The Communist Shinseiki [New Century] |
English Home | From No. 236 to No. 252 | From No. 209 to No. 235 | From No. 180 to No. 208 |
![]() On the centenary of the Russian Revolution Consolidate the revolutionary bridgehead for a fundamental change in the 'dark 21st century'! The Trump administration with bare-faced state egoism On the centenary of the Russian Revolution Go all out to achieve proletarian revolution again to overthrow capitalist Russia! South Korean workers and people have risen to topple the Park Geun-hye government Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2017 spring labour offensive! Central Workers' Orgburo The revision of the medical service fee system aimed to reduce the number of hospital beds Drastic payroll cuts and labour intensification in the customer service section of the post office Military research cooperation expanded between the military and the academic world The total bankruptcy of the BOJ's 'different dimension monetary easing' |
Block the dispatch of Japanese troops to UN peacekeeping operations in South Sudan! Create an uplift of the struggle against the constitutional revision! Spread the fight against war, against the US-Japan military alliance in Takae and Henoko to the whole country! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL Shatter the 'legislation against conspiracy'! -- A plot to enact today's version of the Maintenance of the Public Order Act Crush Abe's 'labour reform' offensive! Trump's victory in the US presidential election shook the whole world The US presidential election reflects the decline of the 'sole superpower' The murkiness of American Society exposed to the light of day -- The meaning of the 'Trump Phenomenon' The deadlocked development of the nuclear fuel cycle: Reactor Monju is to be scrapped Bankruptcy of Japan's nuclear fuel reprocessing project Stop the operation of Ikata nuclear reactor No. 3 immediately! Failure in the decommissioning programme for Fukushima nuclear reactors was attempted to be concealed A 'survival strategy': the merger of Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp. A rethinking of the relationship between ontology, theory of application and epistemology Messages from Foreign Friends to the 54th International Antiwar Assembly (original version)(2) |
Block the revision of the Constitution! Shatter the strengthening of the war alliance! The keynote speech delivered in the central meeting of the 54th International Antiwar Assembly Shatter the Abe government's all-out offensive aimed to revise the Constitution! Eradicate the danger of a world war amid the confrontation between the US and China/Russia! The JCP leadership has scrapped their slogan: 'Dissolve the unconstitutional Self-Defense Forces' 'Make good use of the SDF as combat forces': a JCP-kept scholar yells in line with the party's policy change Block the construction of US Osprey helipads in Takae! Smash the ground military facility construction in Henoko! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee of the JRCL Documents and photos Struggles fought against the Osprey pads construction in Takae, Okinawa Heartfelt solidarity with Maohi people fighting for the independence of Maohi-Nui -- The record of the visit of the Zengakuren delegation to Tahiti An appeal from Zengakuren No to the reinforcement of French nuclear capabilities! Denounce the imposition of nuclear contamination on Maohi people! -- Create a true peace by uniting across borders! Non au renforcement de la capacite nucleaire par la France ! Zengakuren The 54th International Antiwar Assembly Overseas Appeal for the 54th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Messages from Foreign Friends to the 54th International Antiwar Assembly (original version)(1) Crush the neo-fascist offensive with the united power of the working class! No to the major restructuring and mass dismissal of postal workers due to the construction of mega distribution centres! |
60 years after the Hungarian Revolution Make a quantum leap forward in the anti-Stalinist communist movement! Takuma Ueda Chairman of the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League Crush the offensive of revising the Constitution with the power of workers and the toiling masses! Shatter the constitutional revision by the Abe government by wielding the parliamentary majority of the ruling LDP! Solidify the fighting force against the constitutional revision and the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Central Students' Orgburo Overthrow the Abe government that forces poverty and war on the toiling masses! We denounce the rape and murder of a woman by a former US Marine! Stop the construction of a new US base in Henoko! Japan Revolutionary Communist League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) Militant workers and students strived in a people's rally in Okinawa, June 19th, Naha No to the deployment of Ground Self-Defense Force Ospreys at Saga Airport! Overseas Appeal for the 54th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan People all over the world! Unite across borders and rise in an antiwar struggle! The Executive Committee for the 54th International Antiwar Assembly Abe's 'Plans for Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens': full of lies and deceptions - The true colours of Abe's 'equal pay for equal work' - Measures for 'rectifying long working hours': tied to the 'increase in productivity' - 'Measures for ageing society': a plot to use old people until they are ready to drop - 'Industrialization of medical service': abandonment of 'medical service as social security' - Measures to 'improve childcare/nursing care services': in name only Don't allow the Japan Postal Union leadership to totally collaborate with the management! The Postal Workers Committee of the JRCL NTT East Corporation's outrageous reform plan concerning the working hour system Denounce the leadership of Toyota Roren [Federation of All Toyota Workers' Unions] for accepting an extremely low wage increase! Mitsubishi Motors' manipulation of fuel-economy test data Reactionary reorganization of national universities based on the policy of 'increasing national prosperity and military strength' The beginning of the disintegration of the European Union -- British people chose to 'leave the EU' My resolution to be a vanguard party member: I will fight as a subject of creation of our party organization My resolution to be the subject of creation of the vanguard party organization: I will adhere to revolutionary Marxism |
