détriment de «ses
petits territoiresd’Outre-mer ». Les agissements de tous les états
impérialistes, présents notamment dans le G8, comme les Etats-Unis (pour ne
citer qu’eux) doivent être dénoncés. Car au-delà de nos propres inquiétudes,
nous nous accordons avec tous les peuples de notre belle planète, afin que tous
puissions enfin vivre dans la paix, la justice, la fraternité et la liberté. Dans une mobilisation permanente,
tentons d’éveiller la conscience collective, afin que les comportements
irresponsables de ces chefs d’Etat cautionnant la destruction de notre unique
habitat la Terre, changent impérativement.
Que nos enfants ne soient plus les
victimes de tous les bouleversements économiques, sociaux, culturels et
climatiques que nous subissons. «Notre
terre est notre demeure, celle de nos enfants». A vous tous, frères et sœurs, dans la
solidarité la plus totale, continuons notre lutte pour préserver cette demeure
et défendre les droits et la liberté de tous les peuples affamés et opprimés. Bon courage et bonne continuation dans
vos travaux. Recevez, encore une fois, de la part du
Peuple Maohi, notre soutien et notre amitié. «Ia ora te
Tiamaraa!» Vive la Liberté! Maurea MAAMAATUAIAHUTAPU-LE CAILL ¨ Czech Humanist Party July
29th, 2008, Prague, Czech Republic Dear friends,
send you very warm greetings and a message of solidarity in our common
struggle. As you probably know, the Czech Humanist Party has been very active in
the disarmament efforts for more than a decade. We have been protesting against
tests of Nuclear weapons conducted by France in 1995, we have been campaigning
for nuclear disarmament in 2006 and for the past two years we have been very
active in the Czech movement against the planned US Missile Defense radar. Two
thirds of Czechs oppose this project and so we will do all we can to prevent
our government from betraying us. We have united with other 60 groups and
organizations and we are resisting this military-industry project from being
implemented. I believe that together we can win this battle. With the recent increase in armament and the “War on Terror“, we now
live in a world where it is important more than ever before to cooperate across
boundaries, overcoming cultural and other differences and focusing all of us on
the common goal of living in peace in a sustainable world. Therefore we are very pleased to have the opportunity to send this
message of support and solidarity to you. I would like to take this opportunity and invite you to this year’s
European Humanist Forum, which is titled “The Strength of Non-violence” and
which will take place on October 17-19 in Milan, Italy. Although this will be
mostly a platform for Europeans to discuss their plans and future, we will be
more than happy to have guests from other continents as well. It is important
that we strengthen the links among us even more and the forum is a very good
opportunity for that. You can find out more at With very warm and sincere greetings Jan Tamas, Ph.D. chairman Humanist Party ¨Владимир Пронин член президиума Антифашистского комитета Украины член
президиума Общественного объединения «Интеллигенция Украины за социализм» 24 июля 2008, Киев, Украина Единство антиимпериалистических сил достигается в
совместной борьбе 46-я интернациональная антивоенная, антиимпериалистическая конференции,
которой хочу искренне пожелать успешной работы, собралась в условиях, когда от
единства действий антиимпериалистических сил зависят судьбы всего человечества.
В последнее время в рядах международного коммунистического движения все
чаще раздаются призывы к возрождению нового Коммунистического Интернационала.
Думается, сейчас это вряд ли достижимо, учитывая слишком большие расхождения в
вопросах идеологии, стратегии и тактики политической борьбы, во взглядах на
прошлую эпоху социалистического и коммунистического движения. В связи с этим
все отряды международного коммунистического движения могут и должны стремиться
к максимально возможной координации своих действий в борьбе за общие для них
цели. Такой объединяющей общей целью в нынешнюю эпоху может стать
антиимпериалистическая борьба, жесткое противостояние империалистической угрозе
прогрессивному развитию человечества. Те политические силы, которые объявляют
себя коммунистическими, но фактически давно уже перешли на
социал-демократические рельсы (классические социал-демократические партии в
нашу эпоху стали обычными буржуазными партиями), скорей всего, поддержат эту
борьбу, но только на словах, а на практике от этого будут уходить под любыми,
порой, самыми благовидными предлогами. Но тем самым они продемонстрируют свою
истинную сущность и в конечном итоге полностью разоблачат себя в глазах
рабочего класса и всех трудящихся. Совместные же усилия всех действительно коммунистических сил в
антиимпериалистической борьбе будут способствовать их дальнейшему сплочению.
Кроме того, в ходе совместной борьбы они смогут избавиться от многих подозрений
и недоверия друг к другу, накопившихся за предыдущие годы, и в итоге, вполне
возможно, смогут выработать те формы объединения, которые на данном этапе
удовлетворят все или почти все политические силы коммунистической
направленности. Эта совместная борьба имеет тем большие шансы на успех сейчас, когда
антиимпериалистические противоречия не только не ослабевают, но все более
обостряются. Разве можно сравнить то единство империалистических разбойников,
которое позволило им растерзать Югославию в конце прошлого века, с тем
состоянием межимпериалистических отношений, которое мы наблюдает менее чем
десять лет спустя? И в первую очередь следует отметить дальнейшее падение влияния мирового
жандарма нашей эпохи – Соединенных Штатов Америки. Дело дошло до того, что в
самой цитадели американского империализма открыто заговорили о конце лидерства
США в мировой империалистической системе. Даже такой прожженный финансовый
спекулянт, как мультимиллиардер Джордж Сорос, в недавнем интервью немецкой
газете «Die Welt» говорит как о свершившемся факте: «Миропорядок (как его
понимали империалисты - В.П.)
рассчитан на США как ведущую державу. Но США потерпели крах, в результате чего
прежний мировой миропорядок распался и практически перестало существовать то,
что мы всегда называли Западом». И далее он еще раз подчеркивает: «США уже не
лидер». Ни в коей степени не переоценивая роль и значение этих противоречий,
далеко еще не антагонистических, для будущего освобождения человечества от
капиталистического рабства, мы в то же время не можем не использовать их в
нашей общей антиимпериалистической борьбе. Еще одним фактом, подтверждающим ослабление влияния США, является тот факт,
что даже непосредственные усилия самого президента США Буша не позволили
добиться на саммите НАТО в Бухаресте решения о начале процесса присоединения к
НАТО любимых режимов своих ставленников – Саакашвили (Грузия) и Ющенко (Украина)!
Да, попытки откровенного американского ставленника и буржуазного националиста
Ющенко, ставшего президентом Украины в результате «оранжевой революции»,
инспирированной, оплаченной и организованной США, вызвало бурную реакцию на
Украине и массовые антинатовские и антиамериканские выступления, эхо которых
прокатилось по всему миру и стало основной причиной неудачи Буша в Бухаресте. Но сам факт позорного поражения США, ранее распоряжавшегося в НАТО, как в
собственном доме, неоспорим. Следует учесть и то, что влияние США в Европе в
значительной степени в последнее время зиждилось и зиждется до сих пор на
холуйском послушании капитализаторских режимов постсоциалистических стран
Восточной Европы. Так вот – в Бухаресте против диктата США впервые выступило
правительство одной из таких стран – Венгрии. Разумеется, вновь и вновь мы должны подчеркнуть решающую роль
непрекращающегося героического сопротивления народов Ирака и Афганистана
жестокой империалистической агрессии США и их союзников по империалистическому
разбою в усилении антиимпериалистических сил по всему миру. Японские трудящиеся ведут мужественную борьбу против размещения элементов
системы противоядерной обороны (ПРО) в Японии и в странах Восточной Европы,
установку которой американская пропаганда объясняет … угрозой со стороны
Северной Кореи и Ирана. Конечно, только совсем уже зомбированный
империалистической пропагандой и вообще недалекий человек способен поверить в
этот бред сумасшедшего. Любой нормальный, мало-мальски разбирающийся в политике
человек понимает, что настоящей целью этих поползновений есть окружение России
и Китая и стремление прикрыть свои войска от угрозы возможного ответного удара
в случае агрессии против этих стран. В свою очередь трудящиеся Украины ведут борьбу против втягивания Украины в
НАТО, так как понимают, что вступление ее в этот агрессивный блок будет
использовано для провокаций против России, тогда как США и их
империалистические союзники в случае необходимости будут оставаться как бы в
стороне, что в конечном итоге усилит позиции империализма. Таким образом, два направления борьбы антиимпериалистических сил Японии,
Украины, других стран Европы и Азии, всего остального мира сливаются в общем
русле борьбы с агрессивной внешней политикой мирового империализма. Достигаемое
таким образом единство действий приведет в конечном итоге к победе сил
социализма и прогресса над мировым империализмом. Империализм силен и достигает
своих целей только тогда, когда ему удается осуществлять на практике свой
старый циничный принцип: «Разделяй и властвуй!». В противном случае он обречён. ¨David McReynolds July 9th 2008, New York,
USA Dear
co-workers, Thank you for
sending notice of your August 3rd Assembly in Tokyo and regional meetings
elsewhere. We have many
areas of agreement, as well as differences in approach. My own position is that
there are many Japanese forces with which I want to work, including yours. I
think there is determination in the minds of many Japanese that we need to
build an international framework that will be opposed, categorically, to the
nuclear weapons of any nation, and will strive to disarm the nuclear powers,
starting with the nation which first developed and used nuclear weapons - the
United States of America. I believe in
the philosophy of nonviolence as taught by Mohandas Gandhi, and as carried into
action here in my country by American Blacks in their struggle against
segregation. I believe, deeply, that the means we use will determine the ends,
and in that spirit I hope for an openness of heart and mind as we explore how
to deal with the great organizational and institutional evils we face, and to
do so while never dehumanizing the men and women who are trapped within those
institutions. The men and
women from the US armed forces, currently fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan, are
carrying out acts which are often nothing but criminal - yet the real target
must not be those men and women, but the institutions which launched those
invasions. For dialogue
at all times, joint action where possible, I send my warm greetings, David
McReynolds, former Chair,
War Resisters International Socialist
