The Communist Shinseiki [New Century] |
No. 208 Hamuro Masato 'Socialism' infinitely similar to capitalism Sakata Seiichi Illusion of a monopoly capitalism 'that is not imperialism' Mido Renji Abolition of the 'abolition of the emperor system' Okuzono Koichi No Japanese troops to Iraq! Agitation of 'anti-North Korean' national Chauvinism Kamata Toshikatsu Desperate attempts to avoid Rengo's declination to death Kasagi Takao Grave industrial accidents successive under the major restructuring - Nippon Steel Corp.: Explosion of a gas tank at a steelworks in Nagoya Hoshi Ittetsu - Toyota: Cover-up of labour accidents Ezaki Susumu Strangulation of conservative liberalism: the meaning of the 'merge' between the Democratic Party and the nationalist Liberal Party Nakadera Shinji "Water War" in the 21st century Yahata Taichi Spells of the "path of confession" Tanabe Hajime's Buddhism and the Western Philosophy and his miserable failure Irie Sankichi TOP |
No. 207 - Reorganization of the 21st century world Kazamori Akira Failure in the strategy of pre-emptive attack and our tasks for antiwar struggle against the Iraqi occupation (The keynote report to the central meeting of the 41st International Antiwar Assembly) Kusuda Yasuyuki Stop Bush's War! (Overseas Appeal for the 41st International Antiwar Assembly in Japan)(English) Messages from foreign friends to the 41st International Antiwar Assembly (English, Russian, etc.) The 'thought' of neo-cons - Militarism that advocates 'democratization' Katagiri Yuu A little chat against Yankee imperialism, or telling the prologue to a comic story without the main part Ameda Kintaro The Chukakuha remnants at the end of their resources for survival Nagatabe Gennta A road to a surveillant state Takegaki Sakuzo JCP's 'Draft of a Revised Programme': anti-revolution - Completion of the party's line for revised capitalism Shiramine Hijiri TOP |
No. 206 The Meaning of the Aggressive War on Iraq and His Ambition for World Domination Revolt against the 'Sole' Superpower in the World: Formation of the 'Franco-German- Russian line' Koseki Kenji Indomitable Anti-American Struggles by Shiite Muslims in Iraq Nagaoka Shigeo JCP and a Miserable Conclusion of the UN-Dependency Uesugi Takashi - Laws for Japan's Participation in the Military Administration - History of Aggression by Militarist Japan This is the Praxicality of Communists: Re-reading Lenin's 'Left Wing' Communism - An Infantile Disorder Kanda Haruhiko Study Notes Takenaka Heizo's argument on 'structural reform' No.2: Deceptions with his neo-liberalist theory of 'the market principle' as almighty Uzawa Kenji A Soulful Mystery Story: Review on a Popular Novel by Yonehara Mari Shari Masaru Learning Comrade Yoshikawa Impressed to Get the Quintessence of the Anti-Stalinist Communist Movement Murasakino Yoko Concerning the Clarification of the Struggle = Organizing Tactics for the Spring Labour Offensive 2003 Moiwa Natsuhiko The 1958 Problem of the JRCL: Bitter Struggles in the Early Days of the Anti-Stalinist Communist Movement Indignation and Surprise: the Truth of the 1958 Problem Hayami Izuo Thinking over the Building of the JRCL Organization in the Early Days Tawara Shinji Bitter Struggles in Our Revolutionary Movement in Its Early Days: Reading Kuroda's Against the Adverse Current Yuki Yasuaki TOP |
No. 205 JRCL Central Students' Orgburo DENOUNCE US/UK IMPERIALISM STARTING A WAR OF GENOCIDE ON IRAQI PEOPLE! JRCL-RMF full text Zengakuren delegates report their struggles in the US Shoulder to shoulder with US workers struggling in opposition to the betrayal by the AFL-CIO leadership Koshiumi Susumu Zengakuren Leaflet Stop Aggressive War on Iraq by Imperialist America! (English) Emergency Statement Down with the Bush Gov. launching a massive assault on Iraq! (English) The US antiwar movement at the crossroads Koshiyama Yukuzo World domination for oil'? On Michael T. Klare's Resource Wars, his criticism of the Bush strategy Koizumi Shin'ichi Putin's measures for boosting the Russian economy: only a dream! Obigawa Hikaru A letter from Russia to K. Kuroda To the human man Oleg Romanov A festival of bourgeois ideological contamination: The 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China Hoshio Ippei The enhancement of the 'public individual' Something 'new' underlying the latest report of the Central Council of Education Kondo Manabu Study Notes Takenaka Heizo's argument on 'structural reform' No.1: Deceptions with his neo-liberalist theory of 'the market principle' as almighty Uzawa Kenji Report Public Political Meeting: the 40th anniversary of the JRCL-RMF founding Hew out a new stage of the organizational building of our party! on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction founding Chairman of the JRCL National Committee Ueda Takuma Resolutions expressed For A Leap Forward in the Japanese Anti-Stalinist Communist Movement Mori Shigeru Asakura Fumio Yonei Shigeru Kawanaka Kenzo TOP |