Rise up to block the revision of the Constitution, to scrap the War Law! Central Students' Orgburo Block the new US base construction in Henoko! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Create a gigantic upsurge in the antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle! The Okinawa Prefectural Committee JCP bureaucrats are accelerating ideological degeneration - On the 5th JCP Central Committee Plenum The class struggles in Europe amid the 'war on terrorism' Kumamoto Earthquakes: Decommission all the nuclear power stations [NPS] on the earthquake-prone Japanese archipelago! Immediately stop the operation of the Sendai NPS! Down with the Abe government trampling down earthquake victims! Denounce the high court for dismissing a request to ban the resumption of the Sendai NPS operation! The Japan Marxist Student League (RMF) Kyushu Regional Committee The Otsu district court ordered suspension of the Takahama NPS operation Electric power companies successively withdrew previous plans to construct costly anti-seismic buildings The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa NPS: located right above active faults Five years after the Great East Japan Earthquake and the Fukushima nuke plant disaster: Create a big surge of struggles against nuclear development! The Nuclear Regulation Authority OK'd the continued use of two decrepit Takahama nuclear reactors The number of childhood thyroid cancers is increasing in Fukushima The rebuilding of the disaster-stricken Tohoku Region is woefully neglected by the Abe government A declaration to increase labour productivity and suppress wage rises - A criticism of Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] 2016 labour policy report Japan Post: Extreme intensification of labour in the name of 'labour cost management' The 50th anniversary of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL: A firm resolution is welling up inside me The starting point for the formation of thought: What is materialist thinking? - Learning from Kuroda's materialist investigation into thinking, in Topos and Praxis, vol. 3 |
Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2016 spring labour offensive! Stop imposing poverty on workers! Win big, across-the-board wage increases! The anti-proletarian nature of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]'s report for the 2016 spring labour offensive: The degenerate leadership is eagerly inciting a 'productivity campaign' in the name of 'correcting wage differentials' Fight for the militant uplift of the 2016 spring labour offensive! Denounce the leadership of Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] for neglecting struggles for higher wages! February 7th Workers' Solidarity Meeting Win big, across-the-board wage increases! Disclose the degeneration of the Rengo leadership!: the first keynote address Fight the 2016 spring labour offensive under the banner, 'Against constitutional revision, against war, and against fascism'!: the second keynote address A skiing tour bus accident: An inevitable consequence of the government and capitalists ignoring safety _______________________________________________ Stir up a gigantic struggle against the revision of the Constitution! Denounce North Korea's nuclear testing and missile firing! Don't allow the US-Japan-South Korea's buildup of a system for waging war and sanctions against the North Korea with an iron hand! The adoption of the COP 21 Paris Agreement: Confrontation and deception between the US, EU and China Peking laden with the smog of highly concentrated 'PM 2.5' The crisis of the world economy enveloped by the dark clouds of war and money games |
60 years after the Hungarian revolution Solidify the bridgehead of anti-Stalinist communist movement! Break through the 'dark clouds of war and fascism'! Stir up a powerful international antiwar struggle to prevent the outbreak of a world war! Fight for the upsurge of the struggle against the revision of the Constitution! Central Students' Orgburo Documents Militant struggles against the full-scale construction of the new US base in Henoko The growing danger of a new world war in the Middle East - The Syrian civil war in an increasingly dangerous situation 25 years after the collapse of the Soviet Union Create a surge of the anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement in the capitalist state of Russia! <short review> A 'Russo-Turkish War' in this 21st century The meaning of the Volkswagen emission control scandal Smash the postal management's major offensive of rationalization in the collection and delivery division! The delivery of 'my number system'-related mails No to the imposition of late-night work on postal workers! Stop blaming misdelivery on them! |
No to the buildup of the US-Japan global war alliance! Block the landfill work for the new US base construction in Henoko! Build up a united battle front against fascism by drawing lessons from the struggle fought to stop the enactment of the War Law! Documents The revolutionary left led the struggle besieging the Diet Building to stop the passage of the War Law through the House of Councillors! Photogravure Mass protests staged nationwide against the War Law Down with the Abe government that forces war and poverty on workers and toiling people! US and Japanese imperialists rushing to conclude the TPP agreement in rivalry with China: Prevent the Abe government from destroying Japanese agriculture and health care system! The reactionary nature of the Abe government(original version)s 'reform of the health insurance system' Revision of the nursing care insurance system at the sacrifice of the poor elderly Ravages worsening: four and a half years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster Abandonment of disaster victims: The evacuation instruction was lifted in the vicinity of the nuclear plant An anomaly of fir trees: The 'red forest in Chernobyl' is likely to appear in Fukushima Denounce the Putin government for military intervention in Syria! The crisis of China's 'new normal' economy shakes the global economy Lessons I learned from Kuroda's 'leap' in 1956 The 53rd International Antiwar Assembly Messages from Foreign Friends to the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly (original version) |
No to the enactment of the War Bill for aggression! Tidal waves of protest besieging the Diet Building shook the Abe government The keynote address to the central meeting of the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan: Block the enactment of the War Bill for aggression! Now is the time to overthrow the Abe government! Denounce Abe's statement issued for the 70th anniversary of the end of WWII! ________________________________ Shatter the Abe government's offensives aimed to build Japan into a 'state capable of waging wars of aggression'! -- Smash the local government authorities' offensive of reducing wages and tightening labour management! The JRCL Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee Reactionary revisions in the skilled workers' wage system in Toyota Denounce the Panasonic management for introducing a more exploitative wage system! What underlies Kan'ichi Kuroda's subjective grasp of Marx's theory of alienation The 53rd International Antiwar Assembly Overseas Appeal for the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan (English version) Speeches from the delegates of TAVINI FUIRAATIRA (in French / English) Messages from Foreign Friends to the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly (original version) |
