- Revolutionary
Marxists in Britain
- Union
Pacifist de France
- Российская коммунистическая рабочая партия (РКРП-КПСС)
- Владимир Пронин
- Workers World Party /Partido Mundo Obrero
- Lewisham People Before Profit
- David McReynolds
- Faridabad Majdoor Samachar
- Свердловский обком РКРП-КПСС
- The EEK (Workers Revolutionary
Party of Greece)
- Tendance CLAIRE du NPA
- A
World to Win
- Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional
- News and
Letters Committees
Marxists in Britain
21st July 2014, London,
Revolutionary Marxists in Britain, send our warm and comradely greetings to the
52nd International Anti-War Assembly.
declare our support for the Assembly’s stand against the war preparations of
Shinzo Abe’s government in Japan. We recognise with you the need to oppose the
growing military rivalry where US imperialism, allied to Japan and to Britain,
confronts Russia and China.
have been mass popular demonstrations throughout the world against the latest attack
by Israel on the people of Gaza, but US President Obama has given his full
support to the Israeli military action.
shooting down by pro-Russian forces in Ukraine of Malaysian jet MH17 involved
the tragic loss of 298 lives. Such an incident is the inevitable result of
Putin’s strategy of military aggression and Russian expansionism in Ukraine. We
must not let this tragedy become a pretext for western imperialist intervention
in Ukraine. Extreme nationalism in both Ukraine and Russia must be answered by
the politics of working class solidarity.
support the Assembly’s call to annihilate the “misery of the world”, and its
opposition to the attempts by government to drive workers in to the politics
“national interest”, which has come with a rise in support for far-right and
fascist organizations. Your appeal
rightly highlights the worldwide increase in poverty, unemployment and
Britain, over a million workers in local government, and the civil service and
fire brigade held a national strike on 10 July. Most schools were closed, and
many services reduced.
the ConDem government, the pay of local government workers was frozen for three
years, with a 1% pay rise this year to be followed by a 1% rise next year. That
means a decrease in real terms of 20%. The pay of some workers, e.g. school
meals staff, is so low that it will reach the legal minimum wage level next
union bureaucrats, still tied to the Labour Party, will try to limit the
struggle to one-day actions. The Fire Brigades Union is engaged on a series of
strikes against changes to the retirement age and pension terms. It is
important that they do not fight alone.
leader Ed Miliband publicly opposed the 10 July strike. He has said that a
Labour Government would still practise “wage restraint” and would not
significantly increase welfare spending.
Meanwhile, Miliband has joined forces with Conservative Prime Minister
David Cameron and his Liberal Democrat Deputy Nick Clegg to ensure the rapid
passing through Parliament of the Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Bill,
which will guarantee access by the state surveillance departments of all
emails, telephone messages, and social media activity.
the private sector, employment conditions have worsened through zero-hour
contracts, and low pay, while many unemployed have become “self-employed”, with
the loss of rights and security that that entails. Although official figures
show a decline in unemployment, real wages have fallen. Meanwhile, the richest
1% get richer.
July 10, demonstrations of striking workers took place in all major British
cities. One encouraging feature of the rally which followed the march in
London, where the speeches were dominated by bureaucrats, was the presence of
strikers from the fashionable Ritzy Cinema, who are fighting for the “living
wage”. The striking Ritzy workers received cheers and applause from trade
unionists at the rally. While the ConDem government tries to create popular
hostility towards public sector workers, the support for the Ritzy strikers
helps to build solidarity between private and public sector workers.
dangerous aspect of capitalist globalisation are the proposed “trade
partnerships, such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment partnership (TTIP)
and the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TTP), which gives legal powers to
trans-national capitalist companies to sue governments for loss of profits
arising from any legislation seeking to defend workers’ rights, the
environment, health or food quality. These so-called “partnerships”, negotiated
largely in secret, will enforce privatisation and worsen living conditions in
rich and poor countries. The struggle against TTIP in Britain has made some
gains, with notably the largest trade union, Unite, switching from support for
TTIP to opposition.
fully support your “appeal to workers and toiling masses”. We fully agree that:
“Only the internationally united fight of the working class” can eradicate wars
and end environmental destruction and poverty. We raise our voice with yours:
“Workers of all countries, unite”
Pacifist de France
July 20th 2014, Paris, France
Dear Comrades,
you for your invitation. We always give you our solidarity.
Union Pacifiste de France, French section of War Resisters international, wish
you a very good meeting.
also fight against the competition for strengthening nuclear capabilities
between the US and China/Russia. We must build up international solidarity
against war and poverty.
Secretary Union
Pacifist de France
¨Российская коммунистическая рабочая партия (РКРП-КПСС)
11 июля 2014, Санкт-Петербург, Россия
Уважаемые товарищи, соратники по борьбе!
Российская коммунистическая рабочая партия (РКРП-КПСС)
горячо приветствует участников 52-й антивоенной ассамблеи в Японии и желает вам
плодотворной работы на благо мира на планете.
Сегодня мы
снова вспоминаем про страшную трагедию японского народа – преступную и
бесчеловечную атомную бомбардировку Хиросимы и Нагасаки империалистами США.
В наши дни
США и их пособники по НАТО продолжают выражать лицемерную озабоченность
опасностью распространения ядерного оружия и используют это как предлог для
проведения скрытой агрессии в виде разного рода санкций, а то и открытой
агрессии против разных стран, не желающих подчиняться диктату Вашингтона. Тем
не менее, все хорошо помнят, что реальная опасность применения ядерного оружия
исходит именно от самих США, так они уже делали это в прошлом, и, являясь
главным источником международной напряженности и агрессии, опьяненные ложным
чувством собственного военного превосходства и безнаказанности, могут сделать
это снова.
После гибели
СССР – подлинного оплота мира на планете, постоянное нарушение всех норм
международного права и национальных суверенитетов со стороны США и их союзников
стали обыденным явлением. По мере обострения всеобщего кризиса капитализма,
Запад все чаще прибегает к прямому военному насилию с целью обеспечить интересы
ТНК, прежде всего финансовых. Под прикрытием демагогии на тему прав человека и
демократии западный империализм при помощи непосредственного военного
вмешательства или прямой поддержки реакционных антиправительственных
выступлений устраняет неугодные правительства и приводит к власти откровенно
фашистские режимы (как на Украине -
практика, известная как фашизм на экспорт), режимы крайне
реакционных фундаменталистов, или просто ввергают страну в состояние хаоса, как
это было в Ливии.
коммунистическая рабочая партия высоко ценит ваш вклад в дело борьбы за мир и
выражает свою полную солидарность. Фашизм
не пройдет!
Мы надеемся,
что наши товарищеские отношения будут крепнуть и развиваться, и что мы
по-прежнему будем находиться с вами в едином классовом строю в борьбе за дело
мира, коммунизма, за дело освобождения рабочего класса, и против капитализма и
империализма, являющихся постоянным источником войн.
коммунистическим приветом,
секретарь ЦК РКРП-КПСС В. Тюлькин
¨Владимир Пронин
Член Президиума Антифашистского
комитета Украины
6 июля 2014, Киев, Украина
Уважаемые товарищи участники конференции! Время,
прошедшее со времени предыдущей конференции, было наполнено борьбой
прогрессивных сил человечества с агрессивными устремлениями мирового, прежде
всего, американского, империализма, не прекращающего свои поползновения убрать
со своего пути всё, что мешает его стремлению к мировому господству.
В этом промежутке времени американский империализм
потерпел поражение в Сирии - благодаря мужеству сирийского народа и поддержке,
оказанной Сирии Россией и Китаем. На этом неприятности империалистов на Ближнем
Востоке не закончились. Как уже бывало и прежде, реакционные исламистские силы,
вскормленные, организованные и вооружённые империалистическими государствами и
реакционными режимами стран Персидского залива, вышли из-под контроля и,
выброшенные из Сирии, обрушились на иракский режим. И естественно, что они
сразу же в империалистической прессе перестали быть героями-борцами за
демократию, но превратились в мгновение ока в бандитов и убийц!