No. 204 Stop US-UK aggression! Stop Japan's participation! - For international antiwar struggles breaking the UN illusion JRCL-RMF Central Students' Orgburo Fight for a militant spring offensive 2003! - Impeach the Rengo leadership advancing the war-supportive, industrial patriotic movement! JRCL-RMF Central Workers' Orgburo JCP bureaucrats joining in the chauvinistic chorus for Japanese nationalism Hikone Saburo The historic crime of Japanese militarism: forcible immigration of Korean people Nishiguchi Toshi Special Economic deflation and the bankruptcy of state monopoly capitalism Threat of Nipponensis (Japanese disease): a present form of failed state monopoly capitalism Matsushiro Hideki Japanese imperialism suffering the deflationary spiral Yoshimoto Ryuji Evil aims of Kakenaka's 'plan to revitalize the financial business' Kawatani Ken Review: Yonehara Mari Truth of Liar Anya Shari Masaru Hamas's strategy for 'Palestinian Revolution' Kurobushi Hiromichi TOP |
No. 203 - For advancing a militant struggle against the aggressive war on Iraq in spite of the chauvinistic Japanese nationalism JRCL statement We appeal to Korean brothers / sisters in Japan! - Fight together against the storm of chauvinistic nationalism against North Korea taking advantage of the kidnapping issue! Korean version Warmongers' new strategy for world military domination Natsuba Nariomi The revised draft of the Emergency Laws for war participation Sunano Hiromasa Annual Defence Report 2002 Hirao Kenji Marx in the jihad raging world Denounce Putin's bloody repression on the Chechen people! - The Moscow massacre Kanda Haruka Senile Ishido Seirin on the eve of the USSR collapse Manabe Hajime In commemoration of Alexandre Podtchchekoldine Ogawa Sanshiro Break with historical ontology Kurobushi Hiromichi Overcoming the ontological unfolding of epistemology - On the revised text of What Is Revolutionary Marxism? Kajigawa Santaro TOP |
No. 202 JRCL statement Stop Anglo-American imperialism launching an aggressive war on Iraq! Denounce the UN resolution in support of a military attack on Iraq! A heated 'strategic controversies' within the ruling class of the US Tonegawa Ko Collapse of the American 'stock capitalism!: revealed by frauds and the bankruptcies of Enron and WorldCom. Yoshimoto Ryuji The UN Conference on the environments failed : Surging angers against the United States hostile to solutions of environmental and poverty-based problems Atsuta Takashi Farcical talks between the JCP and CPC: the JCP borrowing China's influence to show off its 'diplomacy complementary to government's one' Miyahara Takao Fuwa's argument on 'everlasting market economy': JCP Chair's lecture in Beijing titled 'Lenin and market economy' Kanda Haruka Stop the government building the Big-Brother system! Takegaki Sakuzo Reading Kuroda's Topos and Praxis: a spectacular picture scroll Sunayama Yuji Studying the revised text of What Is Revolutionary Marxism?: Reading K. Kuroda's Life and His Works Uranami Takamine TOP |
No. 201 Stop the global expansion of the 'war on terrorism'! In solidarity with fighting Muslim people! Sakasegawa Susumu Overseas Appeal for the 40th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Executive Committee for the 40th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Messages of solidarity from abroad click The beginning of the real end of the dollar system Revealed limitations of the 'American capitalism' and a crisis of the world economy Kawaharada Hisashi A signal gun of the collapse of the 'civilization of machines and technology' On Hino Keizo's views on the September 11th incident Oeyama Kenpachi Revolutionary turbulences in Argentine Fight in solidarity with workers and people fighting against brutal repressions! Tango Natsuko Letters from Argentine Trotskyists Revolution in Argentina: the present phase LOI(CI)-Democracia Obrera of Argentina Call to the international healthy forces of 4th International Organizing Committee of the Principled Trotskyism (Fourth International) Click No to the forcible start of the national online system of resident registries! Stop the Big-Brother system! Yamahara Hiroshi From my progression like a snail Early days of the Japanese anti-Stalinist communist movement: Humble experiences in my memory Yoshikawa Fumio Hymns for Keynesian economics Uzawa Kenji TOP |
No. 200 Oppose limited wars against terrorism! Stop Japan's participation in the war! In solidarity with the working people over the world, advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle! Fallacious interpretations of the Emergency Bills JCP's positive position on a 'self-defensive war' Murakawa Toshi Criminal mistakes with the SPDJ's position that the Emergency Bills are not needed Imaga Chiyasu Deceptions with Dzuganov's 'inter-nationalism' Kanda Haruka A Rengo leadership demanding more comprehensive emergency bills Utsunomiya Ken Militant anti-American struggle by Bin Laden How we should transcend its fallacies (continued from the previous issue) Nagaoka Shigeo The European Union shaken by the emergence of neo-fascists Koshiyama Gyozo Okinawa's Return: 30 years on For revolutionary advancement of our struggle over the Security Treaty and issues in Okinawa Izena Noboru A fallacious dream of a 'public space' JTU leaders giving up before state-supremacism and neo-liberalism Izatono Hisoka On the philosophy of the 'topos of life and death' Tashiro Shin'ichi For an epistemological elucidation of the cognizing process Reading the revised English edition of What Is Revolutionary Marxism? Tshidate Wakako TOP |