Besiege the Diet Building with mass protest actions of workers and students! Crush the full-scale build-up of the new US-Japan military alliance! Now is the time for the revolutionary left to exert its full powers! The new US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines: a rush to the building of a 'global war alliance' Military confrontation between the US-Japan and China in the South China Sea The US and Japan stepping up intimidating military actions against China by securing a 'forward base' in the Philippines Lies, sophistries and arrogant attitudes: infamous responses by the Abe government in Diet talks Tens of thousands of people surrounded the Diet Building and the PM's Official Residence: the revolutionary left taking the lead ___________________________________ Overseas Appeal for the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Oppose the nuclear armament race between the US and China/Russia! Working people all over the world, rise in an international antiwar struggle! The Executive Committee for the 53rd International Antiwar Assembly ___________________________________ Putin-led Russia's challenge to the US in collusion with Xi Jinping-led China No to the destruction of the eight-hour working day system! Stop the legalization of the 'lifelong temp worker status'! Central Workers' Orgburo Condemn the Abe government for railroading the bill to revise the Worker Dispatching Law through the House of Representatives! The 2015 spring labour offensive fought amid a major reactionary offensive Shatter the drastic restructuring and rationalization of postal services! The Postal Workers Committee Former JCP Chairman Fuwa's abuse on Marx's Critique of the Gotha Programme |
No. 277
July 2015 Issue
(Printed in May 2015)
Fight against the build-up of a 'global war alliance'! Stop the setting up of new Defence Guidelines and the legislation for aggressive war! Central Students' Orgburo Block the construction of the new US base in Henoko! 'Oama's war' having fallen into self-contradiction - The new National Security Strategy of the declining empire AIIB [Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank]: Xi Jinping-led China's challenge to the US for the supremacy of international finance The revision of the 'My Number Law' and the Personal Information Protection Law aimed to strengthen the authoritative ruling system Fight against the fascistic strengthening of restrictions on the press! Condemn the Abe government for scheming to make a rubber-stamp legislature Stop the destruction of the 'eight-hour working day system'! The labour aristocrats boosting Abenomics - On Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation]'s annual report for the 2015 spring labour offensive The Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions]-style spring labour offensive begging monopoly capitalists to 'return part of internal reserves to society' My consciousness is filled with volition and passion to live - Learning from Kuroda's Topos and Praxis, vol. III, Chapter A: Praxis and Cognition I will make anti-Stalinism my backbone! - Learning from Kuroda's essay, 'Anti-Stalinist Movement in Japan', in Fifty Years of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL, vol. 1 |
No. 276
May 2015 Issue
(Printed in March 2015)
For the spring labour offensive against fascism! Crush Abenomics! Win a big, across-the-board wage increase! Central Workers' Orgburo Deceptions in advertising 'wage hikes for a virtuous cycle of the economy' A criticism of the 2015 labour policy report by the Japan Business Federation For the victory of the 2015 spring labour offensive! Fight against the Abe government imposing 'war, fascism and poverty'! The first keynote speech in the Feb. 2nd workers' solidarity meeting Denounce the degeneration of Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats and win a big, across-the-board wage increase! The second keynote speech in the Feb. 2nd workers' solidarity meeting No to the effective abolition of working hour regulations! Denounce the killing of the two Japanese hostages by the 'Islamic State'! Stop the Abe-led Japanese government's participation in the 'war on terrorism'! No to the formulation of new US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines and the legislation for aggressive war! Stop the resumption of construction work for a new US base in Henoko! Workers, students and residents' voices resound, demanding the removal of all the US bases Dissolution and reorganization of Japanese agriculture in the name of its 'conversion into a growth industry' The reactionary nature of the Abe government's 'JA [Japan Agricultural Cooperatives] reform' plan Putin-led Russia seeking to expand its sphere of influence, based on an alliance with China The imperialist world today intoxicated with a financial bubble: in the extremity of decay |
No. 275
March 2015 Issue
(Printed in January 2015)
Strengthen the working class unity to overthrow the Abe government! Takuma Ueda Chairman of the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League The turbulent domestic/world situation and the tasks of the JRCL Lead the 2015 class struggle in Japan forward! Shatter the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Crush the revision of the Constitution of Japan! Central Students' Orgburo A New Year's cartoon The declining US empire's wavering strategy for world domination Takamasa Inokata Neo-Stalinism in China having started to crumble from within Shoko Mizuki Formulation of a joint war manual The interim report on the review of the Guidelines for US-Japan Defense Cooperation Minoru Uehata The all-out strengthening of 'patriotic' education by introducing 'moral' education to school curriculum Stop the resumption of the Sendai nuclear power plant operation! The Abe government desperate to restart the dangerous fast-breeder reactor Monju Taku Dohoji Denounce the Hokkaido Electric Power Co. decision to raise electricity rates again for restarting its nuclear plant! N. H. To fundamentally overcome the tragedy of Ukrainian civil war Completely break with Stalinism! For discussions with Russian and Ukrainian leftists Noboru Miyao |
No. 274
January 2015 Issue
(Printed in November 2014)