В этот же период империализм потерпел особо обидное
поражение в России, где «бело-болотная революция», спровоцированная с Запада с
помощью его «пятой колонны», также долгие годы взращивавшейся на деньги Запада,
из-за недовольства последними изменениями в политике путинского режима,
переставшего после предательства Ливии послушно исполнять волю мирового
жандарма – США. К сожалению, в этих событиях приняли участие некоторые левые
силы, включая ряд коммунистических организаций, которые не сумели разобраться в
сложной политической обстановке.
Но эти неудачи не охладили пыл американских властей и их
западноевропейских подголосков. В следующем году они готовят массовые
выступления против Президента Белоруссии Лукашенко, который после краха СССР
был единственным политиком на постсоветском пространстве, который был им как
кость в горле, не позволяя ни западным, ни российским олигархам грабить
Но главный удар был нанесён на Украине, события в которой
с конца ноября прошлого года и до настоящего времени находятся в центре
внимания мировой общественности. В середине ноября 2013 года в центре столицы
Украины вспыхнули массовые беспорядки. В ответ на отказ президента Украины
Януковича подписать экономическую часть соглашения с Европейским Союзом,
грозившее экономической катастрофой для украинской экономики, на киевский
Майдан Независимости вышли молодые фашисты из национал-радикальных группировок,
в том числе, из организаций фанатов при футбольных клубах, принадлежащих олигархам.
Все последние десятилетия они проходили подготовку в военных лагерях на
территории Западной Украины и в бывших советских республиках Прибалтики на
деньги западных спецслужб и местных олигархов. К ним примкнули часть обманутой
демагогическими лозунгами проевропейски настроенной молодёжи, а также мелкая
буржуазия города и села (лавочники, владельцы частного автотранспорта, мелкие
фермеры) и привезенные с запада Украины, где особо сильно влияние неонацистов,
местные маргиналы. Итогом событий на Евромайдане было поражение олигархов
Донецкого региона и приход к власти национал-фашистских сил вкупе с рядом национал-демократических партий, некоторые из которых в
социально-националистической демагогии и политической практике не
уступают самым крайним неонацистам. Это не могло не отразиться сразу же самым
отрицательным образом на ситуации на Украине, так как торжествовавшие
националисты и их союзники по Майдану сразу же приняли ряд провокационных
законов, что тотчас же вызвало взрыв возмущения Юго-Восточной Украины, где
население в подавляющем большинстве - русскоязычное. Крым, где основное
население русские, после проведения референдума, результаты которого были легко
предсказуемы, уже потерян, а в индустриальном сердце Украины - Донбассе, где
всегда были сильны интернационалистские настроения, вспыхнуло народное
восстание, которое нынешняя украинская власть, являющаяся по сути своей
марионеткой Запада, действующей по его прямой указке, жестоко подавляет самыми
безжалостными методами с применением авиации, артиллерии и бронетехники. Чем
завершатся события на Украине, предсказать не возьмётся в данный момент никто,
потому что в этот конфликт, спровоцированный Западом, прежде всего, США,
втянулись другие европейские страны и Россия. К великому сожалению, на Украине
сейчас не видно серьёзной и авторитетной партии или движения, способного
возглавить народное сопротивление «пятой колонне» Запада, ныне правящей на
В послевоенный период американские империалисты, потерпев
унизительное поражение там, где их вооружённые силы непосредственно участвовали
в агрессии, как это было в Корее, Вьетнаме, Афганистане, Ираке и вынужденные в
конце концов с позором убираться домой, некоторое время предпочитают загребать
жар чужими руками. В связи с этим понятна борьба антиимпериалистических сил
Японии, прежде всего, коммунистов, против откровенно выраженного намерения
правящих кругов Японии развязать руки японской военщине и позволить ей вести
вооружённые действия за пределами страны. В этом им обеспечена моральная поддержка
из Вашингтона, надеющегося со временем использовать японские вооружённые силы в
своих интересах. И если это драматическое решение будет принято, то не далеко
то время, когда японская молодёжь будут гибнуть за интересы американской и
японской буржуазии в других странах.
И ещё об одном хотелось бы сказать японским товарищам.
Прошло время и трагедия Фукусимы, которая потрясла Японию и вызвала
сочувственный отклик во всём мире и, прежде всего, на Украине, пережившей скоро
уже тридцать лет тому назад Чернобыльскую катастрофу, постепенно отходит на
второй план, отодвигаемая на второй план другими, более свежими событиями. С
самого начала было понятно, что корыстные интересы японской буржуазии не
позволят ликвидировать ядерную угрозу Японии из-за работы ядерных электростанций.
Но японский народ, думается, не должен терять бдительность, потому что жадность
буржуазии не имеет предела и она ждёт, когда схлынет волна народного гнева,
чтобы снова в конкурентной борьбе за прибыли принимать самые рискованные
решения, невзирая на угрозу жизни и здоровью своих соотечественников. Думается,
в требовании организации действенного народного контроля за безопасностью на
атомных электростанциях, если об этом заявят коммунисты, они найдут поддержку у
всего народа Японии и завоюют авторитет, так необходимый коммунистам в их
борьбе за социализм.
В завершение рад передать привет японским коммунистам и
пожелания успешной работы очередной 52-й международной антивоенной конференции!
¨Workers World Party /Partido Mundo Obrero
July 29th 2014, New York, USA
Workers World Party in the USA, we salute your 52nd International
Antiwar Assembly and send you our solidarity.
We in
the USA understand how difficult it is to fight the militarism of “one’s own”
ruling class. We must confront and defeat all chauvinism and patriotism of the
imperialist rulers.
year U.S. imperialism has stepped up its military intervention all over the
world. It is supporting Israel’s murderous crusade against the Palestinians of
Gaza. It is feeding weapons to the war in Syria against the government. Its
occupation has wrecked Iraq and left it in crisis. U.S. troops are still in
Afghanistan. And on a new front, the U.S.-NATO forces are supporting the most
reactionary pro-Nazi forces in Ukraine.
you point out, most of the aggression is directed against Russia and China.
the Pacific, Rimpac 2014 is now taking place. This is the word’s largest
maritime exercise, directed against China and Russia. Under U.S. command,
25,000 soldiers from 22 countries with 55 ships and 200 warplanes are
participating. NATO is present through the naval forces of the U.S., Canada,
Britain, France, the Netherlands and Norway, plus Italy, Germany and Denmark as
observers. The “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” has been extended to the
know that the Abe government in Japan is equally attempting to remilitarize.
The Japanese rulers want to participate as another imperialist power in the
division of the spoils of the world. We are happy to see your work combating
this militarism as well as Abe’s reactionary domestic policies directed at the
working class in Japan.
Catalinotto and Berta Joubert-Ceci,
Department, Workers World Party, USA
¨Lewisham People
Before Profit
29th July 2014, London,
People Before Profit is unable to send a delegate to the 52nd Assembly but we
wish to convey our solidarity and fellowship with you and our commitment to
your aims. Ordinary people everywhere desire peace, yet those with power divide
us - telling us that war is for our protection, that people from other
countries, or with different traditions, are dangerous and should be feared;
this must be countered with international co-operation and with opportunities
for genuine discussion, which is why we are so glad to offer you our support
and warmest wishes for a successful gathering.
People Before Profit began life as a campaigning organisation about 6 years
ago, but in 2010 it became a political party and contested local elections, becoming
the principal opposition to the “New Labour” group in power. We are still
campaigning, on matters such as affordable housing, education and all the other
services which have been severely cut by both local and national government.
Many of our members are taking part today in the widespread protests at the
continuing violence in Gaza.
are organising an event here on 28th September to celebrate the 150th
Anniversary of the founding of The International Working Men’s Association. We
are expecting delegations from overseas to attend, and we would be delighted to
welcome members of your organisation to join us in London for the occasion.
John Walker and David Hamilton,
On behalf of Lewisham People Before
¨David McReynolds
former chair, War Resisters
29th July 2014, New York, USA
At this most difficult
and dangerous time, when old empires are in collapse, as is true of the United
States, and border conflicts threaten peace, as with Ukraine, Syria, and the
terrible Israeli attacks in Gaza, and in the efforts in Japan to amend your
constitution, it is important for non-governmental organizations to maintain
contact and mutual support.