No. 199 For clarifying our tactics for organizing the mass struggle against the Emergency Bills Special Islamic Political Thoughts The 'war of civilization'? A multi-cultural approach taken by an Islamic intellectual Sakata Seiichi TMilitant anti-American struggle by Bin Laden How we should transcend its fallacies Nagaoka Shigeo Deceptions with Dzuganov's 'inter-nationalism' Kanda Haruka A suicide bombing by an erstwhile Blanquist over the Sept. 11 Yoshimoto Takaaki's turn to Japanese nationalist Nagahama Seiichi Policies for restructuring in the name of 'work-sharing' The annual report on labour by Japanese capitalists Sugawara Tetsuya Abandonment of wage struggle covered up with demands for 'rules for work' The JCP-led national labour centre submitting to the offensives of restructuring and lower wages Okuzono Hiroshi Chukakuha remnant in a free fall Minakami Genta Kato Tadashi and his materialism Its significance and crucial problems Azumidaira Haruhiko Fragments from my snail-like progress Memories of my humble experiences during early days of the anti-Stalinist communist movement in Japan Yoshikawa Fumio TOP |
No. 198 Fight it transcending official peace movements led by the SDPJ and JCP degraded to the 'defence of the fatherland' position! Sole super militarism scheming to expand the 'war on terrorism' Kuju Fumio The spring offensive 2002 under the Afghan war JRCL Central Workers Orgburo The hellish restructuring under the deflationary spiral Utsunomiya Ken This is the restructuring! NTT: Historic 110,000 job cuts and the earlier retirement age Electric: Shifting burdens of the IT bubble bursting onto workers Steel: successive mergers and job cuts plus lower wages Auto: Intensified selection of parts makers under the 'mega competition' Railway: Outsourcing of jobs for stations Degeneration of the educational research movement into that serving the 'patriotic' education: JUT leadership's report for a 'reformed research movement' and its criminal nature Tsuruta Nozomi Report from the JTU National Conference of Educational Research: Against the reaction 'under the war' Arase Wataru On the Islamic fundamentalist ideology Todoroki Shinji Reading Tosaka Jun On Epistemology Azumino Haruhiko TOP |
No. 197 Stop US aggression in the Middle East! Stop Japan joining in the war! Build a battle front for international antiwar struggles! Start of 'wartime economy' under the global recession: US, Japan, and European imperialism desperate for military breakthrough of the depression Tatekaze Hiroshi The erstwhile child of 'post-war democracy' becoming spineless Oe Kenzaburo's comments on the 'terrorism' Oeyama Kenpachi Stop US Aggression against Afghanistan! JRCL-RMF (in English) Series No.4 Problem-Riddled ultranationalst 'Tsukurukai' Textbooks History: A myth of the 'independent self-development' of the Japanese nation and culture Makihara Mitsuyoshi Civics: Is the environmental destruction 'a price for civilization'? Yoshino Kaoru Civics: The ultra-nationalist view on the 'family' Kagawa Midori A proposal to exploit aged workers to their death The criminal nature of the Rengo leadership's proposal 'welfare-type society centring around labour' Kasagi Takao Lecture Neoliberalism and neofascism: For struggles to smash neofascist reactions Yanaba Masahiro Now I am 27-year old Yoshikawa Fumio TOP |
No. 196 Barbarities of Warmongers Denounce the US / UK Aggression against Afghanistan! Break through the crisis of another World War: Shock waves of the Islamic martyrs' attacks and the great crime of the contemporary Crusade KAZAMORI Takeshi Overcoming Islamic fundamentalism: Historic significance and limitations of the martyrs' attacks for jihad KUROBUSHI Hiromichi Russia's conspiracy with the contemporary Crusade: Benefits aimed by Machiavellist V. Putin HORIBA Daisuke Japan's participation in the war in the name of 'eradicating terrorism': Koizumi's logic for 'war participation and its great deceptions KASHIMA Ryugo Degradation to a complementary force to the war of aggression: JCP bureaucrats joining the Bush-conducted chorus for 'war on terrorism' SHIRAMINE Hijiri Barbarism named 'Civilisation': a group of advocators for 'capitalist civilisation' KUJUU Fumio Series No.3 Problem-Riddled ultranationalst 'Tsukurukai' Textbooks Myth of the 'Emperor's Japan': nonsensical fabrication of the history MAKIHARA Mitsuyoshi Acquittal to the US atomic bombs NISHINA Gosuke Advocating the 'nuclear deterrent' OTONE Taro Beautification of the Maintenance of Public Order Act TOKURA China What I thought of about Kuroda's Praxiology in English AZUMIDAIRA Haruhiko TOP |