No to the formulation of new US-Japan Defense Cooperation Guidelines! Block the new US base construction in Henoko! Rally the forces of workers and people for the overthrow of the Abe government! Central Students' Orgburo Smash the US Marine base construction in Henoko with all our strength! The JRCL Okinawa Prefectural Committee Stop the deployment of a US X-band radar! No to the construction of a new US base on the headland of Kyogamisaki! The Marxist Student League (Revolutionary Marxist Faction) - Kansai Regional Committee No to the enforcement of the state secrecy law aimed at concealing military information! Tomomichi Aida Denounce the Obama administration's bombing of Syria and Iraq! Fight for an explosive upsurge of antiwar/anti-Ampo and anti-tax increase struggles! _______________________________________ Block the reactivation of the Sendai nuclear plant! Crush the liberalization of sackings! No to the abolition of regulations on working hours! The reactionary nature of the government's scheme to set up a 'special state strategic zone' for 'starting up businesses and creating jobs' in Fukuoka City Tetsuro Takasu The Abe government's outrageous reform of the social security system Kiriko Nagayama No to the rationalization of postal services! Shatter the nation-wide 'restructuring of postal and distribution net-work'! The Postal Workers Committee NTT's new management strategy for survival Akira Kuwagata An explosion at Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Corp's Nagoya steel plant: a grave on-the-job accident Hiroshi Kasaokamaru The 'wage hike for investment in man' argument by JAM labour aristocrats [JAM: Japanese Association of Metal, Machinery and Manufacturing Workers] Messages from Foreign Friends to the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly (continued from No. 273) |
No. 273
November 2014 Issue
(Printed in September 2014)
Advance towards the overthrow of the Abe government! Stop the new US base construction in Henoko! Workers, students and people fight fierce battles on sea and land The struggle against the US-Japan security alliance flares up with the revolutionary left in the forefront No to the constitutionalization of the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Stand together to stop a world war breaking out! Fight against warmongering between the US-Japan and China-Russia! The keynote address to the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Taku Ijuin Rightish repair work carried out on the 'course of action' under the cover of the slogan 'Stop Abe's reckless politics' The anti-proletarian nature of the new line adopted by Zenroren [National Confederation of Trade Unions] Hijiri Shirane Today's version of the LDP's old policy of 'security designed exclusively for defense': advocated by an ex-JCP bureaucrat Tokichiro Fueta The revised 'Japan Revitalization Strategy' sacrifices workers and the toiling masses Kohei Washio _______________________________________ No to the major restructuring offensive launched by the Panasonic management! Kozo Tadokoro Chukakuha remnants used as a tool of the state to disturb mass protests against the Cabinet decision Isso Matsue Chukakuha remnants' attempt to stay in existence based on 'district-based unions' Ken'ichi Niida Overseas Appeal for the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Messages from Foreign Friends to the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly |
Denounce the Cabinet decision to constitutionalize the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Bring down the Abe government preparing to launch a war! A bugle for a war of aggression: a report from Abe's Advisory Panel on Reconstruction of the Legal Basis for Security Shin'ichi Osako _______________________________________ <The impending crisis of a world war> Overseas Appeal for the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Stand together to stop a world war breaking out! Fight against warmongering between the US-Japan and China-Russia! Build up international solidarity against <war and poverty>! The Executive Committee for the 52nd International Antiwar Assembly Crush the strengthening of the US-Japan new military alliance amid the rivalry between the US and China-Russia! A civil war in Iraq and a new phase of crisis in the Middle East Fumio Kusumi The emblem of the end of the militarist empire: Lame-duck Obama's foreign policy speech on May 28th Takamasa Ogata _______________________________________ Create an upsurge of struggle against the constitutional revision from within the municipal labour front! Launch a fight to smash the offensive intended to destroy public service workers' unions! The Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee Japan Post's newly launched restructuring offensive based on the 'mid-term business plan' Taichi Akatake Shatter Japan Post's newly launched restructuring/rationalization offensive against workers! The Postal Workers Committee The Abe government's 'medical business strategy' that coerces people into hardships Noriko Ino The Abe government rushing for a commercial application of induced Pluripotent Stem cells in disregard of safety measures and bioethics Takehito Oiso A consequence of forced restructuring and a total disregard for safety: The devastating explosion at a factory of Mitsubishi Material Corporation Kenji Mikawa The reactionary nature of the 'university governance reform': The Abe government's neo-fascist reorganization of tertiary education Kenji Hirao Fabrication of a new myth 'the safety of a nuclear power plant' : designed to strengthen the system for promoting nuclear development A criticism of the 'final report' by the Atomic Energy Academy Seiya Kurimoto Cries of a student soldier conscripted and killed in WWII On 'another note left behind' by Hisao Kimura, a student of philosophy who went to the scaffold as a war criminal Taira Akae |
No. 271
July 2014 Issue
(Printed in May 2014)
Stop the Cabinet decision to constitutionalize the 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Range forces against fascism, against Ampo [US-Japan military alliance]! Central Students' Orgburo Acceleration in building up a system for jointly waging war against China The reactionary meaning of Obama-Abe summit talks __________________________________________________ The Rengo leadership's submission to the neo-fascist government in the name of 'realizing a virtuous cycle' of the Japanese economy Its degeneration and crisis revealed in the 2014 spring labour offensive Central Workers' Orgburo Stop the revision of labour laws! The Abe government depriving workers of their rights and imposing poverty Denounce the consumption tax hike! Shatter Abenomics! Denounce Putin-led Russia's military occupation and annexation of the Crimean Peninsula! The crime of Putin ambitious to expand Russia's territory Daisuke Horiba North Korea in crisis: desperate to avoid the collapse of the regime On the Kim Jong Un government's bloody purge of Jang Song Thaek Nobuo Yoshitomi The JCP bureaucrats immersed in 'collaboration with conservatives' A criticism of the resolution adopted in the 26th JCP Congress: no mention of 'anti-fascism' nor 'anti-Ampo' Taiji Kimoto |
