Denounce the US aggression against Afghanistan!
Upper: at the US Embassy |
Lower: at the British Embassy |
Photos: students' protests on the day
the bombing started (Oct. 8th)
Stop the Warmonger's Visit to Japan!
Smash Bush-Koizumi Meeting!
Denounce US / UK Aggression against Afghanistan!
Never Let Them Extend the War to Iraq! Denounce
Israel's Military Attacks on Palestine! Stop
Japan Joining the War! No to Emergency Legislation! No Revision
of the Constitution!
Zengakuren [All-Japan Federation of Students' Self-Governing
JRCL-RMF [Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary
Marxist Faction)]
US President G. W. Bush and Japanese Prime
Minister Koizumi Jun'ichiro are preparing
to meet tomorrow for celebrating their
in the aggressive war against Afghanistan
in the name of 'civilization and justice'.
They also want to declare an extension
the 'war on terrorism'. We are totally
to fight to stop the warmonger's visit
Japan and to smash the US-Japan summit
for war cooperation.
The Bush administration has already started
its military interventions in the Philippine,
Somalia, Yemen, and Sudan. It is also
Iraq, Iran and North Korea by labelling
as 'an axis of evil', targeting, at
Iraq of the three. Defense Secretary
D. H.
Rumsfeld said, 'The best, and in some
the only defense is a good offense'.
Now, Bush is bent on sweeping away all that
he has named 'evil' just because they
defiant towards America. But think!
Who is
it that has been indiscriminately dropping
atrocious bombs such as Daisycutters,
bombs, and depleted uranium shells
in the
name of 'eradicating terrorism'? Isn't
Bush himself who has been killing,
like worms,
tens of thousands of Taliban militias
other Afghan people under the pretext
'war for civilization and justice'?
acts must be called 'barbarism in the
of civilization'!
Imagine, under those air raids, what tragedies
have occurred, and are still occurring.
reports from al-Jazeera TV (nicknamed
CNN) can show just part of the realities.
Look squarely at pictures of babies
with no brains!
Those depleted munitions that Bush's father
used against Iraq a decade ago have
and is still causing, such a tragedy.
even this is just a part of the realities,
which have been rarely reported by
the media
that have degraded themselves to press
for the Pentagon after surrendering
to the
intimidation, 'Watch what you say!'
In fact,
imperialist America is bringing similar
to Iraq, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, and
areas over the world.
The CIA-patronized Karzai administration
is, in actuality, a 'Kabul government',
can govern only the capital. Despite
of the
massive propaganda about 'Afghanistan's
the fact is the intensification of
territorial warfare between local warlords,
who belong to different ethnicities
and religious
sects. The bloody strife is intensified
foreign states are interfering there
different calculations (Russia, China,
India, Pakistan, and America). There
also disputes over Kashmir between
and India, opposition between Russia
the US over the latter's long-term
for its military presence in Uzbekistan,
Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan, and, as
hostilities between the US and Iraq
with Iran. Intensification of these
will lead Afghanistan to a more serious,
more tragic situation. American imperialists
praise 'the victory of Justice' and
a roseate picture of the country's
covering up the tragedy that they themselves
have caused. Enough is enough!
What is called 'asymmetrical war' for 'antiterrorism'
just shows that Gorge W. Bush is a
true warmonger!
His latest rhetoric 'an axis of evil'
represents unilateralism of his administration.
There were also the secession from
the ABM
Treaty announced for the development
of the
MD program and the escalation of its
the cancelled ratification of the CTBT,
breakaway from the Kyoto Protocol to
the emission of greenhouse gasses,
and the
boycott of the UN World Conference
Racism. (America's alternative to the
announced by Bush before his visit
to Japan,
is full of deceptions!)
And, a green light, or rather, an instigation,
to Sharon's bloody attacks on Palestine.
Adding to these, the US government
a record increase in its military budget
centring on introduction of high-tech
which is for overwhelmingly strengthening
US forces with the aim to silence the
states over the world. (This is also
breaking the economic crunch by means
expansion of munitions-related production.)
Exactly such an arrogance and affront
the imperialist US government constitutes
the root cause for the September 11th
and will surely bring another terror
on itself.
Bush's call for war against 'an axis of evil'
has drawn fierce repulsions from Iraq,
and North Korea. Antipathies have been
not only by these states, but also
by power
holders of US allies including France
Germany and by those in China and Russia;
and rulers of Saudi Arabia as the leader
of the Islamic countries have also
ill feelings against it.