No. 195 Problem-Riddled ultra-nationalist 'Tsukurukai' Textbooks History The myth of 'Japan's modernization': The dark side of the Japanese state in Meiji era under the Ten'noist [imperial] system NANASAWA Reijiro Civics Trumpeting for the illusion of the almighty of 'market economy': compilation of tricks to conceal the negatives of the capitalist economy SHUMON Kankuro Report from a struggle Lessons from our struggles to stop municipal adoptions of the 'tsukurukai' textbooks YAMAOKA Jinpachi Smash barbarities of war and fascism! Stop the building of a US-Japan joint war operating system! Advance the revolutionary antiwar struggle to break through the intensifying new Cold War KUSUDA Yasuyuki Lecture Neoliberalism and neofascism: For struggles to smash neofascist reactions YANABA Masahiro Recommendation of 'what the wage slave system should be': Critique of JCP-sympathizer Kinoshita Takeo's 'wages of Japanese people' Utsunomiya Ken Overseas Appeal for the 39th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (English) Executive Committee for the 39th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Messages from foreign friends (English) TOP |
Including no English text. New Series No.1Problem-Riddled 'Tsukurukai' Textbooks History The praise of war and the Emperor: a 'history' textbook of falsification, demagoguery and tricks. - Kuju, Fumio Civics A statist alteration of ideas of the Constitution: a 'social study' textbook aimed to imbue the spirit of 'self-sacrifice for the nation' - Hirao, Kenji 'The Nanjing Massacre' erased / The reason why nothing is described about 'comfort women' / The well-known progressive poetess taken as a follower to the traditional family system / What is Nishibe Susumu, author of the civics textbook Special I The Myth of the 'Koizumi Revolution' A new-type of fascism under the guise of 'reform' Dangerous ambitions for reviving Japan as a military big power - Ishigaki, Jiro Falsehood in the 'structural reform without sanctuary' Imposition of 'pains' upon the working people - Yuuki, Rikiya An ejaculative populist politics / How to read catch-copies produced by minister-turned neo-liberalist academic Takena Heizo / Tricks in the argument on 'higher and lower productive sector' / Sayings of the U.S.-follower Special II Metamorphoses of declining social democrats The 'EU model' bankrupted The Euro land in impasse and its breakthroughs - Tonegawa, Kou A way to submission to neoliberalism Fallacies in A. Giddens' Third Way - Ashida, Shigeo My History of Struggles Flames of pits never blown off What the closure of the Miike Colliery reminds me - Banshoya, Taro TOP |
Including no English text. Rebuild the fundamental idea, the 'antiwar, anti-Constitutional revision' Strengthen our battle line for overthrowing the ultra-reactionary Koizumi government!The LDP Hashimoto faction's chimerical 'drafts of the revised Constitution' - Osako, Shin'ichi Tokyo Gov. Ishihawa Shintaro's demagoguery towards the Constitutional revision - Ose, Katsuya A 'healing' sociology A miserable bankruptcy of Miyadai Shinji's criticism of Yoshinori Kobayashi's On War - Minakami, Genta An illusion for a 'century of peace': The fallacious picture of 'the world without standing armies' illustrated by JCP bureaucrats - Kurobushi, Hiromichi Reactionary nature of LDP Yamasaki Taku's 'draft of the revised constitution' / Neo-fascist nature of Ishihara Shintaro 's 'urgent proposals' for economic recovery / Crimes of neo-fascist Ishihara / Shintaro Hitler's reactionary remarks / Ideological about-faces of JCP theorist Ueda Koichiro The end of the Kokuro [National Railway Workers' Union] - Yoshida, Tadao Shatter the government's scheme for 'full privatization of JR'! Ambitions for a 'JR that supports a war operation system' - Kagami, Soji On printing labour - Sanada Yuichi Contribution Philosopher Tosaka Jun's death in jail - Kawakami, Kuniari TOP |
No. 192 Including no English text. Special Down With the Mori-bund Mori Cabinet! What Next to the farce for Mori's stepping down? Acceleration of power struggles for squeezing more oranges and ultra-reactionary offensives SAKURAGI Haruhiko Dangerous developments for war preparations NATSUBA Naruomi Revision of the Constitution: a scheme to revive the 'militarist Japan' OSAKO Shin'ichi Forcible establishment of a top-down system under the Prime Minister 'Shaking up' is nominal in the government reorganization OGA Goichi An incompetent cabinet with no policy for the economy The impeding crisis of catastrophe led by the failed 'boosting measures' KAWAHARADA Hisashi 'Education Reform' to deform human nature What would be caused by a nationalist-oriented and talent-stressed education? NANAUMI Tatsuki The opposition coalition's vulnerable measures for overthrowing the cabinet ASHIDA Shigeo A stalker-like desire of the JCP to 'enter a cabinet' KUROBUSHI Hiromichi Photos: A rally against a joint military drill in Kyushu (left), protests against U.S. soldiers' crimes in Okinawa (right). JCP's fallacious proposal of 'welfare networks'A complement from below to the changes to worse in the social welfare system SAIKAWA Harumi Trotsky's theory of fascism SAKATA Seiichi Win an upsurge of the spring offensive 2001! Break through the neo 'industrial patriotic' movement! JRCL Central Orgburo of Industrial Workers (No English text included.) TOP |
Including no English text.