Party USA candidate for President, 1980 and 2000. ¨ News & Letters August 2, 2008, Chicago, USA Dear Comrades: The members of News and Letters
Committees, the U.S. Marxist-Humanist organization founded by Raya Dunayevskaya
52 years ago, send our revolutionary greetings to the 46th International
Antiwar Assembly meeting in Japan. It is with special pride that we call
attention to our long-established solidarity with you in the international
antiwar struggle. We also note with pride the 1964
Japanese translation and publication of Marxism
and Freedom, for which that solidarity had been responsible. What was
crucial to us was that the identification of both Russia and China as
state-capitalist societies would not stop at the economic analysis but continue
to a recognition and embrace of the philosophy of Marx’s humanism. Our fundamental opposition to war
was incorporated directly into the Constitution of News and Letters Committees
adopted in 1956, which established: “The age of state-capitalism, whether in
its single-party totalitarian form or its parliamentary form, can offer nothing
to humanity but the prospect of another war. The advent of nuclear weapons,
possessed by all contenders for world power, seriously raises the question of
the survival of humanity in the event of such a struggle. We believe that
the working people are the only force in the world today capable of changing
present-day society and of evolving the forms and shape of future society.” “The necessity for a new society
is clear from the working people’s opposition to war. That opposition is based
upon a vision of a new society in which they, to a man, woman, and child
control their own lives.” Our paper, News & Letters, which was thereupon established as an integral
part of this quest for a fundamental new way of life, continues to be based on
our principle of the unity of theory and practice that Marx practiced and that
his Marxism stood for. It is with that in mind, that we 1) invite you to a
continuing dialogue with us in our pages, and 2) wish to recall today the words
Raya Dunayevskaya delivered to a peace rally in Hiroshima on Dec. 8, 1965: “While I do not wish to minimize
Japanese militarism’s role in the second imperialist world war, the day of
infamy that will never be erased from history is not Dec. 7 but Aug. 6. And
when that day of infamy was extended and on Aug. 9th, Nagasaki was atom-bombed,
hell on earth seemed to be the only reality left. Because we are gathered here
to make sure that that dehumanized version of reality does not repeat itself,
our anti-war struggles must be inseparable from those aimed at eradicating that
which is at the root of all wars: class society.” Because those words are as alive
today as when they were first delivered, we extend our strong solidarity in
your appeal to “fight together against war, against forced poverty, against the
destruction of the global environment” and sign our greetings: For Freedom and
a new world built on human foundations, Olga Domanski for The Resident Editorial Board of
News and Letters Committees ¨Workers’ Revolutionary
Party (EEK) August 1st, 2008,
Athens, Greece Dear
Comrades, The Workers’ Revolutionary Party (EEK) of Greece
stands firmly with you in the antiwar struggle and hails your Assembly as an
important event in the organization of our common international struggle
against the imperialist capitalist system, whose internal contradictions and
crisis are the main source of war, barbarism and devastation in the world. Every year the anniversary of the horrible
nuclear holocaust in Hiroshima and Nagasaki not only generates to all the
peoples on the planet horror and anger against the US imperialist perpetrators
of this unspeakable crime against the Japanese civil population and against
humanity but also it gives a warning for today: imperialism in its crisis is
preparing new catastrophes. As Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib have revived
Auschwitz, new Hiroshimas are now prepared as the threats for a first strike by
US imperialism and Israel against Iran are mounting in the last days of the
Bush Administration. As the most authoritative representatives of
global capital now admit, their capitalist system faces “its worst crisis after
1929”, following last year’s debacle of the US sub-prime mortgage market that
detonated the world credit crisis of 2007-2008 and the slide in 2008 to a new
world depression. Humanity knows too well what happened following the last
Great Depression of the 1930s. As the first decade of the 21st
century is ending, we will not allow the world capitalist system to repeat, in
a greater scale, the disasters of the 20th century and to bury us
under its ruins. Non passaran! Already, imperialism’s wars in Afghanistan, Iraq
and Lebanon met with defeats or a stalemate because of the popular resistance. Let’s organize an international antiwar,
anti-imperialist and anti-capitalist mass resistance in the metropolitan
centers as well, in Europe, America and Japan, where the center of the war
drive is really situated! Down with imperialism and war! Forward for the world socialist revolution! On behalf of the CC of EEK, Savas
Michael- Matsas, General Secretary. ¨A World to Win July 29, 2008, London,
Britain Dear Friends and Comrades, We are very pleased to have been invited again to offer greetings to the
international gathering of the Antiwar Assembly in Japan. We also recognise and
congratulate the JRCL in its resolute opposition to the G8 meeting in July. In these days of increasing military interventions and adventurism, it is
more important than ever that assemblies like this meet to discuss and find
ways for the peoples of the world, already threatened with deepening crises in
so many areas, to live free from wars and preparations for war. From the first World War onwards we
have seen how imperialism has sought to divide the international working class
in order to dupe them into thinking that working people of one country must be
an enemy of the working people of another. They well know that a strong, united
international working class is fatal to the interests of the powerful and
wealthy, so they set us to battle against one another. Now all over the globe people are waking up and seeing where their true
interests lie. We have realised after two horrifying major wars in the
twentieth century and many conflicts, invasions and continuing occupations,
that our best defence is solidarity and not division. An attack is now being
prepared on Iran and we must not let that happen. Another new theatre of war
would be disastrous and the consequences for the whole region could be
unspeakable. We must continue to stand with the peoples of Iraq and Afghanistan and not
be discouraged by the refusal of the occupying governments to listen to our
protests. To become discouraged by capitalist, imperialist politicians because
they have disregarded our interests would be to give them credibility they do
not deserve. We need to go beyond them and form our own institutions of
democracy. You have probably heard that in Britain the Ministry of Defence has
recently signed contracts for two huge new aircraft carriers, worth £4 billion.
The role of these two massive ships, we are told by Des Brown, Defence
Secretary, is to "support peace-keeping" and have a role in
"conflict prevention"! So war really is peace in the strange minds of
"our" leaders. How obscene this kind of spending is on military
hardware in a time of deepening recession, food shortages and environmental
degradation. We have also just seen on our TVs and read in the papers reports of the
capture of the Bosnian Serb alleged war criminal Radovan Karadzic. Now we know
that awful things happened in the Balkan areas of Europe during the 1990's and
we know that Karadzic and the late Serbian president Milosovic and many others
were implicated in atrocities. But in all the jubilation at the capture of Karadzic, just as with similar
scenes when the despot Saddam Hussain was captured, no mention was made, or
will be allowed to be made, of the real international criminals. George Bush,
Tony Blair and the current British Prime Minister, Gordon Brown have presided
over and still preside over the greatest atrocities of our times. Those who
have command of vast armies and the ability to order the deaths of millions in
the name of freedom and the never ending "war on terror" are hailed
as great statesmen and as leaders of the "free world". When will they
ever come to trial? Will we let them rest peacefully in their beds at night
while untold millions live in fear, hunger, poverty and the dread of falling
bombs? We also give our heartfelt support to the people of the Marshall Islands
now bearing the brunt of a declared state of emergency because of the financial
crisis. They have already lost their home on Bikini Atoll due to the testing of
weapons of mass destruction by the United States in the aftermath of World War
2 and they still suffer the horrific effects of nuclear fallout from that time. Even with all of this however the fact that this assembly is taking place
is heartening because it means that people still have hope that a better future
is possible. The old forms of government which have oppressed us for so long
can be brought down. Those of us who live in so-called democratic countries know how weak,
inadequate and unrepresentative democracy really is. We in A World To Win have
put forward proposals for a new kind of democracy which is truly participatory,
along with radical proposals for dealing with the deepening economic crisis and
the ecological crisis we also find ourselves in. We are in a time when if we do not act the opportunity may be lost. Global
capitalism is in crisis. We must grasp this moment to form new popular organs
of power and take command ourselves of the structures of government and put an
end to tyranny, oppression, inequality, war and want. This assembly is an ideal forum in which to discuss and put forward
revolutionary alternatives. e therefore extend warm wishes to all who gathered
at the assembly in solidarity and hope that your work will meet with great
success. With revolutionary greetings Corinna Lotz, secretary, A World to
Win. ¨Northstar Compass July
10th 2008, Toronto, Canada Dear friends
in our common struggle: Your work is
known all over the world for its dedication, perseverance and stamina which
comes from the belief that unity of purpose shall overcome all obstacles and
dangers. Reading your
Appeal to this 46th International Antiwar Assembly makes all of us at the
International Council and Editorial Board of NSC very proud of your dedication
and achievements which go far beyond the shores of Japan. The Editorial
Board of NSC is so impressed with this heart-warming CALL that it was decided
to publish it in full in the July-August issue of Northstar Compass. We hope to
receive some photographs of this world important Assembly so that our readers
in 78 countries of the world can read the Call and see the participants. I was
asked by the International Council to invite your delegate to our International