In response, however, the Bush administration
has again started to threaten these
high-handedly: 'Those countries that
to tolerate terrorism and refuse to
action - or worse, those that continue
support it - will face consequences.'
Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz).
On the
other hand, Bush intends to position
US-Japan alliance in the centre of
the 'international
coalition against terrorism' and reinforce
it to be comparable to its alliance
the UK. The reason for this intention
that Bush is irritated at discords
within the 'antiterrorism coalition'
to his steamrollering manner of carrying
out US foreign policies.
To this request from the Yankee imperialist
ruler, Koizumi is actively responding.
that he realized Japan's participation
war for the first time since 1945,
is also determined to cooperate with
to extend the 'asymmetrical war' in
the name
of 'eradicating terrorism'. That is
why the
Koizumi government forcibly carried
out the
second dispatch of SDF troops (February
it is also why the government is bent
enacting emergency legislation within
current session of the Diet in order
to strengthen
a national mobilization system. This
the Japanese government totally and
removes military restrictions that
have been
imposed on it because most of the people
have supported the 'war-renouncing'
9th article
of the Constitution. Further, Koizumi
scheming for an explicit revision of
9. Remember that Koizumi visited Yasukuni
Shrine in spite of oppositions from
the Chinese
and Korean governments and people.
He praises
the patriotic 'Kamikaze' spirit. He's
ambitious to change Japan into 'a country
that can wage war'!
It must be noted that America's war of aggression
against Afghanistan has highlighted
a cultural
meaning of the clash between the 'capitalist
civilization connected with Christianity'
and the 'Islamic culture (or civilization)'.
This shows the nature of wars in the
century, the turning point of which
was made
by the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia.
the collapse of the USSR, American
has been arrogantly carrying out its
policies, including warmongerings in
for the United Nations and impositions
neo-liberalist policies upon other
In doing so, it has put forward the
supremacy of 'freedom and justice'
and the
'American culture' connected with Christianity.
This is drawing antipathy not only
from Chinese
and Russian rulers but also from the
masses all over the world. In particular,
it is provoking the people in the Islamic
world to revolts; thus, Islam fundamentalists
or radicals are increasingly expanding
influence among the people. Therefore,
we build struggles to stop American
barbarities and to prevent our home
from assisting them, the 21st century
turn 'a century of war', in which religious
/ ethnic wars will intensify, connected
conflicts between the US and China-Russia
to be called a 'new Cold War'. (For
the significance
of the September 11th event and the
of the JRCL-RMF, see "The Beginning
of the End.")
Now, as continuing his war (atrocious state
terrorism!), imperialist America's
G. W. Bush comes to Japan. We never
him to sing a triumphal song together
his partner in the war, Japanese imperialist
Prime Minister Koizumi. Neither do
we let
Koizumi propagandize the need for his
reform' by making the full use of Bush's
support. Koizumi's 'structural reform'
just an attempt to break through the
economic impasse by victimizing workers
Notwithstanding, in relation to this Bush-Koizumi
meeting, the Social Democratic Party
of Japan,
and the Japanese Communist Party as
are just requesting a 'law-based response'
to 'terrorism'. This is the worst distortion
of antiwar, peace movement. Overcoming
degeneration, we resolutely fight to
Bush's visit to Japan and to smash
the US-Japan
summit meeting. Now in South Korea,
and other people are fighting to prevent
Bush from coming to their county; people
are also rising in opposition to America's
warmongering in Islamic and other areas
the world. In the warmest solidarity
them, we fight resolute struggles here
Colleagues in struggles! Fight together with
February 17th, 2002
Denounce US Marine ground troops attacking
on Kandahar!
Denounce the escalation in the murderous
war against the Afghan people! Oppose the stationing of the US / UK-led
multinational forces! Stop Japanese troops joining the war! Denounce
the official left parties joining the
for 'eradicating terrorism'! Down with the Koizumi government!
Japan Revolutionary Communist League - Revolutionary
Marxist Faction
Bloodthirsty American imperialism began
to deploy massive Marines and other ground
troops near the Taliban stronghold of Kandahar
on November 25th, launching a ground battle
for massacring the Taliban and the al-Qaeda
A few days ago US / UK forces 'won the fall'
of the Taliban's last northern position in
Kunduz through indiscriminate air raids and
mass killings, putting forward the Northern
Alliance troops. Now, they have started the
violent attacks on Kandahar, the last stronghold
of the Taliban led by Mullah Muhammad Omar,
by committing US Marines notorious for atrocities
in Vietnam. At last, they have launched an
annihilating battle on the Taliban forces
and Osama bin Laden's group.
