to Denounce the NATO Bombing |
May 1st, 1999 |
「魂なき世界の魂」(マルクス)揺らぎて血みどろのいくさ起したりき With even the 'soul in the soulless world' (K. Marx) lost in their heads, those leaders have gone so wild as to appeal to arms! 一神教各派(キリスト教・東方正教・イスラーム)の争いむごたらし、目覚めよ!「神の死せる世紀」に How merciless of monotheism - Christianity, Eastern Orthodoxy and Islam - to come into conflict with itself! Awaken to our Century in which 'God is dead' (F. Nietzsche)! 神の名で「平和・安定」の空爆を敢行す帝国主義者よ、さらば! Imperialists, go to hell! You have committed slaughter 'for peace and stability' in the name of God. 〔六百十年の〕民族的怨念ありとてもやめよ!民族浄化を Serbs, stop your ethnic cleansing, and forget your ethnic grudges since 1389! 殺人屋フリントン聞こえぬか、劣化ウラン弾による死者の呻きが Bill Clinton, immoral murderer, don't you hear the moans of those killed by depleted uranium bullets? トマホークの在庫一掃むごたらし、血煙(ちけむり)・硝煙見えざらむや How brutal! The clearance of cursed Tomahawks, travelling overseas for bloodshed. Clinton, don't you see the bloody smoke from the explosion of gunpowder? 「緑とピンク」の政権も死にたえり、アングロ・アメリカン帝国を伴ひて The Green and Pink parties are dead, forced into death with the Anglo-American empires. ナチズムのただよへるバルカンを覆ひつくすは爆撃機の音 The sky over the Balkans, haunted by Nazism, covered up with the whirr of bombers. むごたらしき無差別爆撃弾劾し、打ち倒せNATO政権を! Down with imperialist NATO! We impeach imperialists for their cruel, indiscriminate bombing! 涙する「自由の女神」なんのその鬼面フリントン愛撫す爆弾 Despite the tears of the Statue of Liberty, the devil in Clinton loves only bombs. 化けの皮はがされたり、悍しき(おぞましき)「政治的=経済的の民主主義」 The true character of hateful 'politico-economic democracy' revealed, with the atrocity of bombings! あかねさす紫の雲ただよひて死者の霊を弔うがごと The dusk is gathering on the ground; clouds come together in the glow of sunset, as if mourning for the dead. ヤンキーに空前絶後の空爆を加えたりしも、これ夢うつつ US cities bombed, bombing on a scale that never was and never will be - but it's just a fantasy in my dream. 讃美されしユーロ・ソーシアリズム自死したり域外空爆によりて Overestimated Euro-socialism has killed itself with its wild air strikes outside the area of NATO. 打つ手なしの亡国ロシアの様あはれ、怒りに燃えるは労働者 The matter stands so miserable in ruinous Russia; it looks on helpless at the bombing by NATO. The rage of the workers is growing as time goes on. イデオロギー失ひしスラブ民族あはれ、帝国主義に抗しえずして The Slavs in misery, losing their belief in ideology, unable to resist outrageous imperialism. 民族間抗争に神々の争い加はりて暗闇深し Ethnic conflict thrown into darkness with a god on each side! 野蛮なる絨毯(じゅうたん)爆撃NATO軍ヒトラーの悪夢よびさましたり Savage carpet bombing by NATO bombers - reviving the nightmare of Hitler, the dictator. 「ヒトラー・ミロシェビッチ」「ナチスNATO」せめぎあへども拡がるは戦禍 'Milosevic is a Hitler!', 'Nazi-NATO!' - as they attack each other, the disaster of war is spreading in Yugoslavia at this very minute. 血しぶきあぐる死者の群なんの因果かと問うこともなく逝きにけり Up to their last breath, they must have been moaning in pain, shedding their blood, without asking what purpose their death served. 軍需スペンディング政策のゆえ犠牲になりし民累々たり Due to the enforcement of the imperialist policy for military spending, the corpses of civilians are, alas, piled up under the NATO air raids. 蓄積されし通常兵器消費さるれば微笑むは独占体 The consumption of stocks of conventional weapons will put a grin on the face of the munitions monopolies. 血をすすりて成長す軍需産業に死をあたえよ!労働者諸君! Workers all over the world! Destroy the munitions industries that have grown by sucking innocent blood! 戦争を廃絶す途歩むべし、暁めざし Fight it out!(撃ちてし止まむ) Fight on for the dawn of the workers' age! Let us advance our struggle aiming for the abolition of war! オイルタンクも放送局も灰燼に帰せしむは傲岸の悪 It is evidence of imperialist arrogance that oil tanks, TV stations, bridges, and hospitals were burnt to ashes. 憎みても余りあるNATO軍の蛮行に死の鉄槌を下せ! Deliver a blow to NATO's savage air raids! 夥しき難民の群に慟哭せざる者いずこにかあらむや Not a single person can be cool, not a day passes by without tears, with refugees wandering in search of peaceful living. 国家権力存すかぎり悲惨うまる、マルクスに帰れ! Back to Marxism! The more intervention by state powers, the more misery to unfold! 「EU周辺〔域外〕有事」の空爆をおきかえよ!「日本周辺有事」に Think! Replace the bombing in 'emergent situations in areas surrounding' the EU with that in emergent 'situations in areas surrounding' Japan. 惨憺たるバルカン戦争凝視せよ!「日本周辺有事法」の悪 Look straight at the misery of the Balkan War! Denounce the vice of the 'war manual' (based on the US-Japan Security Treaty)! 人非人の空爆に判断停止、たたかわざるが第四インター No judgment on the inhuman bombing by NATO, and no fight against its barbarous acts - a regrettable actuality of the Fourth International. あはれかな「民族闘争擁護」のテーゼにしばられ身動きできぬは Alas! The Fourth International cannot rise in action, bound by its thesis of the 'defense of national struggles'. 