May I extend my
solidarity with all those of you in Japan who work for a world free of nuclear
and conventional weapons - a goal so distant yet so urgent.
You meet almost on the
day of the first nuclear weapon being used, and at a time of tensions between
Japan and China. How urgent to reach out to the people in China to establish
bonds of friendship.
¨Faridabad Majdoor Samachar
26th July 2014, Faridabad, India
Dear Comrades,
Thank you very much
for your snail-mail and e-mail.
Comrades, the
exponential leap in productive forces that the introduction of electronics in
the production process has brought about has greatly enhanced the possibility
of radical social transformations. In places like India, social death and
social murder of peasants and artisans is happening at a very rapid pace. In
the last 15-20 years wage workers have become the most numerous and vibrant
social strata. We have been distributing our Hindi language publication
Faridabad Majdoor Samachar amongst factory workers since 1982. Now 12000 copies
are distributed each month around Delhi in Industrial Model Town - Manesar, Udyog
Vihar industrial area - Gurgaon, Okhla Industrial Area - Delhi, and Faridabad.
There have been very significant changes in the composition of factory workers.
Extremely radical steps are being taken by workers in their thousands. [ The
Attachment with this message will provide you a glimpse of these.] The state in
India is finding it increasingly difficult to generate consent and obtain
credibility. This seems to be the situation in most parts of the world. We are
very far from 1914 and 1939..............Global radical social transformations
are on the human agenda.
Comrades, our best
wishes for the 52nd International Anti-War Assembly.
Sher Singh
¨Свердловский обком
30 июля 2014, Свердловск, Россия
Уважаемые товарищи!
От лица наших
товарищей членов Свердловского регионального отделения «Российской
Коммунистической Рабочей Партии в составе КПСС» - мы выражаем солидарность и
поддержку всем участникам 52–ой интернациональной антивоенной ассамблеи!
Сегодня,- когда мир сотрясает один за другим военные
конфликты, развязанные воротилами капитала, для обогащения одних и уничтожения
и порабощения других, мы не можем равнодушно взирать на планы агрессии и
убийство мирного населения.
Все, что в наших
силах, и что возможно сделать против
войн и насилия мы будем осуществлять,
чтобы не только остановить, но и уничтожить зарождающийся в очередной раз
«фашизм на экспорт».
Первый секретарь
Свердловского обкома РКРП-КПСС
Россейкина Наталья
◆ The EEK (Workers Revolutionary Party of Greece)
1st August 2014, Athens, Greece
entire Greek working class, including our Party, the Workers Revolutionary
Party (EEK) of Greece never forgets or will forget the Japanese victims of the
nuclear holocaust in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, this horrendous
"monument" to the barbarism of imperialism, war and
decaying global capitalism.
salute your 52nd International Assembly as the living expression of the
fighting, unyielding resistance of you and of the Japanese
working class and people to imperialist-capitalist barbarism, which
now again threatens humanity with catastrophe.
global capitalist crisis that erupted in 2007/08 not only did not ended but it
is in rapid transition into further exacerbation. Neither the
mass injection of liquidity to save the banks and finance capital in the US,
Britain, the EU nor "Abenomics" in Japan offered any way out
from the impasse of a historically exhausted social system in its advanced
years of crisis devastated the lives of millions of people in Greece, in Europe
and all over the planet. And now, the ruling classes turn to the
most brutal methods to save the rule and the privileges of the "one
per cent" on the top.
far right is on the rise,as the results of the last European Elections of May
2014 have shown,and the Nazi stormtroopers are launched in Greece,
in Hungary, in Ukraine. In this last country the Nazis , under the guidance of
the US and EU imperialism got control of the key positions in the
oligarchic state and wage brutal repression and war against their
own people in Eastern and Southern Ukraine.
decades, we have not just a renewal of the Cold War but of a real ,hot,
destructive war at the center of Europe, threatening to expand internationally.
wars and civil wars are waged not only in Ukraine but also in the Middle
East, from the new genocidal war aggression of Zionist Israel against the
Palestinian people in Gaza to Iraq, Syria, and Libya.
can and should stop this slaughters by organizing the forces of
proletarian internationalism and peoples resistances all over the world in a
common revolutionary struggle against the butchers of imperialism, to transform
the imperialist wars into a world socialist revolution.
is not an abstract principle but a very practical one embedded in the material
historical reality of our epoch. A small example: last year our Party faced
a lawsuit by the Nazi Party "Golden Dawn" with the
complicity of the right wing government launched against us and against
the General Secretary of the EEK Savas Michael-Matsas with the ludicrous
accusations for "fomenting violence and civil war to impose a
Judeo-Bolshevik regime in Greece". Thanks to a tremendous
international campaign of solidarity, including your solidarity, we won this
battle. It was the first legal defeat of the Nazi 'Golden Dawn" in Greece.
We thank all of you!
, the EEK and other revolutionary organizations and social movements in
the Balkans, Ukraine, Russia, and the Middle East, we are preparing for
2015, the year of the centenary of the Zimmerwald Conference of 1915 against
the First World War, a new international Conference in the Zimmerwald's
spirit to fight against the rising imperialist war, militarism,
chauvinism, racism,and fascism. We extend our invitation to you too to discuss
it and participate in this international mobilization.
warmest internationalist communist greetings
behalf of the EEK
Michael-Matsas, General Secretary of the Central Committee
August 2014 Berlin, German
We send you warm greetings of solidarity to your
52nd International Antiwar Assembly.
Antiwar action is very necessary and is becoming
more urgent from day to day all over the world. Since the conflict in Ukraine
became violent, war is taking place again also in Europe. Europe in the
interest of capital and free markets had tried to pull Ukraine to the west in
disregard of what the Ukrainian citizens wanted. When after the protests on the
Maidan a new government was build, European politicians even shook hands with
fascist members of that government. The Russian occupation of the Crimean
Peninsula and the Russian troops at the Ukrainian border make us fear for the
worst. Neither the European nor the Russian hegemonism will be in favour of the
people living there.
And if we look to the Near and Middle East and
to Africa, there is much more for the people there to fear. Iraq, Syria,
Israel, Palestine, Mali, Nigeria… Israel’s military operations in the Gaza
Strip fill the media reports at the moment. A little bit of the events in Iraq
is still in public awareness. But the casualties of the Syrian Civil War are
not counted anymore in Western media. The tensions in the Syrian war are rising,
but no one is watching. Instead, Germany is just debating if we are able to let
in 5.000 or 10.000 Syrian refugees (of about 3 million Syrian refugees, who
already left Syria and 4 million more still located in Syria). Meanwhile
refugees from Syria and many other countries drown in the Mediterranean Sea at
the border of the fortress Europe.
Western governments act, as if they are numb
against all warning, as if they never experienced any historical education and
if conflicts, war and suffering civilians in other parts of the world would not
be of their concern.
At the same time we experience all the social
developments you also described very well. The poor are getting poorer, the
rich become richer. The EU imposed a strict austerity policy on the governments
in the south of Europe, which leads just to more unemployment and poverty. And
in many countries neo-fascist groups gain support in this crisis.
That’s why DIE LINKE in Germany has to stand up
together with the peace movements in Europe and all over the world.
We call for an immediate arms embargo against
the Near and Middle East and the Ukraine. We say no to arms exports in general.
We need political solutions – in
Israel-Palestine, in the Ukraine, in Iraq, in Afghanistan, in Syria, and for
the situation in the East and the South China Seas.
We demand the withdrawal of the German
Bundeswehr from all their foreign assignments.
We say no to drone wars.
We demand immediate help for the refugees.
We fight as DIE LINKE and as a member of the
European Left for a social, democratic and peaceful Europe.
So we support your struggle in Japan and wish
you a successful assembly!
LINKE Party Central Office
◆ 통합진보당
2014년 7월
31일 한국, 서울
동북아시아와 세계의 평화를 위하여 매년 국제반전집회를 개최하고 있는 귀 위원회에 평화의 인사를 드립니다.