No. 270
May 2014 Issue
(Printed in March 2014)
Fight for a militant upsurge of the spring labour offensive! Fight against the major neo-fascist offensive! Achieve a militant upsurge of the 2014 spring labour offensive! The first keynote report to the Feb. 9th Workers' Meeting for the Spring Labour Offensive Kenzaburo Minagawa Smash the Abe government's all-out reactionary offensive aimed to restore 'militarist Japan'! The second keynote report to the Feb. 9th Workers' Meeting Natsuko Katsura Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2014 spring labour offensive and create a working class unity! A solidarity address to the Feb. 9th Workers' Meeting Takuma Ueda, Chairman of the National Committee of the JRCL Achieve a big, across-the-board increase in wages! No to the revision of labour laws victimizing workers! Stop the consumption tax increase! Fight against the distortion of the spring labour offensive into one 'for economic recovery'! Central Workers' Orgburo A scheme for productivity increase and labour cost reduction using the lure of 'wage hikes' A criticism of the 2014 Keidanren [Japan Business Federation] report Ken Utsunomiya Denounce the Rengo [Japanese Trade Union Confederation] labour aristocrats for joining the call of the government and monopoly capitalists to 'get Japan's economy on a virtuous cycle'! Hijiri Shirane Dirty tricks of mass firing in the name of asking for 'volunteers for early retirement' The inexcusable realities of a 'support for reemployment' Akira Takane __________________________________________________ Three years after the Fukushima nuclear disaster Stop the restart of nuclear power plants! Stop the revision of the Constitution! Declaration of the imperialist ambition to build Japan into a 'strong military power capable of waging war': the government's new National Defense Program Outline Haruhiko Maruyama Putin's scheme to restore 'Russia as a great power' by taking advantage of the decline of US imperialism Jiro Ishigaki An antagonistic 'view on the class struggle' disseminated by a 'social movement researcher' A review of Eiji Oguma's delusion-ridden book, In order to Change Society Ryutaro Kawazu
No. 269
March 2014 Issue
(Printed in January 2014)
Now is the time to build a united battle front against fascism! |
No. 268
January 2014 Issue
(Printed in November 2013)
Fight against the restoration of 'militarist Japan'! |
No. 267
November 2013 Issue
(Printed in September 2013)
Shatter the imposition of <war and poverty> by building the solidarity of people all over the world! |
No. 266
September 2013 Issue
(Printed in July 2013)
Down with the neo-fascist Abe government! |
Crush 'Abenomics'! No to attempts to promote Japanese imperialism to a military power! Fight against the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! Shatter all the offensive of constitutional revision! Promote struggles by overcoming the JCP-led peace movement without 'anti-Ampo'! Central Students' Orgburo Smash 'Abenomics'! No to the offensive to force crushing burdens onto workers and toiling masses! Expose the nature of the government-led BOJ's monetary easing policies of a 'different dimension' victimizing the toiling masses! Denounce the treacheries of Rengo labour aristocrats in the 2013 spring labour offensive! Fight against the deregulation of dismissals! Japan's participation in the TPP in the name of a 'growth strategy' The Abe government brings Japan's agriculture, livestock farming and health care system to ruin Hiromichi Kurobuse The nonsensical alternative of 'diplomacy utilizing the Constitution' The JCP leadership's distortion of the struggle against constitutional revision Taiji Kimoto The decline of Japanese imperialism as an 'economicsuperpower' Desperate measures of monopolies to survive the economic crisis Kenji Uzawa ------------------------------------------------------------- Two years on from the March 11th Fukushima disaster No to the Abe government dashing full-out for nuclear development with an imperialist ambition to build Japan into a 'strong nation'! Slipshod measures exposed in the leakages of highly contaminated water Deceptions in the government and TEPCO's 'plan for the decommissioning process' Seiya Kurimoto Tzar Putin in a fret with a sigh Jiro Ishigaki On the difference between Bewußtsein für es and Bewußtsein von Etwas in Wataru Hiromatsu's philosophy Santaro Kajikawa |
![]() Make a great leap forward for the anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist movement! The keynote address delivered at the JRCL public political meeting on the 50th anniversary of the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction (Feb 10th 2013) Takuma Ueda Chairman of the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League Resolves presented at the JRCL political meeting Propel our anti-Stalinist revolutionary movement forward on the labour front! By a worker comrade on behalf of all the industrial workers' committees Let us open up the 'age of the JRCL' by mutually reforging ourselves By a student comrade on behalf of the Central Students' Orgburo Spread the raging flames of anti-Ampo struggle from Okinawa faced with the military confrontation between the US and China! A public service worker from Okinawa We resolutely promote the party building by shattering the reactionary fascist offensive! A worker from the chemical industry Let us take a further step by confirming the significance of our struggle against the repression on the Hokkaido Teachers' Union! An education worker from Hokkaido Let us strive to strengthen our party, the vanguard party of revolutionary workers! A postal worker For a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive! Shatter 'Abe-nomics'! Now is the time to win a big wage increase across the board! Labour aristocrats' full cooperation with capitalists in recovering the Japanese economy and improving corporate profits The anti-proletarian nature of the Rengo leadership's policy for the 2013 Spring Labour Offensive Hijiri Shiramine Impeach the JC Metal labour aristocrats of supporting 'Abe-nomics'! Ittetsu Hoshi ------------------------------------------------------------- Crush the move towards the constitutionalization of Japan's 'exercise of the right to collective self-defense'! Declaration of a 'stronger alliance' agreed in the Obama-Abe meeting Shatter the Abe government's ultra-reactionary offensives with the united power of workers and students! Central Students' Orgburo The declining empire hell-bent on laying siege to China The military strategy of the second-term Obama administration Takamasa Ogata Promotion of Japanese nationalism to build Japan into a strong military power The Abe-led Liberal Democratic Party's vision for 'reorganizing the state' Takeshi Tsujido A constitution for Japanese neo-fascism On the Abe-led LDP draft of a revised Constitution Otoya Kawachi |