Council Conference on October 10-11-12, 2008 in Toronto, Canada, where there
will be 14 countries represented, including a delegation of 5 from former
Soviet Union, from the Soviet Society for Friendship with Foreign Countries. It would be
an excellent idea for your delegate to give a report to this conference. We wish you
dear friends much success and health in our common struggles against
Imperialism! On behalf of
the International Council Michael
Lucas, Chairman Editor of
Northstar Compass ¨International Coordination and
Action of the Fracción Leninista Trotskista (Leninist Trotskyist Fraction) July 30, 2008, Buenos Aires, Argentina To the 46th
International Anti-war Assembly in Japan To the comrades of the
Federation of Self-determined Student Associations of all-Japan (Zengakuren) To the comrades of the
Antiwar Youth Committee To the comrades of the
Japanese Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Fraction) Comrades, In this opportunity we want to send you
fervorous revolutionary internationalist greetings for your meeting. From the Secretariat of International
Coordination of the Fracción Trotskista Interncionalista (FLT) (Leninist
Trotskyist Fraction) - which is
integrated by Partido Obrero Internacionalista (Internationalist Worker Party)
of Chile, Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (Internationalist Trotskyist
League) of Peru, Liga Obrera Internacionalista-Democracia Obrera
(Internationalist Worker League-Workers Democracy) of Argentina, Fracao
Trotskista (Trotskyist Fraction) of Brazil, Communist Workers Group of New
Zealand and Liga Trotskista Internacionalista (Internationalist Trotskyist
League) of Bolivia- we want to join you in that internationalist day of action
against the plague of war unleashed upon the oppressed peoples of the world by
the imperialist powers. A day of action that is also committed to fight against
that true one-sided class war waged by the imperialists and their servants, the
national bourgeoisies of the “developing” countries against the international
working class in order to make it pay the costs of the imperialist crisis with
mass layoffs, skyrocketing cost of living and the starving of millions of
exploited people. Due to this attack the exploited people suffer in the arena
of class struggle more casualties per year than those caused by the two World
wars. The imperialist US-UK beast is presently swamped
in the desert sands of Iraq; the indomitable Iraqi resistance and the
resistance of the US working class have caused a serious crisis in the hated
Bush government. In the jails of Guantanamo and in those kept by the CIA,
thousands of internationalist fighters are languishing in true concentration
camps that have nothing to envy to those erected by Hitler in the ’30s-‘40s of
the 20th Century. In 2006 the Zionist Army had to flee in despair
from southern Lebanon. The Palestinian worker-peasant militias and those
militias of the exploited Lebanese people accomplished a huge victory at the
time when the unpatriotic military of Siniora run to hide itself, acting in fact
as a fifth-column against the exploited masses it was supposed to defend. Along these heroic
actions of resistance and the fighting back against their oppressors from the
part of the Middle East masses, we could see the upsurge of the Egyptian
working class against the pro-US and dictatorial government of Mubarak. They
rose up in workers’ struggles, strikes, revolts and revolutionary combats for
bread. They followed the days of struggle of the heroic Iranian working class
that was giving its martyrs in huge combats for better wages and against
starvation and inflation: they were the transport workers, the teachers, de
unemployed, etc. In the Palestinian fatherland, the martyred and enslaved
Palestinian people rose in an insurrection against the Al Fatah misleadership
in the Gaza Strip, and some time later they destroyed the shameful walls of the
slave-owners, seeking help from their brothers and sisters, the Egyptian
workers, to begin a joint fight against imperialism and the Zionist invader.
Almost at the same time the same worker and peasant rank and file that had
defeated the Zionist army in Lebanon rose again in a general strike against the
skyrocketing cost of living. With the withdrawal of the British troops from the
Basra region in Iraq, the workers and peasants in the southern part of the
country rose decidedly, and against and in spite of the orders of Al Sadr, that
“brave Shiite militia” waged a humiliating defeat on the puppet Iraqi army. You and we have to work
out why this heroic resistance against the colonial wars of domination, and for
oil, has not been able to accomplish a new Vietnam that defeats the aggressive
Imperialist powers and becomes one with an upheaval of the working class of the
imperialist countries. For us, comrades, the truth is a simple fact;
and it is high time the truth is told to the proletarians worldwide: that
resistance by the heroic masses of the Middle East needs a revolutionary
proletarian leadership that helps it to become a counteroffensive and carries
it to victory. By the hand of the national bourgeoisies, the fighting masses
are merely bargaining chips in the negotiations between those native
bourgeoisies and the imperialist powers, with which they are once and again
associated as junior partners. Thus, while Bush hints that Iran would be in the
eve of getting out of the “Evil Axis”, Ahmadinejad government is unleashing a
brutal repression against the Iranian working class and youth, of the likes of
those that murderous Mubarak uses to apply to the Egyptian masses. The Iranian
Ayatollahs, as well as the Syrian bourgeoisie, are the great stabilizers for
the sake of the imperialist invaders in the region. They are in charge of
controlling the heroic national (liberation) wars being fought in Afghanistan,
Iraq and in martyred Palestine. In Iraq, Moqtada al-Sadr utilized the enormous
victory of the Iraqi masses of southern Iraq to negotiate with the puppet
government of al-Maliki his place in the US protectorate and his business. And
soon after the Palestinian masses of the Gaza Strip tore down the walls and
sought to unite with their brothers and sisters of Egypt, the Hamas bourgeoisie
put the shameful wall in the Egypt border again in its place to keep enslaving
the Palestinian people in order to win the dubious right to a seat in the
negotiation table and being the negotiator of choice for the new “peace plans”
with the murderous State of Israel. We have an obligation to tell the truth:
the general strike in Lebanon by the armed masses that defeated the Zionist
army was given up by Hezbollah as a bargaining chip, to win a ministry in
Siniora’s cabinet, to be able to get a share in the business of reconstructing
Lebanon together with French and Italian imperialists. Comrades of the 46th International
antiwar Assembly in Japan: let’s honor the vanguard of the combat of the world
working class against the imperialist war: to the heroic Iraqi resistance, to
the heroic Afghan resistance, to the heroic Palestinian resistance. But let’s
honor them as revolutionary proletarians do: let’s tell them the truth. Out
with the leaderships of the national bourgeoisies in Middle East, a leadership
that utilizes the heroic anti-imperialist combat of the worker and peasant
masses to advance its businesses with the different imperialist powers that
quarrel over the spoils of those plundered nations! Down with the walls of the
apartheid built for enslaving the Palestinian masses within their own
fatherland! Out with the administrators of those concentration camps, the
bourgeois factions of Hamas and Al Fatah! Down with the collaborationist
government of Siniora and the Hezbollah leadership in Lebanon! For unifying the
Iraqi Shiite workers and peasants’ militia with the worker and peasant masses
of southern Lebanon, with the Palestinian masses of Gaza and the West Bank in a
revolutionary struggle against the Zionist state! For unifying the resistance
of the Palestinian workers with their class brothers and sisters, the Egyptian
and Iranian working classes that have entered in class wars against the
skyrocketing cost of living and against starvation, together with the hundreds
of thousands of construction workers that are building with their sweat and
blood the Paradise islands and the magnificent mansions of the tycoons of Saudi
Arabia, Dubai, the Arab Emirates, etc.! For the destruction of the Zionist
State of Israel, for a free, secular and democratic Palestine, one that could
only be guaranteed by a revolutionary workers and peasants government of the
Palestinian masses! For the Federation of Socialist Republics of Middle East! For the military defeat of the imperialist
powers in Iraq and Afghanistan! For the expropriation of all the imperialist
enterprises and all the transnationals in the region! The fighting masses are
formed by workers and poor peasants: For a proletarian leadership of the war to
conquer a Federation of socialist Republics of Middle East! Rise the working class in Japan, US and Europe
to paralyze the counterrevolutionary war machine in the US and the rest of
imperialist powers! The national (liberation) war against
imperialist oppression will only triumph with the socialist revolution both in
the Middle East and to the interior of the imperialist powers. Long live the unity of the international
working class! The Syrian and Iranian governments have been now
called by the imperialist Sarkozy of France. Under the command of the murderers
of the French imperialist Fifth Republic the national bourgeoisies are
associated as junior partners in the plundering of the oil and gas riches with
the objective of fencing the heroic Iraqi resistance and giving time to the
weakened US government in crisis and the butchers’ regime of the US
“Republicrats” to reconstitute a new “steering committee” (a “fresh”
imperialist government of Obama or McCain legitimized by the reactionary US
electoral system could thereby enjoy a social base to prepare new attacks on
the peoples or concoct counterrevolutionary pacts to expropriate the
revolutionary struggles of the world masses). So the condition for those national bourgeoisies
to be anointed with their junior partnership to the masters is the
collaboration in the cornering of the Iraqi resistance and the disarmament of
their heroic combatants. Comrades, let’s reaffirm together the program of
the founders of Trotskyism and the Fourth International: the national bourgeoisies can never advance the anti-imperialist
struggle to the end, because they fear more the armed and insurrected
proletariat, much more than imperialism, as the latter turns them into its junior
partners in its businesses. The heroic working class of the Middle East has
powerful missiles to defeat there imperialism; those missiles are the socialist
revolution, the expropriation of the Banks and the transnational that plunder
their nations, exploit the oppressed peoples and finance the occupation armies!