![]() The decade of struggles Against the adverse tide in the end of the century (Left: the first page of the 16-page special) Build a Powerful Revolutionary Vanguard Party for Liberation of the Proletariat! Ueda, Takuma (Chairman of the JRCL National Committee) Open a second Century of Proletarian Revolution by Exerting All the Power of the Anti-Stalinist Revolutionary Communist Movement!1. A Mounting Crisis of New World War a) Political turmoil started in the US and Japan b) Turbulences expanded worldwide breaking the fake 'peace' - The made-up 'peace' in the Korean Peninsula - The false 'democratization process in Yugoslavia' - The 'peace process in Middle East' completely failed c) A new Cold-War confrontation intensifying between the US and China-Russia - A drastic shake in America's dominance as the 'sole superpower' - Imperialist America frantic for breakthrough - The Sino-Russo bloc desperate to form an 'anti-American' net - Accumulated socio-economic contradictions due to the 'transition to market economy' 2. An Impeding Catastrophe of the Globalized Economy a) High oil price, low euro rate, and indications of US economy's bubble bursting b) Fermented contradictions under the American globalization - International financial market revolting against the US-dominated integration - Deterioration of the 'debtor economy' and the impeding catastrophe of the 'dollar system' 3. Defeat and Disband the Japanese Stalinist Party Turning Assistants to the Neofascist Ruling Order! a) Degradation to today's version of the 'defence of the fatherland' position - Euro socialism self-defeated - The extremely criminal nature of JCP's 'practical use' position on the Self-Defence Forces - Bourgeois liberalist change in its ideas b) Ruinous results of revised capitalism - Emasculation of the social-democratic idea of 'welfare state' - JCP's abandonment of 'anti-monopoly' cause Open a new horizon of our anti-Stalinist revolutionary left! Build a firm organization of workers to break through the labour movement degenerated into today's Industrial Patriotic movement! Win a new advance of our organization through reconfirming lessons in 1990s! JRCL Central Orgburo of Industrial Workers At first1. Struggles by revolutionary workers against the Rengo-type 'Industrial patriotic' movement 1) Win a militant rebuilding of trade unions in spite of the historic betrayal! 2) Labour aristocrats driving their campaign for revising the Constitution 3) Full cooperation in restructuring: their acceptance of the mass sacking and imposition of it on workers 4) The 'funeralization of the spring offensive' and struggles against it 5) Attempts to incorporate trade unions in a corporate body: recommendation by the labour aristocrats for self-destruction of trade unions 2. Lessons in building vanguard organizations of workers Fermented Crises under the American Globalization by Yanatsu Hirosi Is there any future for capitalist-transforming China? The remnant Stalinist state undermined by the 'globalization of capital' by Sugisawa Kanji Where is Putin's Russia going? Illusion of 'market economy regulated by a powerful state' by Horiba Daisuke TOP |
Including articles in English.
Japanese Communist Party's Declaration of
Disband the JCP That Has Abandoned 'Revolution'
- By Hamuro MasatoFallen into 'Defend the Fatherland' Stand! Illustration: JCP History of Strategic Failures and Zigzags Fermented Crises under the American Globalization by Yanatsu Hirosi Illusive Images of the 'IT Revolution' by Shumon Kankuro Attempts to Grope for Reforming the 'Japanese Management' Traps for the 'New Japanese Management' Theory by Matsushiro Hideki Can the Nano-Technology Pioneer the Future? by Shouda Tsuneo Centring on his Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy by Okuno Hiroshi The JRCL and its Significance for the World Communist Movement by James White Contribution from a Foreign Comrade (in English) / Party and Class / Strategy / Revolutionary Marxism / 'United-Front'-Type Tactics / Epistemology / Praxiology / Self-Revolutionization / Materialist Subjectivity / Alienation / Philosophy and Science / Party organization / Conclusion On the Document by J. White by Koshiyama Gyozo (JRCL-RMF National Committee International Division) Messages from Foreign Friends to the 38th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (in English) (Continued from No. 189) The Global Network Against Weapons & Nuclear Power in Space The Movement for a Socialist Future The International Trotskyist Opposition |
Including English articles.