![]() Crush the ultra-reactionary offensive of the Abe-led LDP government! Make huge strides in the anti-Stalinist revolutionary communist movement! 50 years after the foundation of the Revolutionary Marxist Faction of the JRCL Takuma Ueda Chairman of the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League No to the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! Stop the neo-fascist revision of the Constitution of Japan! Shatter the reactionary offensive of neo-fascism! The present internal and external situation and the tasks of the JRCL' Crush the Abe government's neo-fascist attacks on the working class! Fight for a militant upsurge of the 2013 spring labour offensive! Central Workers' Orgburo The Seven Seas, and the Seven Deadly Sins Annual JRCL cartoon Smash the drastic wage cut offensive by the NTT Corporation management! Motoki Hoshikawa Oppose Japan Post's introduction of a 'new general job' of extremely low wages! Kuro Koide Steel monopoly capitalists seeking a way of survival by merging and closing production facilities On the amalgamation of Shin Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal Industries amid intensifying international competition Hiromitsu Katai ------------------------------------------------------------- The Chinese government to build more than 50 nuclear plants for a decade Sumio Takasaki South Korea hell-bent on building and exporting nuclear plants Yuki Mizuhara No to the reopening of the Hamaoka nuclear plant! Yutaka Kawase Stop the construction of the Oma nuclear plant designed for full use of plutonium-mixed fuel! An active fault line running right under the Oi nuclear plant now in operation ------------------------------------------------------------- No to the strengthening of repressive measures on the pretext of 'eliminating antisocial forces'! Taizo Dan The neo-Stalinist party of China frightened by the uprisings of the toiling masses Shoko Mizuki |
![]() Create a torrent of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggles united with a struggle against nuclear development, braving the storm of neo-fascism! Smash the deployment of the Osprey! Stop the flight drills! No to the reopening of nuclear plants! No to the construction of a new reactor! Down with the Noda government, a servile follower of US imperialism! Central Students' Orgburo No to the deployment of the Osprey! Angry workers and toiling masses rise in blockade action at the gate of the US Futenma base The revolutionary left lead the struggle under the banner of 'Repeal the US-Japan Security Treaty!' Fight for a militant upsurge of the autumn labour offensive in private railway and bus workers' unions! Denounce the support of the central trade union leadership for the restart of nuclear reactors and a massive consumption tax increase! Kaoru Miyama Denounce the labour aristocrats in Kikan-roren [a trade union confederation of key industries] crying out for the 'early restart of nuclear reactors'! Satoru Gongenzaki Condemn the Hashimoto-led Osaka City authorities' enactment of three ordinances plotted to destroy municipal workers' unions! Takeshi Nishikaze The Noda government funnels money into big business and nuclear development by abusing reconstruction budget funds Masashi Egawa The Noda government's 'medical restoration' plan for disaster-stricken prefectures: abandonment of disaster victims to hardships Susumu Imaba ------------------------------------------------------------- Confrontation with mass-movementism: lessons I learn from Comrade Kuroda and his revolutionary worker comrades' struggle in 1962 Daisuke Chikugo The essence-theory and the reality-theory: learning from Kuroda's essay 'The Theory of Commodities and the Theory of Human Existence' Fumio Endo Hideo Odagiri's On Human Trust and Kan'ichi Kuroda's 'The Ethic and Logic for Cooperation' Kenzo Shimakura My study note Learning from Kuroda's theoretical pursuit of revolution: the very basis for the formation of the world revolution strategy, 'anti-imperialism, anti-Stalinism' Jiro Ishigaki Messages from Foreign Friends to the 50th International Antiwar Assembly Click to see |
![]() Absolutely no to the US deployment of the Osprey to Okinawa! Oppose the drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance! Fight for the promotion of struggle against Ampo! Create an explosive upsurge in the struggle against nuclear development! Fight by overcoming the bankrupt JCP's petition movement for 'zero nuclear plants'! Stir up the flames of anti-Ampo struggle in opposition to the coercion of 'war and poverty' by the Noda government servile to US imperialism! (keynote report to the 50th International Antiwas Assembly) Tsuyoshi Fujikake A clash between the US-Japan and China to win over ASEAN countries The danger of war aggravating over the 'dominium' of the Spratly and the Paracel Islands Ryuichi Otaki Syria: battles intensified, connected with a religious sectarian strife Denounce the massacre launched by the Assad government! No to any intervention in the Syrian conflict, either by the US or Russia! Shima Tatsuo Fight against the unprecedented wage cuts posed by the NTT Corporation management under the pretext of 'extended employment up to the age of 65' Gentaro Sagae Advance struggles against nuclear development! Stir up the flames of antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle! Central Students' Orgburo ------------------------------------------------------------- The reactionary nature of Rengo's proposed social service policy decorated with flowery words, 'unbiased support to all generations' Yutaka Naruse The government's 'reconstruction measures' for disaster-hit areas: deserting victims and encounraging monopoly capitalist businesses Masa Egawa The upsurge of the 'anti-Putin' movement and the Russian left Noboru Miyao Putin's command to accelerate attempts for Russia's 'restoration as a superpower' Jiro Ishigaki Overseas Appeal for the 50th International Antiwar Assembly in Japan Messages from Foreign Friends to the 50th International Antiwar Assembly Click to see |