For the unity of the Middle East working classes! Let the borders of the class
war unify the occupied Palestinian fatherland with Lebanon, the Lebanese masses
with the Egyptian and Iranian working classes! Let that class war expand like
wildfire to the working class of the imperialist countries, because those
workers are who have the duty, the high obligation of paralyze the war machine
at home! For reaching victory, comrades, the
international working class needs to reconstitute the international unity of
its ranks. More than ever today that Big imperialist Capital in crisis and
bankruptcy is seeking and will seek for any means to make the world exploited
masses to pay for the cost of that crisis. No nation or region in the planet
has been spared, the exploited masses all over the world are suffering and are
being unified objectively by the lashes of capital, the increase of oil and
food prices, the sinking value of wages and salaries, the skyrocketing cost of
living. We are not in front of one more, new crisis of the world capitalist
economy. We are facing THE CRISIS. From
1989 on, the world imperialist capitalist system is surviving beyond its
life-span thanks to its absorbing the former worker states that were handed out
to the capitalist restoration by that gang of Stalinist highwaymen, usurpers of
the revolution, which recycled themselves into bourgeoisie, as in Russia,
China, the East European countries, etc. So the White Russia of slaughterer Putin, that
guaranteed the worse genocide against the people of Chechnya, that supported
dozens of dictators and counterrevolutionary agents oppressing the masses in
the former soviet Republics is today the great junior partner of European
imperialism, essentially of the French-German type, which it provides gas and
oil, and so the new rich of Russia are becoming themselves a new “petrodollar
bourgeoisie”. Murderous Putin has therefore the license issued by the French
Fifth Republic and by the imperialist German butchers to go on developing his
industrial-military machine, to intervene as a strong gambler in the world
weapons trade, but really always under the French-German control. No doubt, the
heavily armed White Army of murderous Putin is not aimed at confronting
imperialist France or imperialist Germany –its real masters- but the own
Russian working class and the peoples that Russia oppresses, in the same way it
attacked and perpetrated genocide against Chechnya, and today acts as a
policeman of dozens of small nations for the sake of the imperialist powers. The White Army troops of Putin, their
overwhelming armament are in the first place to the service of the
French-German imperialism against the European working class, against the
working class of the former soviet Republics and against the own Russian
proletariat. The murderous butcher, Putin, acts in the same way that Milosevic
–the slaughterer of the Balkans- acted some years ago , for the sake of the
imperialist powers. No doubt that once Putin finishes with his role of
butcher-in-chief (as in Chechnya, Georgia, Nagorno-Kharabaj, Armenia, etc.) the
fate waiting for the oppressed peoples and the working class of the former
soviet Republics is that of the Balkans’ : the dismembering of their nations
and the artificial creation of fake little republics, semi-colonies and
protectorates. Because that is the future prepared by the world economy in
crisis for the former worker states where capitalism has been restored. And though, some shameless fake “Trotskyists”
still have the cheek to write that the capitalist restoration in East Europe
and the former USSR was a “pacific” process. It is clear that these people has
not been in Chechnya, in Armenia, in Georgia, in the Balkans, in Kosovo or in
the Serbia bombed by the NATO airplanes. Those renegades are disoriented vulgar
petty bourgeois pacifists that want to make the proletarians in the imperialist
powers believe that the regimes and governments of those powers are sowing
“democracy” and “peace” all over the planet instead of occupation wars,
genocide, counterrevolutionary dictatorships to complete and strengthen the
capitalist restoration. They are the harbingers of the reformist story narrated
from the end to the beginning, they are servants to imperialism and rotten
Stalinism. In the same way, the heavy spending of the
Chinese bourgeoisie to make theirs a powerful army – that you very correctly
denounce - is not aimed at confronting US imperialism or that big creditor of
the transnationals in China, imperialist Japan. No. that huge army of millions
is aimed to control and slaughter the millions of slave workers that as cheap
labor restorationist China handed out to the world capitalist market. That army
is aimed at confronting and suppressing the thousands of rebellions by the
peasants and the workers being sacked from their plots and their jobs in the
factories. The imperialist powers have today thrown their entire crisis over
the shoulders of China, especially the US that has left in the Chinese state’s
hands about 900 billion dollars of devalued Treasuries (US Treasury bonds). The
crac that is looming on China after the first alert of the crisis in the
Shanghai Stock Exchange in February 2008, will show an army of some million
slaughtering very much more workers, peasants and students than in 1989
Tiananmen Square for the sake of US and Japanese imperialists, which will not
balk at dividing and allotting China between themselves, as was made by the
ruling imperialist powers in the 20th century. Because this worldwide crisis that is developing
without a pause, shows not only the bankruptcy of parasitic, big financial
capital –which long ago has spent beforehand its benefits not still produced-;
it also shows that there are too many imperialist powers, so that one o more of
them will have to pay, to be the loser (or losers) in this global capitalist
catastrophe. Let’s tell once more the truth: if the proletarian revolution does not stop this, the breakthrough of
this crisis in the hands of imperialism will be as follows: the trade wars and
the quarrels and proxy wars for the zones of influence that we see today will
be turned in the first cannon rounds of the Third World War, which –if the
proletariat does not stop it- will begin in the same way as was finished the
Second World War in the 20th century: with the nuclear bombing of
Hiroshima and Nagasaki. As Lenin said, the most important economic
factor of this imperialist epoch is war, it is the development of the
destructive forces, the production of commodities for destruction, that is the
only way for the imperialist system to remedy the falling of the rate of
profit. The imperialist states run to bailout their Banks and their big
enterprises in crisis with more than 600 billion dollars that the masses worldwide
are paying and will pay endlessly with their sufferings. The bankruptcy of
Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae are announcing the loss of more than two billion
dollars in the US. The turning of billions dollars to speculative gambles on
oil and food and other crucial commodities, and the ongoing devaluation of the
dollar (with which the US throws its crisis on the entire world in the form of
inflation) are a warning that the human society appears to be entering
stagflation. But this world system of imperialist capital
will not fall down by itself. It is necessary to overthrow it by means of the
world proletarian revolution. If it does not happen, the way to barbarism,
fascism and new wars is sure. But things are to be seen. The world proletariat
is far from having spent its strength for the struggle. What today paralyses it
is only the action of the treacherous leaderships that it has at its head. Comrades: we ask vehemently your International
Antiwar Assembly, which comprehends powerful internationalist organizations for
the struggle of the Japanese proletariat, to make now an appeal to the
international working class to unite its ranks in a common united struggle
against the skyrocketing cost of living all over the world and against the oil
wars, the plundering and wasting of the imperialist powers.. The world proletariat needs a new “General
Staff” to struggle and win. A general staff that helps it do away with the
treacherous leaderships, i.e. Stalinism, social Democracy, fake Trotskyists,
national union bureaucracies, etc., that destroy once and again all that the
masses build up in their struggle. These misleaderships submit the masses to
the bourgeoisie with their vicious policies of Popular Fronts, of submission to
the national bourgeoisies or support to the “democratic imperialists”. We are writing to you from Latin America. We
have seen here how the stinky remains of Stalinism, in complicity with the
renegades from Trotskyism have supported and continue supporting all the
national bourgeoisies that –disguised as “anti-imperialists” and “populists”,
and grouped all of them in the so called World Social Forum, expropriated the
heroic revolutions in Argentina, Ecuador and Bolivia. We see all of them
together with Chavez and the Castroite bureaucracy, and the “indigenous”
Morales, expropriating the heroic revolution of workers and peasants that
started in Bolivia in 2003, defeating from inside the heroic and combative
Bolivian miners, while fascism raises its head and threatens to unleash a blood
bath on the workers and peasants’ movements. We see them together with Chavez and the
Castroites giving in the workers and popular resistance that combats against
the fascist government of Uribe in Colombia. They act in the same way as did
Stalinism in the aftermath of the 2nd World War in Europe, when it
disarmed the French maquis, the Italian partisans and the Greek resistance,
even murdering or handing out to imperialism those combatants that refused to
give up their weapons. Thus acts the Castroite bureaucracy and the Chavista
national bourgeoisie, calling the Colombian resistance to disarm and surrender
unconditionally so that “anti-imperialist” Chávez Government in Venezuela can
make profitable businesses constructing pipelines between Venezuela and
Colombia. Thus we cn see Chávez, Uribe, and all the
reactionary governments in Latin America, including those which claim to be
“socialist and anti-imperialist”, building highways and river routes from The
Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean in the South American sub continent, to transport
the goods, basic commodities and raw materials from the Atlantic for the
Pacific trade, and all this under the command of Brazilian Lula’s government,
the guarantor of the “juicy businesses” in Latin America for the sake of all
the imperialist powers. He is associated in Petrobras to the French Total to
plunder the Bolivian oil and gas; he is associated in agribusiness, food and
basic commodities to Chicago and to the New York Stock Exchange. He is
associated to the Japanese imperialism with which he controls the maquilas
(sweatshops) of Manaos in northwest Brazil, overexploiting the slave workers
for the sake of Sony, Fujifilm, Mitsubishi, Toyota, etc. The harbingers in Latin
America for the well known “Bolivarian Revolution” are simple liars, servants
to the bourgeoisie, who after wiping the masses out of the revolutionary
scenery, have submitted these masses to the brutal exploitation of the
capitalist governments in the region, and our nations to the plundering of the
US, French, Spanish, Japanese, German, etc. imperialists. But what is even worse,
claiming the necessity of defeating “fascist Bush” they have carried the North
American proletariat to support the Democratic Party of Clinton and Obama, the
party of the counterrevolutionary war in Vietnam and the most important backer
of Bush government in crisis. They are who have
prevented the revolutionary upsurge of the Latin American masses that started
at the beginning of the 21st century from uniting with the awakening
of the north American working class fighting against the war and against the
bosses attacking their gains... and with its indisputable vanguard, those more
than 30 million both legal and “illegal” immigrant (or children of immigrant)
Latin American workers, overexploited cheap labor for the use of the
imperialist bourgeoisie within the US. Internationalist
brothers and sisters of Japan: we want to warn you about the vicious pact being
prepared by the Castroite restorationist bureaucracy and the imperialist powers
in the American continent for backstabbing most seriously the working class in
the Americas: the pact for the consummation of capitalist restoration in Cuba. Now, under the above
mentioned conditions of strangling and distraction to blind alleys of the
proletarian revolution in Latin America, the Cuban restorationist bureaucracy
has accomplished its objective of disposing of the pressure of the
revolutionary masses’ fighting that disturbed its plans. So it is accelerating
its conversion to a directly restorationist agent of capitalism in the island,
and is acting in the same way as Gorbachov, Deng Xiao Ping or the treacherous
bureaucracy of Ho Chi Minh in Vietnam; it is advancing gigantic steps to
consummate the capitalist restoration in the only worker state in the Americas,
which now suffers an extreme degree of decomposition. And this will not be a
“pacific” development. Worker and peasant Cuba is a conquest of the working
clas and of the popular masses of the entire continent. the massacre and the
surrender of the Colombian resistance is the first counterrevolutionary action
of the restoration of capitalism in Cuba. Fascism that raises its head in
Bolivia while the popular front controls and submits the Bolivian proletariat
with brutal repression, is also an
action of that restoration. A triumph of fascism in Bolivia would be quickly
followed by the threat of an imperialist invasion to Cuba or either, by a
counterrevolutionary attack by the restorationist Castroite bureaucracy against
its own working class, now submitted as to slavery with salaries of 18 dollars
a month! Comrades: let’s look
together to the martyred workers of Black Africa. While Mandela –that servant
of US-UK imperialism- is given honors, the South African workers that are led
by the (Stalinist) Communist Party, submitted to the new Black bourgeoisie and
oppressed by the government of the African National Congress that starves them,
have attacked -in a disgraceful development for the international proletariat-
their class brothers and sisters the immigrant workers of Zimbabwe, scrambling
for a miserable underpaid job in a country that today shows a 40% of
unemployment. Dozens of fratricide
wars are impelled by one or other imperialist power in order to dominate Black
Africa. Millions of Black workers flee to Europe trying to survive the
catastrophe being created by the imperialist plundering in the region.