히로시마·나가사키 원폭 투하는 인류가 만든 가장 위험한 무기를 사람에게 직접 사용한 야만적인 행동이었습니다. 인류가 경험한 가장 위험한 핵무기가 지구상에서 없어지기를 바랍니다.
통합진보당은 한반도를 비롯한 전 세계 비핵화를 지지하고 있으며, 하루빨리 현실이 되기를 바라고 있습니다.
일본 아베정부는 일본 자위대 창설
60년이 되는 7월 1일 집단적자위권행사를 결정을 했습니다. ‘전쟁 할 수 있는 나라 일본’을 선포한 것입니다. 아베 정부는 한일군사정보공유약정(MOU) 체결을 위해 한국정부와 공동의 보조를 맞춰 가고 있습니다. 한국과 일본의 군사협력은 미국이 추진하고 있는 미사일방어체제(MD)를 구축하여 한미일 군사동맹을 완성하는 것입니다.
우리는 일본의 집단적자위권과 군사대국화를 반대합니다.
일본과 군사협력도 반대합니다.
일본의 집단적자위권은 아시아 평화를 위협하고 동북아시아의 군사적 갈등을 높이는 결과를 가져 올 것입니다.
평화를 지지하는 한국과 일본의 정당과 단체들이 힘을 모아 아시아의 평화와 세계 평화를 위해 함께 노력해 나가기를 기원 합니다.
국제반전집회실행위원회가 그 동안 노력해온 아시아의 평화를 위한 활동에 적극 지지를 보냅니다.
통합진보당은 아시아 평화와 한반도 평화를 위해 함께 노력하겠습니다.
¨Tendance CLAIRE du NPA
31 juillet 2014, Paris, France
Chers, chères camarades,
Nous vous remercions de nous avoir adressé cette année, comme les années
précédentes, votre “Appel pour le 52ème Meeting International Anti-Guerre au
Votre éclairage sur les tensions dans la région Asie-Pacifique entre les
blocs États-Unis – Japon d'une part et Chine – Russie de l'autre est précieuse
pour nous qui sommes une organisation principalement implantée en France. Votre
analyse de ces tensions nous semble juste dans la mesure où vous renvoyez
dos-à-dos les deux blocs, contrairement à bon nombre d'organisations
trotskystes qui appliquent encore dogmatiquement la théorie de l'“État ouvrier
dégénéré” à la Russie ou à la Chine.
À travers votre appel, nous avons pu également mieux comprendre la gravité
des attaques du gouvernement d'Abe sur tous les fronts : révision de la
Constitution dans un sens belliqueux, efforts pour exporter la technologie
dangereuse du nucléaire, attaque contre les acquis des travailleurs,etc. Nous
soutenons votre lutte courageuse et déterminée
contre le gouvernement Abe ainsi que contre les directions traitresses des
centrales syndicales et du JCP.
Pour avancer dans la discussion fraternelle entre organisations
révolutionnaires, nous souhaitons revenir sur quelques points de votre appel.
(1) Alors qu'il s'agit d'un appel contre la guerre, il nous semble que
votre analyse des principales guerres en cours – en particulier en Ukraine et
en Syrie (la guerre sanglante qu'Israël est entrain de mener à Gaza ayant
commencé après l'envoi de votre appel) – est un peu trop rapide. Concernant
l'Ukraine, vous analysez la guerre en cours uniquement comme résultant d'un jeu
géopolitique entre les États-Unis et l'Union Européenne d'une part et la Russie
de l'autre, et n'évoquez pas un des facteurs majeurs, à savoir la révolte,
légitime, des populations de l'Est de l'Ukraine contre le nouveau gouvernement
central soumis aux impérialistes et à l'influence des fascistes.
(2) Votre analyse de la situation internationale nous semble trop
alarmiste, par exemple lorsque vous écrivez que “l'Asie de l'Est est dans une
situation tendue où le moindre incident peut provoquer une guerre”. Nous ne
sommes pas convaincus qu'une guerre est à l'ordre du jour dans cette région, en
particulier parce que la Chine, même si elle est agressive en parole, est
encore entrain de se développer économiquement et n'a pas encore intérêt à
prendre l'option militaire. De même, vous qualifiez Shinzo Abe de
“néo-fasciste”. Or à notre connaissance, Abe n'a pas encore exhibé les
marqueurs qui caractérise le fascisme, à savoir : lois répressives contre les
organisations de la classe ouvrière, organisation para-militaires visant à
écraser le mouvement ouvrier, etc. Il nous semble important de caractériser
précisément la situation afin d'élaborer l'orientation la plus juste.
Nous aimerions apporter à présent quelques éléments sur la France. La
situation en France est toujours dominée par la crise économique. La croissance
a été nulle au 1er trimester 2014, le taux de chômage continue à augmenter,
dépassant désormais 10% de la population active. Le gouvernement est totalement
discrédité : le président Hollande compte moins de 20% de soutien dans
l'opinion publique, le Parti Socialiste vient de subir une déroute aux
élections européennes (moins de 14% des votes), alors que le Front National,
parti d'extrême-droite, est arrivée en première position pour la première fois
avec près de 25% des votes.
Pour tenter de sortir de la crise, le gouvernement français, comme le
gouvernement japonais, tape très fort sur les travailleurs : il vient par
exemple d'adopter le “programme de stabilité 2014-2017” qui prévoit :
• 30 milliards de baisse de cotisations et d'impôts pour les patrons;
• 50 milliards de coupes dans les dépenses publiques et sociales;
• gel des prestations sociales et des retraites, gel du point de la
fonction publique jusqu'en 2017.
Malgré toutes ces attaques, la situation sociale est morose : les défaites
des années précédentes (principalement dues à la trahison des directions
syndicales bureaucratiques) pèsent encore sur le moral des travailleurs. La
récente lutte des travailleurs de la SNCF, malgré sa puissance, son auto-
organisation et la clarté de ses revendications a également été défaite.
Sur le plan extérieur, l'impéralisme français continue à mener des guerres
en Afrique (opération Barkhane au Mali, opération Sangaris en Centrafique,...),
sous couvert de lutte anti-terroriste ou d'intervention humanitaire, en réalité
pour défendre ses intérêts sur le continent.
Dans ce contexte difficile, la Tendance CLAIRE du NPA fait tout son possible
pour soutenir les travailleurs en lutte et les peuples opprimés, et pour porter
la perspective de la révolution communiste internationale.
Pour finir, nous vous souhaitons un plein succès au 52ème Meeting
International Anti-guerre au Japon. Comme les années précédentes, nous nous
joignons à vous pour lancer : À bas les guerres impérialistes ! À bas le
système capitaliste, source de guerres, de destructions de l'environnement,
de misère, d'oppressions ! Vive la solidarité prolétarienne internationale
! Vive
la révolution communiste internationale !
◆ A World to Win
31st July 2014, London, , Britain
Friends and Comrades in Japan and around the world,
in A World to Win send our revolutionary greetings to the 52nd International
Antiwar Assembly in Japan.
salute your struggle to overthrow the Abe government as it seeks to change the
constitution to allow the Japanese state to engage in war.
deepening global crisis widens the fault lines of the social and political
relations established after World War II. Dictatorships throughout the world
were shaken by the democratic demands of the masses first in Tunisia, then
Egypt and throughout the Middle East from 2011 onwards.
regimes – east and west – now seek to divert attention from their inability to
satisfy the needs of the majority by whipping up nationalist sentiments and big
power aggression.
United Nations is totally powerless in the face of mass murder by the Zionist
state of Israel against the Palestinians in Gaza.
parties serving corporate interests are implementing austerity programmes. This
has led to widespread alienation from the political process and significant
votes for openly racist and even fascist parties in Europe.
Putin seeks to destabilise the Ukrainian movement for rights and
self-determination. He hopes to crush internal opposition by whipping up great
Russian chauvinism and a regime of terror against journalists and political opponents. Again the UN has stood by
while he annexed Crimea and Ukrainian civilians and airline passengers are
killed by Kremlin-sponsored gangsters.
its disastrous interventions in Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan, the United States
is busy leading the attack with its Trans-Pacific, and Transatlantic Trade and
Investment Partnerships and continues its drone wars in Pakistan and secret
operations elsewhere.
joins China, Europe and Africa in the competition to attract investment by
forcing wages down, reducing corporate tax levels, slashing social care and
pensions, replacing the remnants of the welfare state with a market state.