US forces were again using fuel-air explosive
bombs comparable to tactical nuclear bombs
on November 21st near Kandahar, killing many
fighters and people as if they were worms.
American jets have been raining horrible
bombs, including cluster bombs and bunker
busters, on people around Kandahar.
Moreover, US forces massacred reportedly
800 Taliban fighters including Arabs at a
Northern Alliance prison near Mazar-e Sharif
by unleashing heavily armed AC-130 gunships
and MH-60 Black Hawk helicopters under the
pretext that the captives committed a 'revolt'
They say, 'Celebrate the liberation of Kabul!',
'Celebrate the return of freedom and peace
to Afghanistan!' But isn't it the Anglo-American
troops themselves called 'mission of freedom'
that are now mad on most coward and most
barbarous massacres against people in Afghanistan,
just like cowboys mad on killing Indians.
Never permit their escalation in the
war against the Afghan people!
Smash the scheme of an 'interim administration'
for imperialists
The land of the world's poorest nation is
now burnt down and pious Muslims are being
killed by Anglo-American imperialists and
by their conspirators (Russia, states in
EU, Japan and China). Those criminal rulers
in the contemporary 'crusade' are also beginning
dirty conflicts to take the lions' share
of their preys stained with Afghans' blood.
The UN-sponsored conference for 'an interim
administration of Afghanistan' is, in its
nature, like a bargaining between these hyenas.
Afghan delegates started to gather in Germany
on November 27th for making a national administration;
however, it's just a reproduction of the
irreconcilable rivalries among various tribes
and warlords in Afghanistan.
Hates and resentments are heating among
those tribes and warlords because they were
waging bloody civil wars in the past. Losing
the clasp of the Taliban, the long-standing
rivalries have been unleashed now. Moreover,
the rivalries are aggravating because of
intensifying oppositions among their backers
including the US, Russia, Pakistan, India,
and Iran in relation to post -Taliban visions.
The intensified rivalries, particularly the
Northern Alliance's 'dash', have confused
the US initial plan for conquering the nation.
It is for this reason that George W. Bush
has made a decision to commit massive ground
troops, aiming to frame a pro-US government
against Russia and Iran, and, if things go
well, to occupy strategic points in Afghanistan
like in Saudi Arabia.
Stop another aggression against Iraq and
George W. Bush is now desperate to capture
and 'execute' Osama bin Laden, setting 25
million dollars on his head. The Anglo-American
media, and the Japanese one as its follower,
are now playing the role of a governmental
speaker, saying 'Laden is contained', etc.
They are drawing the world into a witch-hunt.
While producing such a fever, warmongers
are trying to hang not only bin Laden but
also whomever they regard as harbouring or
helping him.
They are targeting Iraq, and Somalia, condemning
them as 'supporting terrorists'. They are
even sending special squads to the Philippines
to 'eradicate' guerrillas from Muslim radicals
there, regarding them as 'having connections
with the al-Qaeda'.
Comrades over the world!
George W. Bush is now building a horrible
system to continuously wage the so-called
'asymmetric war', in which he aims missiles
at 'terrorists' who can revolt against him
and at Muslim people whom he regards as 'harbouring'
them, under the banner of eradicating 'international
terrorism as unseen enemies'.
Down with the Koizumi government rushing
to join the war!
Workers in Japan!
The Koizumi government for Japanese imperialism
willingly decided its war participation in
order not to miss the opportunity of the
US 'war on terrorism'. The government has
positioned Japan as a member of the contemporary
'Crusade', or provokers of a global warfare,
emerging as a conspirator in the massacre
of the Afghan people. It must be said that
Japanese imperialism has 'shown the flag'
as 'an enemy to the Muslim people over the
The dispatch of its SDF troops to the Indian
Ocean in the name of 'rear supports to US
and other forces' is for supporting the US
/ UK operation to 'capture Laden' and murderous
air raids on people with the Taliban. The
Koizumi government has now appeared as 'an
enemy to the Muslim people'. Now is the time
to overthrow his government with the full
might of the working people in Japan!
Overcoming the degeneration of official left
parties, advance revolutionary antiwar struggles!
Workers in Japan!
We should never let the bloodthirsty imperialists
continue the atrocious killings!
However, the official opposition parties
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