Thousands die in the Mediterranean Sea or against the wire fences erected
around the Spanish imperialist enclaves of Ceuta and Melilla. Those that finally
get to Europe are thrown to the filthy jails of the imperialist powers. These
not long ago had opened their borders –when their economies where booming- for
the workers from Africa, Middle East and Turkey to take the worse menial jobs,
which pay them miserably and where they are treated as slaves. But now that the
crisis is here, the imperialist powers doesn’t need them for the time and so
throws them away, jails them repress them with their counterrevolutionary shock
forces as in Italy or hang stones from their necks for them to drown into the
Mediterranean Sea. Comrades: we address you
from the American Continent. the battered North American working class and its
awakening against the war were outrageously surrendered by the treacherous left
misleaderships grouped in the so called world Social Forum to the feet of the
Democratic Party of the bloodthirsty imperialists Obama and Clinton who have
not only supported murderous Bush but they themselves will surely deepen his
plan of domination and plundering of the planet. Honor to your Antiwar
Assembly! You from Japan have declared that “the enemy is at home”, that is the
own Japanese imperialism. That is the duty of every worker organization in the
imperialist powers: “the enemy is at home!”. All the forces of the working
class of the imperialist countries to the service of their class brothers and
sisters of the oppressed peoples of the world! There we can see the
north American working class that has lost one by one all its gains, not only
the loss of the purchasing power of their wages and salaries, but even their
houses, a plague that more than 40 million workers suffer in the US nowadays. Because the better
accomplishes each imperialist power in its “adventures” abroad reaping gains in
the semi-colonies and colonies, the worse will it treat its “own” working
class, the same as it treats the working class of the countries that it invades
and plunders. But the responsible of
the paralysis of the working class of the imperialist powers has a name and a
surname: it is the treason by the worker aristocracies and bureaucracies which
nurture social-democracy, the remains of Stalinism, the class collaborationist
union bureaucracies and now also the renegades of Trotskyism. Now as never before the
program inherited from the founders in 1938 of the Fourth International shows
its vigor: the crisis of humankind boils
down, ultimately to the crisis of revolutionary leadership of the proletariat. How
quickly the vanguard of the international working class is able to unify its
ranks and forces under the revolutionary program and strategies, will be the
only guaranty for the entire human society and its civilization not to be
carried to barbarism by this rotten capitalist imperialist system. This is the
foundation on which our greetings and good wishes for your Assembly are based. We invite you to open
quickly an enriching debate to clarify our mutual positions, because we think
that today it is necessary to conquer an International Conference of the
healthy forces of the principles Trotskyists and the revolutionary workers
organizations in order to prepare a worldwide offensive of the exploited
masses. Because the crisis and the wars have put at the top of the order of the
day the prognosis by revolutionary Marxism: “Socialism or Barbarism!”. And the war cry of the Third
International of Lenin and Trotsky: “For
the world working class to live, imperialism must die!” We call you to vote
together in your International Assembly –and we raise it as a motion, a
proposal to be developed- that to combat, to defend the working class gains and
to get new victories, it is necessary for the workers of the world not to have
their best fighters held as hostages, jailed in the dungeons of their class
enemy. We call you to impel a worldwide campaign of international fighting in
all the countries for the immediate freedom of the prisoners in Guantanamo, of
the Palestinian, Iraqi and Afghan prisoners that languish in the filthy jails
of the occupiers; for the immediate release of the more than 7200 political
prisoners from the Colombian resistance; also in Argentina, for the release of
the workers imprisoned in Las Heras (Argentine Patagonia), who have been
imprisoned by the Kirchner government, a puppet of the imperialist Big Oil,
because they rebelled against their dire work conditions, asking for better
wages and working conditions, and confronting the union bureaucracy that once
and again surrenders their struggles to the bourgeoisie. This is a part of the
fight for the release of all the political prisoners worldwide! Comrades: when the
Marxist movement split into two opposite tendencies: reform and revolution in
1914, at the beginning of the First World War, on one side there was the
socialdemocracy that voted for the war credits for the proletariat to die in
the slaughterhouse of the imperialist war; while on the other side, together
with Lenin, the forces of revolutionary Marxism grouped themselves in
Zimmerwald and Kienthal, setting the embryo of a revolutionary proletarian
leadership that prepared the October Revolution in Russia and the foundation of
the heroic revolutionary Third International of the ‘20s. When in the ‘30s
Stalinism went to the counterrevolutionary camp with its policy of “socialism
in one single country” and of popular fronts, the forces of bolshevism
re-grouped their scattered forces in the Fourth International of 1938. After decades of
adaptations and capitulations, first, and of treason later, the renegades of
Trotskyism have put the Fourth International in the first place to the feet of
Stalinism and then of the world bourgeoisie; that it they have liquidated it as
a World Party of Socialist Revolution. But the continuity of its legacy, of its
theory, its program and its revolutionary lessons, and the resistance to its liquidation
have developed at the level of some different fractions, groups and currents
that today need to re-group their forces at an international level under a
revolutionary program. We vow before your
Assembly for the regrouping of the internationalist workers that need an
international “general staff” to guide their combats and their whole struggle
all over the world, so that it comes to life as a material, concrete reality in
the near future. Death to imperialism! For the triumph of the international socialist
revolution! Let’s write again together with letters of fire the program of the
founders of scientific socialism: “THE LIBERATION OF THE WORKERS WILL BE THE
WORK OF THE OWN WORKERS, OR IT WON’T BE!” Revolutionary greetings
to the revolutionary combatants of the Japanese proletariat! Secretariat of
International Coordination and Action of the Fracción
Leninista Trotskista (Leninist Trotskyist Fraction) integrated by Partido Obrero
Internacionalista-(POI-CI) of Chile. Liga Trotskista
Internacionalista (LTI) de Perú Liga Obrera
Internacionalista-Democracia Obrera (LOI-CI-DO) of Argentina Fracao Trotskista (FT)
of Brazil Communist Workers Group
(CWG) of New Zealand Liga
Trotskista Internacionalista (LTI) of Bolivia ¨ Collectif Révolution Permanente 1er août 2008 France Front unique ouvrier contre les agressions impérialistes, les occupations
de l’Irak et de l’Afghanistan, contre le militarisme! Pour la révolution socialiste mondiale qui extirpera leurs racines! Camarades, Nous saluons tout effort anti-guerre et
anti-impérialiste, en particulier de ceux qui, comme vous, ont compris que
l’ennemi principal est dans leur propre pays. En effet, le gouvernement Yasuo
Fukuda, est au service des groupes capitalistes japonais. Comme tous les
gouvernements du PLD précédents, une politique anti-ouvrière et d’intervention
militaire à l’étranger. La jeunesse du Japon avait joué un rôle mondial en 1968.
