The Assembly of a sector of the unemployed on February 16th and 17th:
an attack all along the line against the direct democracy

The crossroad of the Argentinean revolution:
a counterrevolutionary plan of the regime and
the treacherous leaderships to strangle the embryonic organs of dual power




On February 17th at night, Mr. Nestor Pitrola, national leader of the Partido Obrero of Argentina, openly accused our organization, -Democracia Obrera of the Organizing Committee of the Trotskyism Principled (Fourth International)- of being a group of gprovocateursh, before the cameras of the 26 TV channel. He did not do anything more than repeating the same slander that minutes before he had rushed, besides several fractions of the Argentinean Stalinism, in an open meeting, -in the Colonial Theater of Avellaneda- of different Stalinist fractions, and centrist currents self-claimed Trotskyists, who develop their activity in the movement of unemployed, self-called Asamblea Nacional Piquetera (National Picketersf Assembly). At the same time, the security apparatus of the Stalinism and of the PO threw out, using their guns, representatives from Democracia Obrera and delegates from educational workers, ceramists, picketers who had demanded for their right to speak and that the whole present working ranks that wanted to could speak and move motions. The leadership of the Partido Obrero repeats that slander in their paper, Prensa Obrera # 742 of 02/21/02, reissuing the accusation of provocateur and intelligence services that they had carried out some months ago against our organization by Claudio del Pla and the leadership of the PO from Prensa Obrera.

This slander and aggression was carried out by the leadership of the PO jointly with the Stalinist praetorian guard, was mounted to prevent from speaking not only Democracia Obrera, but teachers, ceramists of Neuquen, picketers and the members of the Independent Investigating Commission of the North of Salta (who represents the relatives of the comrades that were murdered or wounded -many of them crippled today, with bullets in the body- by the gendarmerie), workers of the Garrahan, picketers of Dock Sud who had blocked the Shell refinery, workers of the central Market, to employed and unemployed workers of other sectors, and more than 20 delegates from the Asambleas Populares (Popular Assemblies) who were in the meeting as well.

This attack against the direct democracy of the masses in the Argentinean revolution, and against Trotskyism, was continued and confirmed three days later, when the union bureaucrat of the movement of unemployed and bourgeois deputy DLElia -next to Alderete of the Maoist PTP-PCR-, calumniated, in a public act, to all the forces that self-claimed Trotskyist, accusing the gright Trotskyisth of being allied with Bush against the Cuban people, in the same way Stalin did against Trotsky accusing him of being agent of the Japanese imperialism or of the Gestapo.

What happened in that open meeting of Stalinist and centrist apparatuses self-called gAsamblea Piqueterah (Picketersf Assembly), both on Saturday 16th in Plaza de Mayo and on Sunday 17th in Avellaneda, was a real reactionary attack against the direct democracy of the masses in struggle, organized and executed by the fifth-column of the Stalinism and the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement, of which is part the leadership of the Partido Obrero. An attack against the direct democracy, since it was imposed agreement between the union bureaucrats of the unemployed movement; the Communist Party (PC) of Patricio Echegaray and the bankers of the Banco Credicoop and of the Mobilizing Institute of Cooperative Funds (Instituto Movilizador de Fondos Cooperativos) -expropriators of the savings of the people-; the Castroism; the Partido Obrero; and leaders of the centrist parties self-claimed Trotskyists like the MAS, the PTS, the FOS, the MST and Convergencia Socialista. Everything, from the speakers, the agenda, who could speak and who could not do it, what was going to be voted and what was not, was previously and secretly decided. All this watched over by the praetorian guards of the Stalinism and the PO to keep everyone in his place, and to silence with clubs and guns anyone who dared to denounce it.

The merit of the courageous revolutionary intervention of the educational delegates, ceramists, picketers, of the Trotskyists of Democracia Obrera both, in the Plaza de Mayo on the 16th, clarifying that we were not allowed to speak in that meeting previously agreed behind the scene, and in the Assembly on the 17th, demanding for the right to speak and to move resolutions for all those delegates and ranks workers that wanted to -taking the risk of the physical integrity of our labor militants- was that of strip off this monstrous and the fact that a new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement is arising which has a reactionary policy to liquidate the direct democracy that the workers and the people in struggle in the Argentinean revolution have begun to conquer.