![]() Build a battlefront to break the new arms race between the US and China-Russia and the major current for strengthening the Security Alliance and the Constitutional revision! by Amatsu Toshinori
Overseas Appeal for the 38th International Antiwar Assembly (English, translation modified) Messages from foreign friends to the Assembly (English) Special Victimizing the people: major reform in administrative and welfare systems 'A crisis-controllable state': a dangerous vision - 'Administrative reform' for strengthening the Japanese neo-fascist regime by Oga Goichi Illusions of 'Keynesian welfare state': limitless bourgeois degeneration in the JCP idea of 'social welfare' by Tanabe Toshio The JCP vision of 'municipality reform from below' and its fallacy - An extreme anti-working class decoration to the 'servant to the whole' theory of the municipal worker by Atagawa Shinobu Accusations from workplaces The increasing number of medical accidents and its cause by Onuma Masako Revealed contradictions with the nursing care insurance system - Deserting the elderly: the system that can bring forced deaths - Realities of 'one-day care services': thorough reduction in the personnel with the increasing number of heavily ill users. - What is happening at protective institutions for the elderly. - Break the stormy restructuring of welfare systems! Renegade Fuwa's condemnation of Lenin: nonsensical abuses and slanders against Lenin and proletarian revolution Kurobushi Hiromichi
Including only Japanese articles.
Special 1:'Pro-Constitution' ideologies deterioratingSmash the scheme of revising the Constitution and neofascist reactions by the Mori tri-partite administration! JCP's 'pro-Constitution' stand without 'anti-Security Treaty': Turning to the acceptance of the Security Treaty and the SDF under the pretext to 'cooperation with conservative voters' by Kaminaga Toru Miserable death of the SDPJ as a 'party for the Constitution': burdened with the 'negative inheritance' of the former LDP-SDPJ coalition government. by Ashida Shigeo Rengo leadership to accept the revision of the Constitution: a result of its degeneration into today's version of the 'Industrial Patriotic Association' by Utsunomiya Ken Special 2: Elegy for religions, ethnics, and wars One year after the ceasefire: has 'peace' come in Kosovo? by Kuroe Tatsuyuki Ideological turn to the theory of 'civilizations' conflicts' - Iwata Masayuki groping his way as an 'ideological refugee' by Nakago Toshio Paradox with the 'illuminative reason' - Harbermas' beautification of the aggressive war in Yugoslavia by Kondo Manabu Historical-materialist and political-economic elucidation of education by Daido Masaya |
Including only Japanese articles.
![]() Stop the Reactionary Reorganization of Education! Neofascist reorganization of the public education - Criticizing the Mori administration's 'Education Reform' OSAKO Shinichi
Destruction of the youth's personalities
and imposition of burdens on educational
workers- Aggravated contradictions of the 'reform in elementary and secondary education' HIGURE Yukiko
From classroomsWhat to do with 'disorder in the classroom'? TSUTSUMI Wakana
Against the imposed national flag and anthem NOMURA Genta
Degenerating line and ideology of the leadership of the Japan Teachers' Union - Attempts to complement the governmental education reform in the name of 'education as a safety net' KASAGI Takao
Chronology: JTU movement and its degenerationCriminal nature of the JCP's 'education reform from below' - Bourgeois degeneration of its cause 'genuine education' TAKASHI Uesugi
Revival of the Emperor-centred view of history
stained with bloodshed- A neofascist revised schoolbook of history OSE Katsuya
Study of education based on historical materialism
and political economyDAIDO Masaya
Introduction of 'competitivity' among universities 'National Conference for Education Reform' what is it? Engels' theory of the state-will [staatswille] - Centring on his Ludwig Feuerbach and the End of Classical German Philosophy OKUNO Hiroshi
Break the 'Spring Labour Offensive for Lower Wages'!
Fight out the spring offensive in opposition to betrayals! Labour aristocrats in Rengo abandon the offensive in the name of an 'offensive primarily for jobs'. Denounce them! Self-destruction of Rengo's Spring (not offensive but) Talk! Self-claiming 'Rengo's new strategy': full of falsification and barrenness TSUNAMI Masashi
JCP-affiliated NCTU leadership: desperate
efforts for 'collaboration with Rengo' Right-wing and parliamentarianist distortion of the offensive for 'democratic change in politics' SHIRAMINE Kiyoshi
In the name of 'reform in prefectural / municipal
administration': complementation of the existing
ruling order
'Chemical Workers League 21': conversion
to a 'type of labour movement for policy
design and proposal'
Criticism of Ideologies for Revising the Constitution Polemics over Japan's strategy for its 'survival' What underlies the tripartite discussion among Nakasone, Katoh, and Hatoyama. MAKIHARA Mitsuyoshi
Ultra-reactionary nature of Ozawa's 'Draft
of the Revised Constitution'A scheme for building a 'powerful neofascist state' NUMAKURA Kenji
'Discussion for revision from new liberals'
of hypotheses and deceptionsHatoyama's 'critique of hawks': a fantasy. SUGISAWA Kanji
Oppositions between neo-nationalists and
liberal conservatives over the Constitution
and diplomatic policies centred on the Security
TreatyChronological review over the Constitutional revision and the Security Treaty * May 2000, A5, pp. 208, 1200 yen. Japanese
edition only.