![]() Overthrow the reactionary Noda government rushing towards a mass consumption tax increase! Now is the time to win an explosion of anti-Ampo struggle! Definitely no to the drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance in the name of 'dynamic defense cooperation'! Denounce the reopening of Oi nuclear plant! Stop the promotion of nuclear power generation and nuclear development! ---------------------------------------- Oppose the drastic wage cuts of public service workers! Stop the consumption tax increase! Criticize the leadership of the public workers union for supporting the government-planned 'reform in social welfare and taxation' Prefectural/Municipal Workers Committee Smash the introduction of a new personnel and wage system by the Japan Post management! Stop the restructuring plan leading to personnel reduction, redeployment and intensification of labour! Genzo Kurosumi Fight against the unprecedented wage cuts posed by the NTT Corporation management under the pretext of 'extended employment up to the age of 65' Gentaro Sagae No to the harmful revision of health care and nursing care systems sacrificing the 'underprivileged'! Ayumi Kamisaka ------------------------------------------------------------- The Eurozone on the verge of collapse and the impending global financial crisis Takashi Shingyouji Affliction-ridden departure of the Kim Jong Un leadership in North Korea Toshikatu Kamata Revolts under the banner of 'anti-capitalism': fallacy underlying the ideology of the 'Occupy Wall Street' movement Ryutaro Kawazu A deceptively mended proposal to 'reform' the US-Japan military alliance 'within the framework of the Security Treaty' The criminal nature of JCP's 'Vision of Foreign Policy' Yasuji Kimoto |
![]() down with the reactionary Noda government! Denounce the Rengo labour aristocrats for liquidating the spring labour offensive and devoting themselves to an Industrial Patriotic movement! Central Workers' Orgburo Overthrow the Noda government launching reactionary offensives for wriggling out of the imperialist crisis! Surge up flames of the struggles against the nuclear plant restart, the strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance and a massive consumption tax increase! Central Students' Orgburo Fight against the drastic strengthening of the new US-Japan military alliance under the pretext of 'the prevention of North Korea's nuclear development'! Expose the deception of the government declaration 'the Fukushima No.1 nuclear plant has cooled and settled down'! With no nuclear plant in operation the Noda government rushes headlong towards the restart of nuclear plants Seiya Kurimoto The crime of the JCP-led Zenroren leadership distorting the spring labour offensive into a campaign for begging the bourgeoisie to 'stimulate domestic demands' Takao Miyahara The Assad government of Syria hell-bent on a desperate massacre of its people under the confrontation between the US and Russia Tatsuo Shima A reignited crisis of the PIIGS sovereign bonds and the deepening in the global financial instability Hisashi Kawarada Smash the Chukakuha remnats desperate to prolong their life by means of 'decisive battle against nuclear plants'! Shoji Asahina ------------------------------------------------------------- A study on the strategy of the Kremlin bureaucrats for 'a world revolution process' Jiro Ishigaki A notebook: what is the meaning of 'an approach in Y aspect' Kikusaburo Ikegami |
![]() Down with the Noda government deserting disaster victims! Fight for a militant upsurge of the March 11 anniversary rally! Japan Revolutionary Communist League Smash the attempt to liquidate the spring labour offensive! Denounce the Rengo leadership intent on liquidating the spring labour offensive under the banner of Kizuna (ties of the nation)! Japan Revolutionary Communist League Stop a massive consumption tax increase! Stir up a flame of the 2012 spring labour offensive! Fight to create powerful ranks of the working class to overthrow the Noda government by breaking through the 'industrial patriotic' labour movement! Central Workers' Orgbureau A dreadful scheme for liquidating the spring labour offensive under the banner of 'overcoming a crisis of the nation' The Rengo leadership devoting itself to the 'survival' of Japanese imperialism Hijiri Shiramine The Japanese bourgeoisie letting out a fearful scream amid an economic decline The 2012 report of the Japan Business Federation: Keidanren's scheme to compel workers to pay an unprecedented sacrifice Ryuji Sendo The turbulent world of today and tasks assigned to the revolutionary left A special JRCL report to the workers' meeting for the spring labour offensive on Feb. 12th Takeo Saijo for the Japan Revolutionary Communist League US imperialism intimidating the Iranian rulers: A danger of warfare impending in the Middle East Stir up a flame of the antiwar struggle in solidarity with Muslim people fighting under the banner of 'anti-US imperialism / anti-Zionism'! Stop the restart of nuclear plants! Oppose the exportation of nuclear plants! The Noda government scheming to take forcible measures for continuing nuclear development before the due stoppage of all nuclear plants Shinsaku Uragami The JCP leadership using shameless flattery towards 'conservative voters' with the catchphrase of 'No to the politics ruinous to the nation' Criticizing the JCP policy for 'opposing Japan's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership' Hiromichi Kurofuse Oppose the Japan's participation in TPP promoted by the US-servile Noda government! The agriculture and livestock industries faced with imminent destruction The 'mixed medical services' outside the framework of health insurance to be expanded all at once A US preferable reform in the postal service system demanded forcefully A 'gradual progress' towards the 'establishment of a Muslim state and a unification of the Arab nation' Criticizing the political strategy of the Muslim Brotherhood Tatsuo Shima |
![]() Fight for a great leap forward of the anti-Stalinist communist movement! Fight to break through the crisis of the decaying contemporary world in the 21st century! Chairman of the National Committee of the Japan Revolutionary Communist League Takuma Ueda Overthrow the reactionary Noda government with the power of workers and students! Fight for a huge surge of class struggle by overcoming the degenerate official opposition movement! Central Students' Orgbureau 20 years after the self-disintegration of the USSR Overcome Stalinism to open a new century of revolution! Takeshi Osumi Wails of the decolourized Stalinist bureaucrats of the Communist Party of China Haruka Kanda Putin-led Russia: pursuing the dream of its restoration as a great power Jiro Ishigaki An impending global financial crisis of EU origins Ken Kawatani Stop Japan's participation in the Trans-Pacific Partnership: as US vassal and for helping monopoly capitalists! Takao Tomonaga Japanese manufacturing monopolies suffering from the Thai deluge Kenji Mikawa Anxiety and scepticism about contemporary technological civilization Heideggerian philosopher Gen Kida's comments on the Fukushima nuclear plant accident Otoya Kawachi Workers of All Lands, Unite! Annual JRCL cartoon |