Grâce aux politiques de collaboration de classes, grâce aux trahisons des
partis réformistes et des directions syndicales, grâce aux alliances
contre-révolutionnaires entre Washington et Pékin et Washington et Moscou, la
bourgeoisie mondiale a surmonté la vague révolutionnaire des années 1960-1970
et a repris l’initiative lors de la décennie 1980. Le centrisme qui capitulait
devant le stalinisme, la sociale-démocrate et le nationalisme bourgeois, ainsi
que le gauchisme, qui tournait le dos au prolétariat, ont facilité la réaction. Dans les pays capitalistes avancés, la bourgeoisie a
fermé les anciens bastions ouvriers, a restructuré les entreprises, a désindexé
les salaires, a restreint le droit de grève, en utilisant la pression du
chômage et la concurrence des travailleurs des pays dominés. Les bureaucraties
étatiques ont restauré le capitalisme en Russie et en Chine; les travailleuses
et les travailleurs de ces pays subissent désormais l’exploitation et la
précarité. La bourgeoisie, en renforçant l’exploitation dans les pays
impérialistes, en ouvrant des marchés qui lui étaient fermés et en exploitant
des millions de travailleurs qui lui échappaient autrefois à cause de la
propriété collective, de la planification et du monopole du commerce extérieur,
a pu redresser le taux de profit. Si le taux de profit a ainsi été temporairement redressé,
le capitalisme reste un mode de production en déclin, ce qu’illustrent la crise
bancaire et les «révoltes de la faim», et aussi l’occupation de l’Irak et de
l’Afghanistan et la montée des fondamentalismes religieux. Le mode de
production capitaliste a accompli depuis longtemps son rôle historique:
dissoudre les rapports sociaux archaïques, impulser la science et la technique,
surmonter les particularismes locaux grâce à des Etats nationaux, développer
l’industrie et les transports, créer un marché mondial… L’étroitesse des frontières et la propriété privée des
moyens de production entravent le développement des forces productives de
l’humanité. La survie du capitalisme engendre une succession ininterrompue de
guerres et de crises économiques. Les crises économiques, dont les travailleurs
salariés sont les premières victimes, sont inévitablement engendrées par les
contradictions du capitalisme. Elles servent de solution temporaire à la
suraccumulation du capital, par la destruction d’une partie de celui-ci. Les
guerres jouent le même rôle. En outre les dépenses d’armement peuvent
temporairement résoudre les problèmes de débouchés, tout en permettant de
menacer ou d’asservir d’autres pays. De fait, le militarisme est inséparable du
capitalisme à l’époque de l’impérialisme. Partout, la stabilité de l’emploi, la protection sociale
et les services publics reculent; la taxation des riches baisse alors que les
impôts sur la consommation s’élèvent. Les profits et les dépenses militaires
augmentent. Malgré le niveau élevé des sciences et des techniques, une
proportion importante des producteurs ne dispose pas d’un logement décent, n’a
qu’un accès réduit aux soins, à l’instruction, à la culture; des millions
d’êtres humains n’ont ni eau potable ni nourriture suffisante. La recherche est
mise au service de la guerre et de la spéculation. L’informatique sert à
espionner les individus, à contrôler les producteurs et à intensifier le
travail. Les déplacements des êtres humains sont limités et parfois interdits.
L’accumulation du capital et la recherche du profit mettent en cause
l’environnement même de l’espèce humaine. Pour autant, la bourgeoisie ne disparaît pas d’elle-même
de la scène de l’histoire. Elle demeure la classe sociale hégémonique: en temps
ordinaire, elle gouverne en s’appuyant l’appareil répressif de l’État bourgeois
et aussi sur sa domination idéologique. Un vieil outil de justification de la
propriété privée et de l’inégalité sociale est la religion, dont les formes les
plus réactionnaires ressurgissent, tant dans les pays dominants (reculs de la
laïcité, justification de l’invasion de l’Irak au nom du christianisme…) que
dans les pays dominés (cléricalismes bouddhiste, hindouiste, islamiste…
diviseurs des opprimés et contre-révolutionnaires). Une forme de cette
puissance sociale de la bourgeoisie, perfectionnée au cours de la phase
impérialiste, est l’intégration à l’État et la corruption des dirigeants des
organisations dont se dotent les opprimés et les exploités, ce qui aboutit à
des formes de dégénérescence du mouvement ouvrier: partis réformistes et
bureaucraties syndicales. Seul le prolétariat, la classe dont les intérêts sont
antagoniques à la bourgeoisie, peut chasser celle-ci et, sur la base de cette
révolution mondiale, jeter les bases d’un mode de production supérieur, le
socialisme. Seule la classe ouvrière, dont les rangs ont considérablement
grossi dans les «pays émergents» d’Amérique latine et d’Asie, peut ouvrir une
issue à l’humanité, en se portant à la tête de tous les opprimés et de tous les
exploités des campagnes et des villes, en constituant des organes démocratiques
de lutte et en les centralisant, en détruisant l’État bourgeois, en expropriant
les grands groupes capitalistes, en étendant la révolution, en collaborant avec
les autres gouvernements ouvriers qui en résulteront. Ainsi, seront réunies les
conditions du socialisme: développement des forces productives, planification
par les producteurs associés, suppression des frontières, dépérissement des
classes sociales et de l’Etat. Les résistances courageuses des ouvriers, des employés,
des paysans, des étudiants, des femmes, des peuples opprimés ne manquent pas,
dans les pays impérialistes (incluant les États-Unis), dans les pays
capitalistes dominés (en particulier en Amérique latine), et dans les nouveaux pays
capitalistes (surtout en Chine). Pour vaincre, les travailleuses et les
travailleurs doivent non seulement mener la lutte contre les patrons, les
gouvernements à leur service, les corps de répression, mais aussi surmonter les
obstacles que sèment les agents de la bourgeoisie, qui les subordonnent à la
bourgeoisie, à leurs propres exploiteurs. Il leur faut un parti à eux, un parti
qui lutte pour la rupture avec la bourgeoisie, pour l’auto-organisation des
travailleurs, pour la prise du pouvoir. En s’appuyant sur la théorie de la
révolution et de l’émancipation qu’est le marxisme, les éléments les plus
conscients des travailleurs et de la jeunesse doivent se rassembler dans de
tels partis, reliés par une internationale ouvrière révolutionnaire. Parmi les moyens de nous regrouper, figurent des mots
d’ordre antimilitaristes et anti-impérialistes que nous devons adresser à
toutes les organisations ouvrières de masse: Évacuation
immédiate de toutes les troupes impérialistes d’Irak, d’Afghanistan, du Liban,
de Côte d’Ivoire, du Tchad, du Kosovo…! Fermeture
de toutes les bases militaires américaines, françaises, britanniques, à
commencer par celle de Guantánamo! Fin
des menaces contre l’Iran, fin du blocus de Cuba et de la Corée du Nord! Collectif Révolution Permanente
(CRP Pérou, GB France, PRK Autriche) ¨Российской
коммунистической рабочей партии – Революционной партии коммунистов 30 июля 2008, Санкт-Петербург, Россия Уважаемые товарищи! Коммунисты РКРП-РПК, сознательные рабочие,
прогрессивно настроенные слои российского общества последовательно ведут борьбу
против милитаризма и поддерживают антивоенные, антиимпериалистические
инициативы 46-й Интернациональной ассамблеи. Агрессивные устремления империалистических государств, в
том числе и буржуазной России, всё острее проявляются в борьбе за рынки и ресурсы,
увеличении военных расходов в бюджетах, возникновении новых очагов
напряженности и военных конфликтов, что свидетельствует о всё большем переходе
империалистов к ведению политики военными методами в мировом масштабе. Наращивание ядерных и других видов оружия массового
уничтожения, строительство новых объектов ПРО США в Европе, прямая агрессия США
и НАТО, при участии их сателлитов и «союзников», против неугодных и
неуступчивых правительств и народов полностью подтверждают ленинскую
характеристику последней стадии капитализма, как формы его существования «от
войны до войны». Не во всем соглашаясь с оценками «коалиции» Китая и
России, которую дают товарищи из Союза японских революционных коммунистов
(Фракция революционных марксистов), коммунисты РКРП-РПК отмечают, что в
условиях нарастающего и обостряющегося мирового экономического кризиса
вероятность ожесточенной схватки между империалистами возрастает многократно. Падение социализма в СССР, ослабление позиций
пролетариата в мире, распространение оппортунизма и ревизионизма в
коммунистическом и рабочем движении значительно ослабили факторы мирового
развития, сдерживающие агрессивность и развязывание войн империалистами. Угроза
мировой войны с чрезвычайно тяжелыми и непредсказуемыми последствиями для всего
населения планеты возросла многократно. Пример «цивилизованной» Европы, ставшей
колыбелью гитлеровского фашизма, ничему не научил апологетов капитализма. Вот почему необходимость скорейшего преодоления
пролетариатом и коммунистическими партиями идейного и организационного кризиса
становится как никогда актуальной, жизненно необходимой для сохранения каждого
человека и всего человечества. Законы капитализма, порождаемые им на каждом шагу
противоречия, частная собственность на средства производства как источник
империалистических войн не оставляют человечеству шансов сохранить среду
обитания в пригодном для жизни состоянии. Именно поэтому коммунисты РКРП-РПК, объединяя свои усилия
в борьбе за мир со всеми прогрессивными организациями, со всеми честными людьми,
с участниками 46-й Интернациональной антивоенной ассамблеи, считают необходимым
заявить, что вопрос о мире есть вопрос
классовой борьбы. РКРП-РПК призывает
трудящихся и эксплуатируемых, решительно отбросив внедряемые буржуазией идеи
классового пацифизма и классовой толерантности, смелее переходить на сторону
коммунизма и в классовой борьбе против империализма, толкающего народы к новой
мировой бойне и ядерной катастрофе, завоевать свободное и мирное будущее для
всего человечества. Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь! По поручению ЦК РКРП-РПК Первый
секретарь ЦК В.А. Тюлькин ¨Тюменский
обком РКРП-РПК "Левый фронт"-Тюмень 30
июля 2008, Тюмень, Россия Коммунисты Тюменской областной
организации РКРП-РПК и тюменского отделения "Левого фронта" горячо
приветствуют товарищей, участвующих в интернациональной антивоенной ассамблее. Мы горячо поддерживаем Вашу борьбу с
империализмом. США все больше и больше распространяет свои щупальцы на весь
мир, стремясь прибрать к рукам все мировые энергетические ресурсы. Тем самым
они стремятся на практике воплотить свою пресловутую теорию "золотого
миллиарда". Их внешняя политика - это направленный геноцид других народов,
которые стремятся жить в свободном мире и хотят быть независимыми, развиваться
самостоятельно. Сейчас военные формирования войск НАТО
вплотную приблизился к границам России. Военные базы НАТО есть уже на
территории Латвии, Литвы, Эстонии, Грузии, Украины, Киргизии. Американские
войска с успехом проводят тренировки на территории нашей страны. Таким образом,
Россию планомерно превращают в колонию. Президент Путин, скрываясь за
антиамериканской риторикой, за время своего правления фактически сдал страну на
растерзание США. Тем самым фактически превратил ее в колонию. И его
"наследник" президент Медведев продолжает эту политику. Таким
образом, как это не печально констатировать, правительство России не борется с
военной агрессией со стороны США, а лишь всячески потворствует их
захватнической политике. Только наличие ядерного щита у России,
доставшийся от Советского Союза, являвшегося гарантом мира, еще хоть как-то
удерживает планету от падения в пучину новой войны. И именно японцы, как ни
какой другой народ способны понимать все ужасы и угрозу начала этой войны.