“Abenomics” is creating huge debts by printing money, and driving real incomes
down in order to restore profitability but failing to stimulate growth.
agencies like the IMF and World Bank tour the world pressing national
governments to serve the interests of transnational corporations which will
stop at nothing in the race for declining resources to fuel the growth they
need to sustain profits, wilfully blind to the ecological damage they visit
upon the planet. Global warming and its effects have increasingly become
sources of conflict, as vital resources are depleted.
weekend sees the centenary commemoration of the start of the war in 1914 which
sent millions of workers to fight and die in the bloody struggle between
competing imperialist powers for division of the world.
movements of peoples for their rights cannot be satisfied by the old order, nor
by the nationalist or religious forces, such as ISIS, nor the military
dictatorships that have seized the upper hand in the absence of secular and
revolutionary leaderships. We look to new generations to fill this political
the rule of capital will allow us to develop new democratic forms based upon
common ownership, so that we can begin a new epoch of not-for-profit
sustainable production for need and a new peaceful relationship between all of
humanity and our shared home.
A World to Win secretariat
◆ Fracción
Leninista Trotskista Internacional
28th 2014, Buenos Aires, Argentina
We salute and send a
warm revolutionary and internationalist hug to the organizers of the 52nd
International Antiwar Assembly: JRCL-RMF, the militant Zengakuren and all the
delegates. We, the revolutionary workers and youth of FLTI, feel as one more of
you, despite the distance, always fighting together for the interests of the
world proletariat.
We know that our youth
and members who fight for the re-foundation of the IV International all over
the world are as brave and convinced as the workers and youth who fight every
day surrounding US military bases in Japan, facing Abe’s fascist
counterrevolutionary government.
We salute you from the
blooded Africa, which has been exploited and plundered a thousand times. That
was the place where for over 5 months
80,000 miners of Lonmin and Angloamerican rised, in a revolutionary strike.
With their assemblies, pickets and strike committees, they fought against the
Stalinist union bureaucracy of Southern Africa, for wages, dignity and their
life, defending the minerals plundered by the imperialist pirates.
Five months of one of
the most heroic strikes of the world working class, which was silenced by all
the treacherous and reformist leaderships.
We salute you from Latin
America, where the lie and scam of Stalinism and their “Bolivarian governments”
are falling down. They are the biggest appliers of imperialism’s plans in the
Brothers Castro have
already sold out Cuba to imperialism. They sold out the Colombian resistance to
Santos’ fascist government, which is nothing but a puppet of US 7 military
bases that, from Colombia, monitor all the oppressed peoples of the Southern
You know that in the
streets of Latin America we have fought together with JRCL-RMF tens of times;
as well as we do it together in Japan in your brave fights against Abe’s
government and US imperialist bases in your country.
As yesterday in Chile,
Brazil or Peru, this year we have seen the workers of Paty proudly in the
fights of the Argentinean working class heading their columns with the banner
of solidarity sent by Japanese workers from the Militant Cordon of Workers of
They have received your
solidarity and your banner, which they took to demonstrations and rallies, demanding
to get again their jobs, for the expropriation without compensation and under
workers’ control of TNCs that close their factories and leave workers in the
The banners of LOI-CI
Democracia Obrera, together with JRCL, surrounded the court that wants to
punish workers of Las Heras and that condemned them for lifetime.
From FLTI, we salute the
honor of Japanese revolutionaries who never left alone the world proletariat in
their fights.
JRCL and its youth and
FLTI have proven that we are not only internationalist in words, but that we
are real militant forces of the world working class.
200 billion inhabitants
out of the 7.000 billion of the planet are in extreme poverty. World market has reduced. Capital keeps
leaving the productive process and goes more and more to speculation, emission
of titles and valueless bonds and to generate huge debts in the colonial and
semi-colonial world. Capital develops war machinery more and more, creating
destructive forces, i.e. it prepares the conditions for new bankruptcies, new
crisis and new wars against the exploited of the world. This is the only way
that the rotten system survives, which needs to submit world working class to
higher slavery and super-exploitation.
In 2007/2008 this system
was hit by a huge crisis. Capitalist parasites spent in advance what human
labor has not produced yet. The working class all over the world, from Europe
to the Pacific Ocean, from Asia to Latin America, carried out huge combats.
In 2011 we, the exploited, conquered the chance of coordinate a world
generalized process; we cornered
imperialism. Greece was on fire, the exploited people of Spain set up the
“indignados” (“outraged”) and the working class surrounded Wall Street;
landless peasants rebelled in China and the workers in the maquilas
(Sweat-shops) rose up; in Maghreb and Middle East was at the vanguard with a
chain of powerful revolutions for bread and against imperialism.
But the
leaderships of the US, European and Japanese working class submitted the proletariat
in those countries to their own imperialism. The labor bureaucracy and aristocracy together with the World Social
Forum fenced the revolution country by country and de-synchronized the
revolutionary struggle of the masses of the semi-colonial world with those in
the imperialist countries. The maximum expression of this WSF policy is the
fence imposed against the Syrian masses suffering the biggest genocide against
the working class during the last decades.
But today, the
capitalist system has survived. And it
was possible because the leaderships have saved such capitalist system, that
is, the leaderships inside the mass movement have strangled his fights and
fenced his revolutionary processes.
US imperialism, after
his victories in ´89, started to dominate the world through his five military
commands and even left in crisis all the ruling institutions imperialism had
set up during the Yalta period.
US imperialism threw his crisis to the world. He behaves as money
lender. He covered his multi-millionaire commercial deficit with the reserves
suck in across the world. But it was not enough.
The US imperialism was stopped, in his arrogance, by a huge mass
struggle of the workers and people of Iraq and Afghanistan in particular, and
above all, by his own US working class that like the European one prevented his
imperialism from keeping the massacre directly and pillage against the people
of Maghreb and Middle East.
The “Iraq syndrome” blew USA like yesterday the Vietnam one. The masses
took out his fire power.
Since 2008 USA, masked
as “democratic” and “generous” with the “coloured Bush” Obama, threw his entire crisis on the world. Together with Merkel and the German
Bundesbank reduced all the minor imperialist powers of Europe as vassals.
They put France and England as squires and together with the Japanese imperialism
they fenced Russia and China to impose on them new plans of semi-colonization
and pillage. For that reason, they established theAtlantic and Pacific agreements. They rearranged the damaged UN.
They imposed the UNASUR and CELAC on the American continent and obliged China to act like buyer and importer of
what his transnational companies produce.
The relation of Russia
with the productive apparatus of high technology of France and Germany can no
longer be a secret. Russia, the great exporter of weapons, supplies his war and
armament industry with technology of France and Bundesbank. Their soldiers
train in the high-tech war simulators in Germany while France gives it
technology for navy ships and radars for which Russia pays for royalties and
patents in his weapons’ exports.
Germany has more than 25
billion of Euros as regards direct investments in Russia. The Great Russian
bourgeoisie is in partnership with Germany and France and submitted to USA by
thousands of credits and his margin of maneuver is getting narrow because
imperialism in bankruptcy needs more and more to retain all his business.
Today, US imperialism
can no longer intervene directly like in the past Bush did in Iraq and
Afghanistan. Thus, today they are setting up new institutions of dominance and
plastering the old ones of Yalta. The
Anglo-Yankees pirates today intervene in the international politic through all
their agents.
In Latin America they
have settled a counterrevolutionary pact with countries like Chile, Peru, and
Mexico with whom they have a Free Trade Agreement. They have unified those
countries with the “Bolivarian countries” in the UNASUR (Union of South
American Nations) and CELAC (Community of Latin American and Caribbean States).