![]() Fight against the nuclear development! Advance antiwar, anti-Ampo struggle! Stop massive tax increase! Central Students' Orgbureau Smash the reactionary offensives by the Noda government to bail out monopoly capitalists! Fight to break the industrial 'patriotic' movement led by Rengo labour aristocrats! Central Workers' Orgbureau The well-known intellectual's consideration of the 'civilization-caused disaster' from the viewpoint of 'appeasing the revengeful spirits' Inotaro Kirishita Criticizing the newly contrived idea of the JCP 'for a low energy society with zero nuclear plants' An attempt to conceal the criminal nature of their policy for 'peaceful use of nuclear power' Daisuke Horiba The Great East Japan Earthquake and the latest seismology The responsibility of the government for ignoring alerts Taro Sharidera Stop the restart of the Ikata nuclear plant in Shikoku! Satazo Misaki The Japanese government drawing no lessons from Chernobyl Noboru Gojo A scheme to introduce ultra-nationalist-edited schoolbooks into remote islands in Okinawa A placation operation before the planned deployment of SDF troops to the frontier Noboru Izena The neo-fascist Osaka governor intent on enacting new regulations on education Kansai Regional Committee of Education Workers Reading Kuroda's Topos and Praxis, Vol. 3 Hiromichi Kurobuse The TNC leadership usurping the people's uprising in Libya Oppose the US, UK and French imperialists carrying out military intervention and neo-colonialist invasion! Tatsuo Shima |
![]() the strengthening of the military alliance! The new DPJ government led by Yoshihiko Noda scheming to victimize the toiling masses under the pretext 'to overcome a crisis of the nation' Oppose the strengthening of the US-Japan military alliance! Immediately stop and scrap the nuclear plants! The Keynote Speech to the 49th International Antiwar Assembly in Tokyo Hiroteru Kon'no Fight back against wage cuts and tax increase under the pretext of 'reconstruction from the disaster'! JRCL prefectural/municipal workers committee Japanese manufacturing monopolies suffering from serious cuts in 'supply chains' Kenji Mikawa Lessons from our latest fights against the nuclear development For the 81st Zengakuren congress Central Students' Orgbureau Japanese nationalism for 'patience' A reactionary argument by a nationalist intellectual Kuju Fumio Denounce the restart of the commercial operation of the Tomari nuclear plant No.3 reactor! Stop the restart of the No.1 reactor! Marxists Students' League Hokkaido Regional Committee Stop construction of a new nuclear plant in Ohoma, Aomori! Stop operation with plutonium-mixed fuel! Takashi Horonai Palestine amid the diastrophic changes in the Middle East Haruhiko Sakuragi Denounce the Chinese railway accident! The Beijing bureaucracy desperate to cover up inconvenient information Sumio Takasaki Overseas Appeal for the 49th International Antiwar Assembly See the full text |
![]() Suspend every nuclear plant right now! Scrap all of them! Down with the Kan government bent on nuclear development and heavier taxation! Expose the crime of the JCP leadership starting to demand for the 'formulation of a zero nuclear plants program' A pragmatic turnaround of the party's nuclear policy in the name of 'strategic decision' Kankuro Shumon Consequences of the neo-liberal 'structural reform' torturing disaster victims Masato Ikari Reviewing Takeshi Umehara's remarks on Fukushima The well-known intellectual's consideration of the 'civilization-caused disaster' from the viewpoint of 'appeasing the revengeful spirits' Yu Katagiri Contributions from the tsunami-hit areas Together with disaster victims rising from the rubble Akira Shigaraki Share the angers of workers and people suffering from the nuclear disaster Eitaro Kamiyama The seismic archipelago: the growing danger of nuclear accidents Scrap the Hamaoka nuclear plant, the most dangerous plant! JRCL Tokai Regional Committee Stop the restarts of the Nos. 2 and 3 reactors of the Genkai nuclear plant! The world's largest Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear plant vulnerable to earthquakes The nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Rokkasho Village with the danger of a nuclear catastrophe Monju, the fast-breeder reactor Review - Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt, Empire Negri's fallacious Empire Denounce the US state terrorism, the killing of Osama bin Laden! Advance an international antiwar struggle against the US aggression in Afghanistan and the NATO bombing of Libya! |
![]() Stop all the nuclear plants! Support victims with all people's strength! Denounce the Tepco Fukushima plant meltdown! A catastrophe caused by the Kan government with no 'crisis management capability' Never leave victims in the disaster! Crimes of the Kan government shown in its measures for the nuclear accident and the quake Denounce the government deserting victims in the nuclear catastrophe and earthquake disaster! Denounce the Fukushima nuclear plant accident! Prevent the nuclear disaster from spreading! Students and workers, make an all-out effort to support disaster victims! Central Students' Orgburo Down with the Kan government deserting disaster victims! On the tasks of the revolutionary left for the Great East Japan Earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster Central Workers' Orgburo For an upsurge of our struggle against nuclear development! Oppose the enormous increase of taxation under the pretext of 'reconstruction'! A crumbled myth about the 'safety' of nuclear plants Stop all the nuclear plants immediately! Shinsaku Uragami Contributions: A month since the Great East Japan Earthquake: Experiences in supporting victims Standing by victims overflowing with grief and anger Shigeo Hayashi Now is the time to call out resolutely: stop all the nuclear plants immediately! Namio Taira A monopoly capitalists' way to get through the earthquake disaster Toyota victimizing workers and subcontractors Hamakichi Seta The hidden objective of the US forces 'Operation Tomodachi': making Japan being subservient to the US under the pretext of coping with the earthquake disaster as an 'emergency' Denounce US, UK and French imperialists for carrying out the air strikes on Libya! Toiling Muslim masses, march on to topple the Khadafy regime! Advance the anti-US, anti- Zionist struggle! Tatsuo Shima What the 'hamas (passion)' of the Muslim youth fighting in Tahrir Square tells is? Reflecting on the last chapter of "The way of thinking in the Middle East" written by Keiko Sakai Haruhiko Sakuragi On Preobrazhenskii's theory of 'socialist primitive accumulation' and his debate with Bukharin (continued from the previous issue) Susumu Gorei The ideology of 'the rise of China' A book review: "Tasks of China, an economic superpower" written by Hu Angang Hruka Kanda |