「反失業」しかたたかわぬランベール派、空爆に脅え悶死したり The Lambert faction had been fighting only against unemployment, and has died a tragic death, scared by the NATO air raids. 老いさらばへし四トロは反戦ストもうてずに死にたえたり Trotskyists on their deathbed are breathing their last, far from going on strike against the bombing. むごき無差別爆撃に周章て(あわて)ふためくやEU諸国 Merciless indiscriminate bombing, so the countries of the EU are thrown into panic. 硝煙に包まれたりしNATO五十周年、その分解の初めなり The 50th anniversary of war-torn NATO - the beginning of its extinction. 無慈悲に敢行さるる空爆は Euro の自滅もたらすらむ NATO's cruel, cold-hearted bombing will lead to the self-destruction of the Euro. 果てしなく続く空爆ジェノサイド、落日帝国のあがきなり Genocide through limitless bombing by NATO; a desperate sign of the ruin of evil imperialist states! 歴史に刻まるるアングロ・アメリカン帝国の横暴を怒りの坩堝にたたきこめ Throw Anglo-America's atrocities into a melting pot of wrath, to go down as a rare piece of idiocy in world history! 火を噴きしバルカンの悲劇、告げたりポスト冷戦神話の崩壊を The tragedy of the Balkan War has heralded the collapse of the 'post-Cold War' myth. 民族の怒りたぎらせ反戦の国際闘争をいざ推し進めむ Responding to the ethnic rage of the Serbs, let us advance the international anti-war movement! ユーロ・ソーシアリズムの屍のうえに打ちたてよ、反戦の旗を Put up an anti-war banner over the corpse of Euro-socialism! 一神教のGodを捨てよ!傲岸なる権力者に最後のとどめを! Throw away the God of cursed monotheism! Put arrogant imperialist power-mongers to death! 思想なき時代の神たる「制裁」と「軍事行動」にとどめを刺せ! Time was when God sat in judgment over the people, and the people were not class-conscious; now is the time to fight against the god of 'sanctions' and 'military operations' in a thoughtless age. 〔ソ連圏〕崩壊後に躍り出たる神々〔イエスとムハンメド〕に民族怨念をむすびつけるなかれ Do not connect each ethnic grudge with Jesus Christ or Mohammed, coming about after the collapse of the Soviet bloc! ムスリムには「耳・鼻そぎ」、クリスチャンには「茶巾しぼり」*、この刑やめよ * 腹と背の皮膚をはがして両肩の上で結びつける拷問 Christians cutting off Muslim ears and noses, Muslims skinning Christians - put an end to these punishments! 「神の死」の世紀末におこりし「民族と神々の争い」、ああ歴史の狡智 At the end of the 20th century in which God has died, conflicts between gods and between ethnic groups have been brought about in reality. Alas! It's List des Geschichte. 寄せかえす爆撃機の音耳底にひびき憎しみ怒り沸騰す Waves of whirring bombers resound in my ears; my blood boils with rage! さえずりに変わりて響く爆音に重なりあふはバルカンの悲劇 Above their heads, sounds of bombing instead of the song of skylarks; below the air raid goes the Balkan Elegy over the ground. 隕石がペンタゴンに命中し破壊したりき、ああ夢なるか A meteorite hit the Pentagon and destroyed it. It was just a dream. How very disappointing. アングロ・アメリカン帝国の断末魔遠からじ〔反戦の〕闘いあらば The death-throes of the Anglo-American empires will come soon, if anti-war movements flare up around the world. たちあがれ!EUの民よ!NATOに死を!反戦の闘い燃えあがれ! Rise up in anti-war struggle, people of the EU! Death to NATO! Light up the struggle against war! 灼熱の陽のごとき情熱をたぎらせて打ち砕け今の闇を! Enlighten the dark side of the world with the light of your burning desire for a bright future! 次世紀を拓く力はわれらにありマルクス思想生きて輝く Vitality and pathos are within us to open the door to the next century. Marx's thought is now living brilliantly. 軍靴の響ききこえぬか、第二の安保改定に抗して起せ、デモ津波 A vague feeling of unrest, like the marching war songs of troops coming from afar, growing ever louder. Let us organize waves of demonstrations against the second revision of the Security Treaty! 〔CIA〕謀略と〔NATO〕域外空爆弾劾し起ちあがれ!新世紀拓け! Arouse public denunciation of the CIA conspiracy and NATO air strikes outside NATO! Open up the new world of the 21st century! 擡頭すウルトラナショナリズムと国家ナショナリズムにとどめを刺せ Nip off the growth of state-nationalism and ultra-nationalism that is now rising! よみがえるホロコースト胸抱きたちあがれ!いくさに抗して Stand up against the war by NATO, embracing the memories of the holocaust! 夕映えを血の海と見よ!バルカンの民の呻き聞こえざらんや Look at the evening glow as a pool of blood! Listen to the moans of the Balkan people! 不倫隠しに利用さるる空爆、その怒りたるや逆巻く怒とう Bombing to divert people's attention from Clinton's 'inappropriate' love affair; now the people of the world are thrown into raging billows. 起て民よ!打てストライキ!反戦のほのほで全世界をおほひつくせ Rise up against war! Extend the flame of anti-war strikes all over the world! NATOに死を!民族浄化策に死を!ユーロ社民・四トロのりこえて Death to NATO and ethnic cleansing, while overcoming Euro-social-democratic parties and Trotskyists of the Fourth International! 悪の根源神々と権力にあるを知る民いざ奮いたて! Rise up, people, who know the root cause of all evil lying in gods and state power! |