The Bolivarian
bourgeoisies saved the damaged semi colonial capitalism of Latin America as
well as influenced the US proletariat
to submit them to Obama and the Republicrat murderous regime
Imperialism exerts his
dominance like in Middle East by
using his hit men to strangle the heroic revolutions that made the working
class and oppressed rebel from Tunisia to Syria and from Iraq to Palestine.
By counterrevolutionary pacts like Geneva II, imperialism concentrated all his agents in that
region to fence and smash masses. USA intervenes in counterrevolutionary wars
using proxies, through his lackeys and hitmen where each of them fulfills a
necessary role. Putin and Al-Assad together with the Iranian Ayatollahs masked
as “anti-imperialist” make the “dirty work” to massacre the masses as they did
in Syria and today they guard the frontiers for Zionism.
The Saudi and Qatari bourgeoisie also using a language “anti-imperialist” or pseudo-democratic are the
ones who appear to control and
discipline the uprising revolutionary masses like in the North of Syria and
today in Iraq for the insurrections’ chain that started in Fallujah not to win
in Bagdad; and for the revolutions’ chain that started in Tunisia, in Syria not
to conclude like in Libya defeating Al-Assad and not to triumph in Jerusalem
smashing Zionism.
That’s the sinister plan
where the imperialism uses all his agents and smashes the revolution by the Lebanon-ization of Iraq and Syria by
re-drawing the borders to re-colonize and strangle the revolution in the
uprising people of Maghreb and Middle East. This is the Geneva II plan.
At the end of 2013, when
the Palestinian working class and people threatened with enter the struggle,
the dog Bashar sustained by Putin began to punish and massacre them. It was the
dog Bashar who bombed the hunger children in the Palestinian camps of Yarmouk
near Damascus. As he protects the borders of Golan for Zionism, it is possible
today for Zionism bombs and massacres in Gaza.
Meanwhile with the Atlantic agreement, the reformist leaderships of the European unions supported theimperialist Maastricht. They
fenced the Greek revolution, divided and submitted the European working class.
And the Imperialism threw his crisis on them.
Today, the bankers of London City, Paris and the Bundesbank together
with Wall Street go for the East Europe. The Atlantic agreement is about this:
a single market of USA and Europe through which almost 50% of the world GDP
will pass.
EU and NATO seek to advance to the East. They need new markets and
direct agents. They have already re-colonized the whole Eastern Europe. They
have arrived to Ukraine. They have removed the Great Russian bourgeoisie from
great extent of that territory.
Moreover, with the
offensive of the new government of Kiev, USA and NATO they reached at the
Russian doors of Donetsk. They left Crimea for Putin as a military base to
discipline any upheaval on the part of the oppressed people in the region and
advanced in their colonizing offensive of Ukraine already taking 75% of the gas
pipelines and the most productive lands.
Who presented battle
against the IMF, European Union, and Kiev pro-yankee government were not the
white troops under the command of the counterrevolutionary Putin but the heroic
mine workers of Donetsk, Sloviansk
and Lugansk that still resist bravely with their militias, even they made the
Russian soldiers defect to fight with them against the Kiev pro-yankee
government. Meanwhile Putin took out quickly his troops settled in the borders
and established a policy of “dialogue and peace” with the Poroshenko pro-yankee
government and murderer of the Ukrainian proletariat. Donetsk workers know that if the IMF’s and EU’s plans are imposed, they
will lose their jobs and end like immigrant pariahs in the Europe of
Maastricht. The tragedy is that because of the responsibility of Stalinism and
social-imperialist parties they have been isolated from the workers in the
imperialist Europe who are paying for the crisis of bankers with miserable
wages and unemployment.
There where the imperialism needs to defeat the left-wing of the working
class stands up “Fronts Left” with which tie the most combative of the
international working class to a policy of class collaboration.
happens with SYRIZA in Greece, with Stalinism in Chile, supported by the
"anti-parliamentary left," entered the parliament and government with
Bushelet. Also in Argentina, with members of the FIT as MPs preparing draft
laws with the "opposition" gorilla bourgeoisie in the Argentine
parliament ... while the government of Wall Street Kirchner gets tired of
attacking the workers and the people starve. A true policy of class
collaboration whose maximum expression, we insist on it, is the policy
centralized by that cave of bandits of the WSF constituted by Stalinism,
Social-Democracy and renegades of Trotskyism.
No more Left lackey of Obama! The new “blacken Bush”
is the new war criminal, the chief of all the imperialist gangs and the world
counterrevolution! He at the command of all the lackeys and side by side the
imperialist gangs has done even major counterrevolutionary actions in
comparison to his predecessor Bush!
The renegades of Marxism want to make appear as “barbarian people” and a
“fight among tribes” the upheaval of the working class of Maghreb and Middle
East. The revolutionary Marxists affirm
that the history of humanity is the history of the class struggle. Thousands
years ago the epoch of tribes with hunter-gatherers ended. There is no sector
in the planet where the capitalist mode of production doesn’t control the
entire production of the human civilization. Those in struggle are social
classes: The bourgeoisie and proletariat. Everything else is a lie. This is
beyond the political and religious shapes the class struggle can acquire.
Today we witness that facing the uprising of exploited of Fallujah and
Mosul, the European social-imperialist parties name them “upheaval of tribes”,
we see as they treat the exploited insurrected in the whole Maghreb and Middle
East as “barbarian people”.
That is not true. They
say it to prevent the central countries’ working class from recognizing their
class brothers in the colonial and semi-colonial world.
In Maghreb and Middle East and in Iraq those who have rebelled are not
"tribes", it is the great working class that suffers and writhes in
the oil wells of the imperialist transnational companies of Bush and Obama. The outcasts who do not support any more the
existence of that US colony have rebelled. They confront the Iranian murderous
Ayatollahs who covered the backs to the Yankee imperialism in his retreat of
Iraq by sustaining the “Shiite” government of Maliki, a true lackey and guard
of the interests of the British Petroleum, Halliburton, Exxon, Chevron and the
other imperialist oil companies settled in Iraq. The imperialism has sent his
lackey of the Saudi bourgeoisie to contain the masses’ upheavals in Fallujah
and Mosul.
Out with the murderous
Husseinite bourgeoisie and the Islamic State, proxy of Saudi Arabia! Unify the
oil workers of the North of Iraq with those in the South! Rebel Bagdad! Let’s
re-take the road of the uprising of the Iranian working class in 2009 who had
carried out in the 80’s a great revolution of workers and soldiers setting up their
shoras-their councils- defeating Sha Reza Pahlevi. Open the road to the working
class of Iraq, Iran and the entire Persia! For the return of the shoras!
The true “barbarian” is not masses in the semicolonial countries but the
forces of the imperialism. They are the barbarian: the kings of Bourbons of
Spain, the queen of England at the head of the Royal Navy, and the French V
Republic that invaded Mali to keep the uranium for his military nuclear
apparatus. Here, the only barbarian tribes are the religious ones who belong to
the Apocalypses of the Tea Party who behind the face of Obama boost new
holocausts in the world. Let’s end with the cynic ideology and sinister
propaganda spread by the labor aristocracy and bureaucracy!
Over a year that the oil
wells of Libya are paralyzed by the workers in strike. The magnificent
constructions in Dubai and Qatar, the oil wells in the entire Maghreb and
Middle East are built by millions of workers, pariahs in their own land. The
oil is taken out by the workers.
Yes. In Middle East
there is a huge nomadic working class who is taken as slaves by the imperialist
oil companies and native bourgeoisies to build their luxurious hotels. That’s
the glorious working class who has rebelled from Tunisia to Libya and from
Syria to Palestine. A working class that for the treason of his leadership is
manipulated by the Sunni and Shiite bourgeoisies just like Stalinism and
European social-democracy do with the working class submitting them to the
“democratic imperialisms”.
Open the road to the
working class of Maghreb and Middle East! Out the Sunni and Shiite
bourgeoisies-those lackeys of imperialism! Open the road to the unity of the
working class of the semicolonial world with the proletariat of the imperialist
Today, the massacre
against the workers and people in Gaza lifts the veil. Words died. Millions of
workers and rebel, anti-imperialist youth are winning the streets across the
world full of rage because of the Zionist massacre in the Gaza Strip.