![]() Break through the Crisis of Warfare! Make a Stormy Advance of Proletarian Class Struggles!
Nuclear development in Japan: its negative history full of repeated accidents and cover-ups. SHOHDA Tsuneo
- Monopoly capitalists in Japan and
Government have continued the hasty
of atomic energy plants and nuclear
in the name of a 'breakthrough of the
difficulties due to its poor natural
This is now going bankruptcy in every
section.Limitations of 'security measures' by the Government and monopoly capitals. ATOH Rokuroh
- What causes defects and absence of
measures' of nuclear plants. ATOH exposes
them in terms political economy and
theory.Japan's export of nuclear plants: presenting dangers of nuclear disasters in Asia. URAGAMI Shinsaku
- Nuclear plants are exported, totally
to technological development of security
control. URAGAMI reveals what is happening
amidst the triangular competition between
Japan, the US, and the EU over nuclear
to Asian countries / areas.JCP: just demanding "safety measures" from the Government TANABE Toshio
- In JCP's demands for 'security measures',
even the 'opposition to new / extended
of nuclear plants' is made ambiguous.
criticizes mean political intentions
of the
Fuwa leadership latent in the party's
revision to its policies.Confused, fallacious theory of 'the economic crisis of the "Great Depression-type"': the miserable end of Takumi Mitsuhiko as theorist of 'world capitalism'. YANAZU Hiroshi
Criminal nature of TPM [Total productive Maintenance] based on the harmony between the employer and employees. NOBEYAMA Haruki
Messages from abroad to the 37th International Anti-War Assembly (continued). (English, Russian.) |
and the East European collapse 10 years on. -- What has been brought about by the 'transformation to market economy'? Why did the 'socialist' states collapse? ![]() Cries by the 'funeral directors of the revolution' suffering from 'internal and external difficulties' -- China affected with the poisonous flower of 'market economy'. HOSHIO Ippei
Vicious 'Critique of the Chinese Revolution' by Yomiuri Shimbun news paper. KUDO Shiro
East Europe involved in political turbulence under the 'new cold war between West and East'. FUJIO Kuro
'Light' and shadow of the East European conversion to 'market economy' -- Discredited illusions of 'capitalist development' HORIBA Daisuke
Areal study:trials and errors with the 'market economic conversion' Poland The epitome of East Europe: deformed contradictory structure of politics and economy SHIORI Susumu
Ex-East Germany Expanded reproduction of 'East-West differences'
under market economy.KAMATA Toshikatsu
Romania Intensifying pain of the 'poorest country
in the East Europe'ONO Hitoshi
Bulgaria The impeding bankruptcy of the 'forced landing
on market economy'YOSHITOMI Nobuo
Advance the struggle to denounce the nuclear criticality accident at Tokaimura! A Decisive failure in the Japanese imperialist development of atomic energy plants and nuclear technology SHUMON Kankuro
A fascistic 'theory of nations' by Shirai Akira, expelled Chukakuha chief editor. KAWAZU Ryutaro
A fin de siecle illusion--Unseasonable praise
to Marx by a liberal intellectualTAKAMURA Junichi
No. 183 * Including English articles.
![]() Relief Plans by the Obuchi Administration for Monopoly Capital A hell of restructuring - workers suffering from massive dismissals and low wages KAWAHARADA, Hisashi
The second wave of restructuring- Auto-makers: groping for survival by international financial alliances. - Electric: world-wide reorganization and partition of business. - Steel: ridding unprofitable facilities and centralisation in the 'core business' - Bank, stock, insurance: a historic reorganization of the financial world: the epitome of a hell of restructuring ![]() Industrial Revitalizing Laws: a castle in the air- A vicious circle caused by its encouragement of restructuring. NISHI, Kentaro
Thorough deprivation of workers' rights: what is to be brought about by the revised labour laws. UTSUNOMIYA, Ken
A reactionary revision of the social-welfare system: neo-fascist reorganization in the name of 'self-help and self-reliance'. TANABE, Toshio
Delusion to the almighty of market principles:
Ideology of Obuchi-Ozawa coalition for 'deregulation'YANATSU, Hiroshi
STOP PREPARATION IN COMMON FOR AN AGGRESSIVE WAR BY JAPAN AND THE US- Build a broader fighting front to break the neofascist reactionary offensives! TOGAWA, Makoto
An illusion on stage at fin de siecle: on an untimely song of praise to Marx by a liberalist TAKAMURA Junichi
Agitation to Denounce the NATO Bombing(English) Overseas Appeal for the 37th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (English) Messages from foreign friends to the 37th International Antiwar Assembly (English) - International / domestic affairs and struggles
of the revolutionary left (June to July,
* No English edition is available. Japanese