Пережившие ядерные взрывы в Хиросиме и Нагасаки всегда будут искренне бороться
против любых проявлений военной агрессии. А у перед коммунистами других стран
стоит задача оказывать в этом всестороннюю поддержку. Губительная политика США приводит к
разжиганию войн по всей планете. Однако их истинная цель разжечь новую мировую
войну, которая может уничтожить все человечество. В такой ситуации мы,
настоящие коммунисты, должны выступить решительно против милитаристской
агрессии со стороны США и всегда будем выступать против любых проявлений
военной агрессии. ¨Свердловского
Обкома РКРП-РПК 3 августа
2008 Свердловское об. Россия Уважаемые товарищи! Свердловское региональное отделение "Российской
коммунистической рабочей партии — Российской партии коммунистов"
приветствует всех товарищей прибывших на 46-ю интернациональную антивоенную
ассамблею. Мы поддерживаем борьбу за недопущение развязывания любой
агрессии по отношению к мирным государствам, но нам как никому понятно, что
пока существует, капитализм, и империализм, как его высшее проявление — войны
на земле неизбежны. Поэтому в сегодняшней сложнейшей политической, а так же
экономической ситуации в мире встает вопрос о сплоченности и организации сил
противостоящих империализму и объединяющих всех здравомыслящих людей для борьбы
за справедливое будущее, за мир во всем мире. Мы выражаем свою солидарность и
надеемся, что движение за мир и социализм с каждым годом будет находить все
больше сторонников, а люди на земле начнут присоединяться к тем здоровым силам
которые сегодня стоят на страже мира и безопасности на планете земля! По
поручению Свердловского Обкома РКРП-РПК. Первый
секретарь OK РКРП-РПК Н.А.
Россейкина. ¨Моргунова Н.
Л. 29 июля 2008, Тура, Россия Уважаемые товарищи борцы за мир,
дорогие коллеги из фракции революционных марксистов! Мы все оставшиеся верными
марксизму-ленинизму и коммунисты и сочувствующие всей душой поддерживаем Ваше
стремление укрепить мир на планете, не дать США и из сателлитам развязать новую
атомную атаку на все человечество Земли! Не дать возможности свершить зверское злодеяние
новым агрессорам, объявившим своими национальными интересами любую точку на
планете, в настоящее время долг каждого человека любой национальности, любого
вероисповедования. К сожалению, «пятой колонне» в СССР удалось свершить
контрреволюцию, конечно, не без помощи США и кап-стран Европы, но и
капиталистическая Россия не станет агрессором. Ей не нужны чужие земли! В этом
Вы можете быть уверены. Тем более знаете о том, что США, НАТО и
Ваше правительство мечтают о захвате территории именно России! Так что все
живущие в России солидарны с Вашей борьбой за мир! Китайскому народу, как и его
правительству, война тоже не нужна! Вам бояться Китая не стоит! Капитал в нем
работает под контролем государства, как когда-то при НЭПе / новая экономическая
политика / в Советской России. Вся угроза миру исходит от капитала США
и стран НАТО!!! Враги не мы с Вами! Враги те, кто
готовит новую мировую войну! Вам бояться бы надо только ответного удара за
агрессию Вашего правительства против Китая и России. Вы сами пишете, что на
территории Японии готовят разместить радарные установки и оружие для ПРО. Ваша
задача не допустить этого! Не дать втянуть Японию в союзники агрессора США и
НАТО! Желаем Вам справиться с этой важнейшей задачей! Привет всем участника 46 интернациональной
антивоенной ассамблеи! Коммунисты
и беспартийные ¨КПСС 30
июля 2008, Москва, Россия Уважаемые товарищи,
дорогие друзья! От имени руководства
и всех членов Коммунистической партии Советского Союза разрешите приветствовать
участников 46-й антивоенной ассамблеи и пожелать успеха в нашей общей борьбе. Несколько слов о
нашей партии. В настоящее время наши организации действуют в половине бывших
союзных республик, в том числе в Прибалтике и Узбекистане, где деятельность
КПСС официально запрещена и участие в ней наказывается тюремным заключением. В
остальных республиках мы работаем полулегально, то есть наша деятельность не
запрещена, но и официально не разрешена. Большинство членов нашей партии живет
и работает в России, положение в которой серьезно влияет и на ситуацию в других
бывших советских республиках. За границей о
положении в России существует нередко искаженное положение. Говорят о бурном
экономическом росте и повышении жизненного уровня (одна из серьезных газет даже
написала, что, дескать, «никогда еще русские не жили так хорошо»), об
агрессивной внешней политике России, о возрождении ее военной мощи и т.д. На
самом деле многое из этого не соответствует действительности. Начнем с экономики,
где в реальности все обстоит не так, как это представляет официальная
статистика. Дело в том, что власти в несколько раз занижают рост цен, создавая
впечатление бурного экономического роста и повышения жизненного уровня. В
последние месяцы, когда общественность немного осмелела, все чаще появляются
заявления о том, что на самом деле цены растут намного быстрее, чем об этом
сообщает официальная статистика. Независимые эксперты считают, что ежегодная
инфляция составляет около 30%. Если по официальным данным номинальная средняя
зарплата в России увеличилась в прошлом году на 26%, то получается, что вопреки
утверждениям властей реальная зарплата на самом деле не выросла, а упала. То же
самое касается и промышленного производства. Нет, кое-какой
экономический рост в России все же есть, но в основном он происходит за счет
роста котировок акций российских предприятий (надувается очередной мыльный
пузырь), плюс на деньги богачей строятся квартиры, которые предназначены даже
не жилья, а для перепродажи. По стране уже стоят сотни тысяч и миллионы таких
вот пустых квартир. Почти все остальные отрасли экономики по-прежнему
прозябают, в прошлом году даже снизилась добыча нефти и газа – основа нынешнего
российского «благополучия». Что же касается доходов, то у большинства населения
они в действительности такие же, какими были в 2000 году. Какая уж там «победа
над бедностью», о которой трубит официальная пропаганда, если в
действительности число бедных нисколько не уменьшилось, а в среднем доходы
населения составляют 40-45% от доходов конца 80-х годов! Но это в среднем.
Большинство населения по сравнению с советскими временами живет в 3-4 раза
хуже. Причем в последние месяцы цены начали расти еще быстрее. Даже по
официальным данным за первые 3 месяца этого года они выросли на 5%, что
соответствует 20 процентам в год. В стране уже прошли первые митинги протеста
против роста цен. Теперь об «усилении
военной мощи России», в которое за границей многие верят. Я процитирую всего
несколько цифр, вполне доступных в открытых, несекретных публикациях. За восемь
лет правления Путина армия получила двадцать семь стратегических ракет, а 440
было списано. Укрепился ли при этом российский ядерный потенциал? По-моему,
ответ ясен. За те же годы российская армия получила 90 новых танков (в среднем
по 11 штук в год), три (!) новых самолета и один (!) новый комплекс
противовоздушной обороны. И так далее, и тому подобное. Любопытно, что при
Ельцине российская армия получала больше оружия. Но, может быть, поставки
вооружений возросли в самое последнее время? Увы, нет. Некоторые заводы, правда, работают, но все
их производство идет на экспорт. В этих условиях
трудно говорить о каком-то реальном военном противостоянии России и США.
Несмотря на временами грозную риторику российских руководителей, вряд ли можно
пока говорить и о действительно независимой российской внешней политике.
Например, в прошлом году Россия поддержала в ООН санкции против КНДР,
ратифицировала подписанное несколько лет назад соглашение о порядке пребывания
на российской территории войск НАТО (!) и т.д. В конце февраля было объявлено
об отказе России от продления аренды радиолокационных станций на Украине (сами
украинцы были не против). Эти станции предназначались для оповещения о ядерном
нападении. Стоит также вспомнить сделанное недавно предложение направить в
Афганистан российские войска. Если же проанализировать широко
разрекламированную «борьбу» Путина против размещения в Восточной Европе
американской ПРО, то эта борьба больше похожа на капитуляцию. Ведь что он
предложил американцам? Вместо Восточной Европы разместить свои станции в Азербайджане
(бывшей советской республике) и в России (под Ленинградом, на новейшей
радиолокационной станции). Странная получается стратегия: если враг влез на
участок к соседу, то давайте пустим его к себе в дом! Если бы американцы
согласились на это предложение Путина, они разместили бы на российской
территории свои войска – причем на совершенно законном основании. В общем, на публике
произносится одно, а в кулуарах – совсем другое. Иначе и быть не может, так как
у российской верхушки на Западе находятся не только банковские счета (речь идет
о десятках и сотнях миллиардов долларов), но у многих даже и семьи. Возможно,
если цены на нефть будут и дальше повышаться, внешняя политика России станет
более самостоятельной, но серьезная конфронтация с теми же США довольно
маловероятна. Ничего особенно здесь не меняет и приход к власти г-на Медведева,
хотя, в противовес мнению некоторых иностранных экспертов, он отнюдь не
является марионеткой Путина. Собственно, уже сейчас между командами Медведева и
Путина идут серьезные трения, которые неизбежно закончатся уходом Путина.