Comrades, in this 52
Anti-War Assembly, we call on you to:
-stand up side by side the working class in the Maghreb and Middle
East that by their upheavals in 2011
made shake the whole world capitalist system from his foundations.
-stand up side by side
the Donbass workers and their heroic
militias fighting the Kiev army who have been left to their fate by the killer
-stand up to generalize
and take as ours the fighting methods of the worker democracy and strike
pickets conquered by the Marikana mine
workers in their confrontation against the imperialism. Because that is the
path to defeat capitalists, their governments and the treacherous leaderships
that prevent workers from fighting for their demands.
-fight together against
Stalinism and his remains that like in China sold out the slave labor force to
the imperialism and the worker and peasant Cuba to the Yankees. For our
revolutionary honor, we, the Trotskyists in Latin America will give our life
for in the worker and peasant Cuba not to wave again the banner of the
-fight together to rebel
the US and Japanese working class and proletariat of the European imperialist
powers that have already stood up at the war cry “the enemy is at home!” to
stop the genocide and massacre against the Palestinian masses. This struggle
must not end.
-fight together to
unmask the false Marxists that like the renegades of Trotskyism sustain by the
left side to all the treacherous leaderships and legitimize the exploitation
and deceits imposed by the native bourgeoisies in partnership with imperialism.
Comrades, let’s fight together!
The Palestinian Intifada
has begun because the masses cannot bare starvation any longer, 30% of
unemployment and their land to be in the hands of the Zionist usurper. The
masses had understood that without the defeat of the Zionist state of Israel
there will be no bread, no work and no land. A new Palestinian revolution is
about to come. The world working class has already come in support.
Imperialism has returned
firing power to Zionism. It can do that because it has been massacred and made
bloodshed of the Syirian revolution, while the revolutions in Tunisia and Libya
were deflected and expropriated, and in Egypt the regime of Mubarak is back
with the genocidal coup of the dictatorship of Egypt.
Yesterday, Homs fell, the capital of the revolution of the Maghreb and
the Middle East. It fell the Tahrir Square. We cannot let Ghaza fall. Today the
Zionist state of Israel must fall, which is the capital of the
counterrevolution in the Maghreb and the Middle East.
You know that you count
with all our forces to defeat the fascist government of Abe, the Obama the
murderer and the imperialist pirates of Maastricht and the EU. We fight
together with you against the US military bases that aim their missiles to all
the workers and subjugated people of the Pacific Ocean and their own Japanese
working class.
All of our forces to
defeat the hitmen of imperialism, the counterrevolutionary forces that oppress
the working class in Asia, the Pacific Ocean, such as the Chinese Mandarins and
the White Counterrevolutionary Army of Putin!
The workers of Africa,
Latin America and Europe each time understand more that they have great allies
in the Japanese working class. These allies are the revolutionary workers from
the JRCL-RMF and the Zengakuren youth.
The oil workers
sentenced to life in jail from Las Heras, the dismissed workers of Paty today
feel like one of you, a delegate to the 52º Antiwar Assembly. Their future and
fate is linked, today more than ever, to the struggle if the international
working class and the workers of the Pacific Ocean, which are exploited by the
same transnational companies that plunder the peoples of Latin America.
Therefore, you and we
are going to cry out loud: Open the road to the workers of Paty, Lear,
Volkswagen, Ceramica Neuquen, which are punished by the worst attack of the
government of Kirchnet and the transnational companies, among hundreds of
thousands of workers!
Free the workers of Las
Heras, the prisoners of Guantanamo and our Palestinian brothers that are
rottening in the jails of Zionism!
Let’s strike together!
Let’s break the siege on
Let’s send weapons,
medications and international brigades to fight side by side with the
Palestinian People, to smash the fascist forces of Zionism, so the war cry of
revolution can sound again in Maghreb and the Middle East!
For a free secular
democratic Palestine! For a provisional revolutionary government of workers and
For the Socialist United
States of Maghreb and the Middle East!
Zionism and imperialism
deserve that the world working class make a world-wide intifada! From Germany
to Sweden, from New York to Chicago, from Rome to Paris and Tokyo, a world-wide
of the international working class is starting to rise. The Palestinian victory
in Ghaza, Jerusalem and the entire occupied territory is and will be a victory
of the whole world working class. This battle cannot be lost.
But we cannot achieve victory without making justice. For our
revolutionary honor, we won’t let to be left in silence and hidden in history
that the murderer Assad, supported by Putin, with the Syrian masses isolated,
has imposed a genocide killing 500.000 workers and poor peasants and expelled
millions of them to refugee camps in the borders, on behalf of all the imperialist
powers. The martyrs of Syria claim for justice. They will be redeemed with the
Palestinian revolution that will expel the Zionist invader and will settle
things straight with the killer Bashar, with a new spark that will set on fire
the whole region.
In the fights in Ghaza we can see clearly the trenches of the
international class struggle.
On the one hand, we find
the Stalinist parties, next to the Palestinian and Zionist bourgeoisies. In
that trench we also find the dog Bashar and Putin, next to Hezbollah of
Lebanon, guarding the Golan Heights and the northern border to the Zionist
state of Israel. We find the Sunni and Saudi bourgeoisie, which disarm the
masses, subjugate them and strangle their revolution with their party-army. We
also find the renegades of Trotskyism, which support the evil plan of the UN of
“two states” by left, which only wants to confine the Palestinian people to the
ghettos of Ghaza and the West Bank.
On the other hand, in
the trench in front of them, we see the heroic Palestinian masses, with the
support and the anger of millions of workers and youth across the world that
want to take the struggle for the victory of the Palestinian cause to Jerusalem
and all the fights that are in the planet. Fighting together with them, we find
ourselves, the authentic internationalist revolutionaries that have put our
forces to re-found the Fourth International and the courageous revolutionary
Marxists from Japan and the world.
Today, more than ever,
the socialist revolution needs of the unity of the authentic revolutionary
internationalists to organize the resistance and prepare the future
revolutionary offensives. That is what our combat for closing the path of the
next inter-imperialist wars is about. The iron alternative is still fascism and
war, or victory of the international socialist revolution.
Finally, we want to salute you, so we can together pay a special
tribute, and with it, pay tribute to all the new generations of workers and
youth that enter into the fight for the cause of the proletariat.
In Libya, general
Heftar, an imperialist lackey, rose. He tries to group forces to retake the oil
companies that were occupied by workers and the rebel militias. The military
clashes against the coup of NATO have begun. With the war cry of “let’s defend
the revolution”, once again, the rank and file of the rebel militias of Libya
stood up.
Confronting Heftar and his murderous officer’s caste, from the militias
of Misrata, comrade Ibrahim al-Ja’abi fell in combat. He was only 20 years old,
and when he was 17 he was in the lead of the militias of Misrata fighting to
end with the regime of opprobrium of Gadafi.
We want our comrade to
have a tribute from all the internationalists of the world, and together with
him, to pay tribute to all the Palestinian youth that since they are 10 years
old they stand up and fight, with their intifada against the Zionist aggressor.
He used to feel a
Zengakuren himself, in his fight against the counterrevolutionary forces.
Open the road for the
working youth! Long live the youth of the intifada!
Open the road for the
international socialist revolution!
Long live the
international unity of the working class!
For the working class to
live, imperialism must die!