No. 182 ![]() Oppose the NATO allies' military occupation of Kosovo! - Expose the deceptive 'pacification' against people! Advance international antiwar struggles! The historic crime with beautification theories of the Yugoslavian aggression - What is a road to the true solution of the religious = ethic war in Kosovo? KAMATA Toshikatsu / NAKAZATO Toshio Self-destruction of the Euro socialism ASHIDA Shigeo Boris the Great's failed attempt to 'save Yugoslavia' ISHIGAKI Jiro The warmonger's strategy for world domination UMEBAYASHI Yoshiki Fourth Internationalists praising the war of aggression KOSHIYAMA Ikuzo JRCL Overseas Appeal: Stop the Fascistic NATO Bombing of Yugoslavia! (English) Ideologies for the 'Industrial Patriotic' Movement Labour aristocrats of the Rengo [JTUC]: intent to transform trade unions into a component of the 'cooperative sector', or one of 'non-profitable organizations' in a 'civic sector'. TENKUUJI Sho Acceptance of 'ability-base' wages in the name of 'fairness' - Criminal policies proposed by the Rengo leadership MOURI Harunobu Euro economic sphere in trouble - Revealed illusion of the 'strong euro' SHUMON Kankuro - International / domestic affairs and struggles of the revolutionary left (April to May in 1999) |
Explode the anger towards the US and Japanese imperialists, warmongers! In spite of degenerated SDPJ and JCP joining the today's version of the 'Imperial Rule Assistance Association', create a radical fight to break through the 'new East-West Cold war'! JRCL Central Students Organizing Committee
Special: Take a theoretical offensive against
the beautification theories of warsThe United States: the world-most rogue state - warmongering in the name of 'freedom and democracy'. URAGAMI Shinsaku
China: agitation of a 'new cold war' with
its ambition for the 'super power'- Chinese diplomacy 'against 'hegemonism' with sheer Machiavellianism. HOSHIO Ippei
Demagoguery of the 'North-Korean menace'- Fictions to justify the building of bilateral war-operating systems between the US and Japan. HABA Takeshi
Tricks in Yomiuri Shimbun's justification
of the 'Great East-Asian War'- an attempt for the revival of the theory of 'a just war'. SAKURAGI Katsuhiko
Emotional and popularized agitation of a
new type of the 'sacred war' theory- ultra-reactionary nature with On Wars by comic artist KOBAYASHI Yoshinori NANASAWA Reijiro
JCP: Degradation into a war-supporting party- Why is it that the party does not denounce the bombing of Yugoslavia or the Japan's military action against 'suspicious boats'? KUROBUSE Hiromichi
---G. Lukacs' theory of consciousness and his dialectics MUSASHINO kyuzo
- International / domestic affairs and struggles
of the revolutionary left (January to March
in 1999)
- Letters from readers
![]() On the Occasion of Changing the Japanese Title from Kyosanshugisha into Shinseiki / Ueda, Takuma (Chairman of the National Committee of the JRCL) <Special Edition> For Militant Reconstruction of the Spring Labour Offensive! Part I. Break through the Today's Version of Sampo [Industrial Patriotic] Movement for 'National Salvation' - Desperate Offensives of the Monopoly Capitalists and Their Government in Death Agony and the Crisis of Labour Movement in Japan / JRCL Central Workers Organizing Committee - Break through the Degeneration of the Labour Movement Today into Sampo Movement for 'National Salvation'! Create Surging Waves of the Spring Offensive of 1999! / JRCL Central Workers Organizing Committee - Destruction of the Spring Offensive in the Name of 'Reforming the Spring Offensive' / Gorikida, Tokumaru Part II. How Was the Spring Offensive Choked Off? --- Degeneration and Its Deepening - Late-1960s to 1970s: Bankruptcy of the Labour Movement of Sohyo Mindo-type and Turn to the 'Spring Offensive Initiated by JC' [Japan Council of Metal Workers Unions] / Sakamaki, Go - 1970s: The Historic Surge of Public Workers' Struggle for a Right to Strike and Its Setback / Yoshida, Tadao - 1980s: Degeneration of the Labour Movement into Today's Version of the 'Industrial Patriotic Movement' and the End of the Sohyo / Shiitani, Takashi Chart: Reorganization of Labour Unions Since
Japan's Defeat in War
Chronology: History of Labour Movement in Post War Japan Part III. Anti-Working-Class Ideologies of 'Rengo' [JFTU] and 'Zenroren' [NCTU] - A New Definition of Labour Union by Rengo Leaders as a 'Non-Profitable Organization and a Civic Movement for Public Interests' and Its Anti-Working-Class Nature: An Attempt to Gross Over the Today's Version of Sampo Movement under the Guise of a Civic Movement / Kasagi, Takao - Distortion of the Spring Offensive Based on the JCP Line of 'Coalition with Conservative Constituencies': Criminal Nature of the Zenroren's Course for the 'People-Based Spring Offensive of 1999' / Shiramine, Hijiri -------------------------------------- - Yen Imperialism Shaken by the Crisis of Submergence / Shumon,Kankuro Chronology: Domestic and International Affairs and Struggles of the Revolutionary Left in 1998 Full Contents of The Communist No. 171 to 180 |