Определенные изменения политики здесь, очевидно, неизбежны, однако общий
путинский курс на «либерализацию»
экономики и подчинение Западу при сохранении «патриотической» риторики, видимо,
продолжится. По нашему мнению,
борьба против империализма США по-прежнему остается актуальной. Погрязнув в
иракской и афганской авантюрах, сотрясаемый экономическим кризисом, он все же
остается опасным врагом всех прогрессивных сил. Борьба против размещения
североамериканской ПРО в различных странах мира, против расширения агрессивного
блока НАТО – все это требует координации усилий коммунистов и прогрессивных сил
разных стран. Требует от нас сплоченности и наступление крупного капитала на
права трудящихся, проводимое под флагом "приватизации" и
"дерегулирования". Мы рады возможности установить непосредственный
контакт с японскими революционными коммунистами и готовы развивать с вами
товарищеские отношения. Да здравствует
революционная солидарность трудящихся всех стран! За мир без войн! Сергей Скворцов, Первый секретарь ЦК
КПСС ¨Региональная
партия коммунистов (Ленинград) 30 июля 2008,
Санкт-Петербург, Россия Региональная партия
коммунистов (Ленинград) и Ленинградское региональное отделение Ассоциации
марксистских организаций шлют самые горячие приветствия участникам 46-ой
Международной антивоенной ассамблеи. Нельзя не отметить последовательность, с
какой руководство Союза революционных коммунистов Японии и организации
Дзенкагурэн чтят память жертв страшного преступления американского
империализма, совершённого в августе 1945 года. И лидеры этой сверхдержавы,
предшественники которых не остановились перед сожжением в атомном огне сотен
тысяч жителей Хиросимы и Нагасаки, ещё смеют выставлять себя защитниками прав
человека!.. Мы согласны, в
основном, с большинством оценок ситуации в мире, данных в Обращении Оргкомитета
Ассамблеи. Вполне очевидно, что
и в Ираке, и в Афганистане агрессивные авантюры США и их союзников по НАТО
провалились, нанеся колоссальный ущерб не только народам Ирака и Афганистана,
но и финансово-экономической системе и политическому престижу США. К вполне
заслуженному военно-политическому поражению на Ближнем и Среднем Востоке
добавились кризис американской валюты и американской ипотечной системы. Эти кризисы
поразили оплот, главную державу глобального капитала. Но кризис энергоресурсов,
экологический и продовольственный кризисы, тесно связанные между собой и
обусловленные в определяющей мере хищнической природой капитализма, охватили
весь мир. Возьмём, например
экологическую угрозу – проблему глобального потепления климата. Погоня
капиталистических корпораций за максимальной прибылью вошла во второй половине
ХХ века в жесточайшее и постоянно обостряющееся противоречие со средой обитания
человека и всего живого на Земле. Капиталистические лидеры, казалось бы,
осознали, что негативное изменение климата, чреватое катастрофой для
человечества, может обернуться катастрофой и для самой капиталистической
системы. И вняв выводам научного сообщества, саммит ООН в Рио-де-Жанейро в 1992
принял Рамочную конвенцию по проблеме изменения климата, выполняя которую
международная группа экспертов подготовила компромиссный документ, после
трудных переговоров принятый на конференции в Киото в декабре 1997 г., – так
называемый Киотский протокол. Если он будет выполнен с применением
предусмотренного им механизма стимулов и штрафов, то в течение 2008-2012 гг.
выбросы в атмосферу СО2 и других «парниковых газов» должны
сократиться более чем на 5% по сравнению с 1990 г. Но что мы видим на деле?
Страны Европейского Союза и Япония выполняют предписания Киотского протокола, а
Соединённые Штаты, главный загрязнитель планетной атмосферы, подписавшие при
президенте Клинтоне этот документ, при президенте Буше отказались его
ратифицировать: сказалось давление базирующихся в США транснациональных
корпораций, действующих по принципу «прибыль превыше всего, а после нас – хоть
потоп». Это вызывает острое противоречие в империалистическом лагере, ослабляя
политические позиции правящих кругов США. Далее. Главными
источниками «парниковых газов» являются топливные электростанции, автомобильный
транспорт, цементная и металлургическая промышленность. И эти же отрасли
материальной цивилизации и мировой экономики, являясь «виновниками»
экологического кризиса, одновременно сами испытывают кризис энергетический,
являясь потребителями невозобновляемых, сокращающихся ресурсов углеводородного
сырья. Следовательно, для преодоления обоих кризисов жизненно необходимо
повсеместно переходить на возобновляемые источники энергии и резко поднять
энергоэффективность промышленности. В состоянии ли мировой капитализм решить в
глобальном масштабе эти безотлагательные задачи? Разумеется, нет. Так, дальнейший рост
производства электроэнергии в мире должен обеспечиваться вводом в эксплуатацию
только таких электростанций, что работают на возобновляемых энергоисточниках и
не выпускают в атмосферу СО2, т.е. гидравлических, ветровых,
приливных, солнечных, биотопливных и атомных. Но не использованный ещё
энергопотенциал рек распределён на планете крайне неравномерно (в основном это
Южная Америка и Африка), энергия ветра, приливов, Солнца требует достаточно
больших площадей для достижения минимально разумной мощности установок
(суммарно в близкой перспективе они вряд ли смогут превысить 10-15%
национального энергоэлектробаланса), АЭС остаются пока наиболее экологически (в
эксплуатации) и экономическими (опять-таки в эксплуатации) выгодными
электростанциями. Во Франции, Японии, Бельгии они обеспечивают наибольшую часть
(во Франции - более 75%) потребляемой электроэнергии. Но АЭС имеют тот родовой
недостаток, что требуют специального хранения извлекаемых из реакторов
отработанных элементов с радиоактивными продуктами ядерного деления до их
последующей химической переработки. Между тем, наука давно нашла практически
неисчерпаемый источник экологически чистой энергии – управляемый термоядерный
синтез. Но для реализации первого, пока ещё демонстрационного термоядерного
реактора требуются колоссальные усилия и финансовые вложения ведущих государств.
По сегодняшним оценкам, демонстрационный термоядерный реактор международного
проекта войдёт в эксплуатацию не ранее 2014 г., а первые промышленные
термоядерные электростанции – 2023-25 гг. Но очевидно, что если ведущие страны,
участвующие в этом проекте, существенную часть средств, направляемых на
безудержное вооружение, перевели на решение этой действительно насущной
проблемы, она решена была бы намного раньше. Однако на планете господствует
капитализм... Что же касается биотоплива, которое нарастающими темпами будет
заменять, в первую очередь, дорожающий бензин для автотранспорта, то в условиях
капитализма это не может не привести к сокращению площадей под
продовольственные культуры и обострению кризиса продовольственного. Ключом к решению
энергетических и экологических проблем в промышленности служат принципиально
новые технологии, направленные на кардинальное снижение и даже полное
исключение потребности в органическом топливе для производства энергоёмких
продуктов, таких, например, как цемент. Основы такой технологии в Советском
Союзе незадолго до его краха были разработаны. Но с победой капиталистической
контрреволюции финансирование работ прекращено: вложения, не приносящие выгоду
быстро, капиталу не интересны. Последний саммит G8
в Тояко на Хоккайдо обсуждал проблемы энергетики, экологии, продовольствия. Но
всё ограничилось разговорами. Под вопросом остаётся и принятие документа,
который должен заменить Киотский протокол после завершения его действия в 2012
и в котором декларируются амбициозные планы дальнейшего сокращения выбросов
«парниковых газов» на 30 и более процентов к 2020-2030 гг. Только с победой
социализма, когда целью материального производства станет не достижение
максимальной прибыли транснациональными компаниями, эксплуатирующими миллиарды
наёмных работников, а гармоничное его развитие в интересах людей труда,
самостоятельно планирующих и организующих его с использованием новейших
достижений науки и технологии, смогут быть решены кризисные проблемы,
угрожающие человечеству. Но сегодня, к
сожалению, ещё не сложилась революционная ситуация. И в этой связи вполне
реальна угроза того, что капитализм, задыхающийся от раздирающих его
противоречий, попытается использовать военный путь их разрешения с помощью
локальных войн для перераспределения сфер господства над энергоресурсами. Не с
этой ли целью США развёртывают по всему миру свои военные базы, включая базы
системы ПРО у границ России? Антивоенные силы, во
главе которых борются левые политические организации, должны и дальше, не
ослабляя давления на правящие круги стран НАТО и их сателлитов, на
капиталистические правительства всех стран, мобилизовывать народные массы на
сопротивление военным приготовлениям, срывать их, пропагандировать
социалистический путь решения мировых проблем Мы присоединяемся к
призыву организаторов ассамблеи, обращённому ко всем революционным левым
политическим силам, - объединить усилия в борьбе за мир и светлое будущее для
всех людей на Земле! Исполком РПК Региональное бюро
АМО, Ленинград |