Collective for the IV
International – FLTI
Internationalist Workers
League (LOI-CI), Workers Democracy, of Argentina
Revolutionary Movement
of the Rebel Militias, of Libya
Leon Sedov Brigade, of
Workers International
League (WIL), of Zimbabwe
Internationalist Workers
Party (POI-CI), of Chile
Trotskyist League (LTI), of Bolivia
Workers and Youth
Revolutionary Committee for the Self-Organization (CROJA), of Brazil
Communist Workers League
(LCT), of Venezuela
Group The Communers, of
Socialist League of the
Internationalist Workers (LSTI), of Peru
◆ News and Letters Committees
July 2014, Chicago, USA
Dear Comrades
of the Executive Committee for the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly,
We send you
revolutionary greetings from the heart of U.S. capitalism, which we oppose with
all our minds and actions. We appreciate especially the struggle of the
comrades in Japan against the Abe-led government which, as you show, is intent
on creating a Japanese imperialist army as it, at one and the same time, aims
to become richer by impoverishing its people and selling nuclear plants and
weapons of destruction to international markets. As we wrote in our
Perspectives in the May-June 2014 issue of News & Letters:
“The ruling
classes’ reactions to capitalism’s economic crisis and the ever-present
currents of revolt have fostered militarism and narrow nationalism and fueled
international conflicts. This background of ongoing tension means that the
specter of a broader war lurks behind each individual flashpoint, from U.S. and
Israel vs. Iran; to China’s territorial disputes with Japan, The Philippines,
and other nearby countries; to North Korea vs. South Korea, Japan and the U.S.
In each case, past episodes of brinkmanship are no guarantee that the next time
will manage to stop at the brink. It’s not as if wars aren’t already being
waged, including the 13-year-old war in Afghanistan, as well as battles in
places like Somalia and eastern Congo, where fighting continues a decade after
the end of the ‘African world war.’”
We are living
in a time of never-ending wars in which the U.S. plays a leading role. History
did not end with the Cold War. Just as the meager “peace dividend” soon
evaporated in the U.S., chaos and lowered life expectancies appeared in Russia.
The West abandoned the people of Russia and its former satellites to “free
market” shock treatment, in collusion with the new oligarchs, who overlap with
the old “Communist” elite. At the same time, the Clinton and Bush
administrations expanded NATO and ran roughshod over Iraq, which is still
suffering the aftermath of war and military occupation. The Obama
administration greatly expanded the drone assassination program as well as the
U.S. military presence in Africa and an open “pivot to Asia.”
But Putin
judges that the U.S. has been weakened after its adventurous blunder in Iraq
and the collapse of its “red line” in Syria. To the extent that it has been
weakened, it is not so much due to “feckless” policies as it is due to mass
disgust after over a decade of war combined with the deterioration of the superpower’s
economic base. That is not helped by a military budget exceeding the total of
the next 13 top military spenders. In the same way, huge factors in the USSR’s
collapse were its own economic sickness, worsened by sky-high military
spending, and its population’s disgust at its war in Afghanistan together with
the explosions of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant.
However, the
U.S. and the even more weakened Russia both possess nuclear arsenals sufficient
to destroy human civilization many times over. The fact is that the threat of
nuclear war is still very much present. Dmitry Kiselyov–head of Rossiya
Segodnya, the Kremlin’s official international news agency, who acts as Putin’s
chief propagandist–warned that Russia is “capable of turning the USA into radioactive
some in the Western Left justify their support of Crimea’s annexation by
pointing to the presence of fascists in Ukraine, disregarding the nature of
Putin’s regime: chauvinist, militarist, patriarchal, dreaming to restore Stalin’s
empire, and simultaneously rehabilitating Stalin and the Russian Orthodox
Church, all within the framework of authoritarian state-capitalism under a
maximum leader. State-backed violence against ethnic minorities, Gays and
political dissidents is rampant.
What is
tearing at the world at this moment is the inhuman war taking place between
Israel and Hamas but where the majority of the people being killed by Israel’s
invasion of Gaza are not members of Hamas but civilians, many of them
children. We end our greetings and solidarity statement to you with our
statement on that invasion, as we wish you success in the gathering of anti-war
activists and thinkers in Japan. We are with you in spirit.
Stop Israel’s
war on Gaza: the need for revolution in life and thought
The war
crimes being committed by the Israeli government in its current assault on Gaza
are reminiscent of 2008′s brutal “Operation Cast Lead.” The bombing has not
spared hospitals, UN compounds, schools or homes for the disabled. A huge percentage
of the dead and injured are children. This is collective punishment on a vast,
criminal scale, disproportionate to any actual threat posed by the largely
inaccurate rockets being fired into Israel.
There are
well over a thousand dead now in Gaza. Many more have been injured and a
generation of children traumatized. Hundreds of buildings have been destroyed.
Infrastructure has been devastated once again.
As in
previous conflicts, the presence of genocide advocates like Avigdor Lieberman,
Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Naftali Bennett, Minister of the Economy, in
the government preclude any right Israel might claim to wage war on
Palestinians. Such a government, riddled with genocide advocates, has only one
duty: to be overthrown as quickly and as completely as possible.
The real
spark that set off this current round of fighting was the formation on June 2
of a Palestinian unity government, agreed to by Hamas in a concession to
reality. The Islamist organization has been weakened by the turns of regional
politics in the wake of the Arab Spring upheavals. Having lost patrons to
Syria’s revolution (Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and his patron, Iran) and Egypt’s
counter-revolution (former president Mohamed Morsi) has left Hamas relatively
isolated, supported mainly by U.S. allies Qatar and Turkey.
What is more
important is that the formation of a unity government was a revolutionary
demand raised by Palestinian youth and revolutionaries as part of Arab Spring:
“The people want the downfall of the factions.” The masses well understood that
neither Hamas nor the Palestinian Authority were capable of representing their
demands, and that the struggle between them was meant to give both room for
continual sell-outs and counter-revolution.
While the
Israelis have taken serious casualties in the ground incursion, the one-sided
battle testifies to Hamas’ weakness. Military weakness, for one, as their
arsenal of rockets has not proven to be any kind of credible military threat;
and ideological weakness, as they have used what rockets they have in random
attacks on civilian targets, rather than in combat. Hamas has well-trained
fighters, motivated to defend their own territory, and an intelligent use of
that firepower would have been wiser than crude attacks on civilians, attacks
that do nothing but add to the general atmosphere of inhumanity and
It has to be
understood that 2014 is not 2008. The vision of new possibilities raised by the
revolutions of the Arab Spring posed new ground for addressing the old conflict
between Israelis and Palestinians. Revolution compels a rethinking of Israeli
history (and not only by Israelis) all the way back to the founding of the
state. The mere hint that this kind of radical rethinking might happen gave the
Israeli Right all the incentive it needed for the current massacres, meant to
bury such ideas forever.
It also has
to be understood that 2014 is not 2011. The genocidal counter-revolution waged
by Syria’s Assad has cut through all ideological illusions. It has revealed the
essence of bourgeois society, and the ultimate relation of counter-revolution
to revolution. What has become clear is that there really is no compromise
possible. While Netanyahu’s government isn’t strictly comparable to Assad’s
regime, it is also uncompromising in its attack on all progressive
The Israeli
strike at the Palestinian unity government is only one example. Another is the
continuing effort to render any two-state solution impossible through the
illegal expansion of West Bank settlements. This promotion of naked criminality
and brutality has devastated both Palestinian and Israeli society. Netanyahu
has declared the two-state solution to be dead, and his neo-fascist Cabinet
members openly express their desire to annex the entire West Bank. Gazans exist
for them only to be killed or dispersed. The West Bank protests against the
Gaza massacre have been met with extreme brutality, killing 10 more Palestinian
civilians as of now.
Even protests
within Israel itself have met with violence from Kahanist thugs. It testifies
to the dismal retrogression in Israeli society due to the continuing
This is
brutality acted out on a very large scale. It adds nothing to the understanding
one could glean in looking at the murders of the youths that led up to this
moment. The killers of the three Israeli teens, Naftali Fraenkel, Eyal Yifrach,
and Gilad Shaar, whose deaths were blamed without evidence on Hamas, committed
a terrible crime that opened the door to Netanyahu’s assault on Gaza. The
monstrous revenge killing of Palestinian teen Mohammed Abu Khdeir, who was
forced to drink gasoline and then set on fire, alive, foretold the massacre to
In spite of
all, it remains the fact that the world has had that vision of revolutionary
possibility. It is what motivates much of the support for Gaza that has brought
thousands into the streets, all over the world. Even the Israeli government has
begun to realize that it is fighting an idea whose time has come–the idea of
freedom–that calls for the uprooting of all oppressive relations, and the
creation of a new human world. It is a struggle that is taking place all across
the globe today.
–The Resident
Editorial Board of News and Letters Committees