So it was this way that more than twenty delegates of the Asambleas Populares of Capital and Great Buenos Aires were not allowed to speak. These Asambleas Populares not only gather small expropriated savers, but workers, students, pensioners, and also unemployed workers that are part of those millions to those that the new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement lead by DLElia, Alderete, Martino, Castells, the PC and the Partido Obrero leaves aside and on the outside of their organizations and that don't receive the charities of the Planes Trabajar that are only enough for some dozens of thousands. Who could not speak were, for example, the delegates of the Asamblea Popular of Padua, or those from different neighborhoods of Merlo that just a few days later were brutally beaten by the praetorian guards of hoodlums paid by Duhalde and the intendant Otahece of the PJ when they went to the square to carry out their Asamblea Popular.

This way, in behalf of the interests of the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement and of small apparatuses, in that self-called Asamblea Piquetera it was wanted to prevent that the voice of the millions of unemployed workers, that on December 20th rose and that begun to organize in their neighborhoods of the Great Buenos Aires in Asambleas Populares to be listened. But, in spite of that, and after our intervention, the leading table that monstrous could not prevent the employed and unemployed ranks to impose and to vote for acclamation that in the next Asamblea anyone will be allowed to speak and all the mandated representatives will have the right to vote.

It is not fortuitous that the servants of the Stalinism and of the bourgeois state as the PO, in their evaluation published in Prensa Obrera, did not even mention this decisive fact that was a victory imposed by the ranks against their own policy.

This maneuver was exposed, as it was demonstrated by the fact that in the Asambleas Populares, it has been begun to denounce and to reject the methods of the Stalinism and its partners in that gAsamblea Piqueterah, like in Palermo, the Cid Campeador, La Boca, or La Paternal, where it was voted by hand raised a public repudiation to the leading board of the Asamblea of Avellaneda, claiming, on the contrary, for the real direct democracy that the workers and the people have conquered in the Asambleas Populares -that of the voice for all those that fight, that of the vote by hand raised-. The workers and the people are those who are already taking in their hands, in the Asambleas Populares, the struggle against the agreements between parties and apparatuses that try to sweep and to sterilize them. It was in this way that the Assembly of the Cid Campeador, voted to propose to the Asamblea Interbarrial (Inter-neighborhoods Assembly) that is carried out in Parque Centenario g... that all the political, social organizations that are participating in the assemblies are entitled to express their identity as well as their proposals and opinions. In the same way they are demanded to put all their energy to the service of the popular assemblies, and not the popular assemblies to the service of their organizations or parties.h (Bulletin of the Asamblea Popular of the Cid Campeador, Year 1 - N‹ 1 - 02/20/02). Even, in dozens of Asambleas, they begin to expose and to toss the representatives of the Partido Obrero that want to sweep them, fairly associating them with the hated regime of parties of the Pacto de Olivos against which they have gotten up, as well as they begin to expose and to identify the bourgeois agents of the Frenapo (Frente Nacional contra la Pobreza - National Front against Poverty) and of the union bureaucracy of the CTA that today is acting disguised in Asambleas to try to destroy them from inside, and that they try to put them behind the Frenapo, Carrio and other bourgeois variants in the Mobilization on March 24th.

The new bureaucracy of the unemployed movement is not more than one of the tentacles of the regime to strangle the embryo of the organs of dual power that are arising since the glorious revolutionary days of December 20th. The bourgeois parties, as that of deputy Carrio, and the goppositionh union bureaucracy of the CTA, next to all the human rights organizations, are coming now for the Asambleas Populares. They want them dissolved and subordinated to a democratic front of union bureaucrats and gopponentsh bourgeois politicians. They want those that filled the Plaza de Mayo the on December 19th and 20th and in seven more opportunities in the past two months, the hundreds of thousands of hungry people that went to take the foods from the big supermarkets on December 19th, the workers that played a political general strike on December 13th, to subordinate to a ganti-Duhaldeh front. They prepare this betrayal for March 24th, in the genocidist coup of 1976 anniversary.

Meanwhile, the government of Duhalde, sustained by the infamous social pact of the union bureaucracy of the two CGT, in agreement with the church and with the radicalism and the Peronism, the old hated parties of the regime, they get ready to carry out in next days the gPlaza del Si to Duhalde.h

This is the new counterrevolutionary trap of the regime: to subsume the labor class and the exploited to two bourgeois fronts, in favor of the government or against the government, the gPlaza del Sih and the gPlaza del Noh, two demonstrations led by bourgeois factions that at the end will strangle and divide the embryos of organs of dual power. But the leaders of these two squares, of the two fronts, with their union bureaucratic henchmen that sustain them, have one single objective: to liquidate the popular assemblies, to castrate the revolutionary content and of self-organization of the unemployed movement, to isolate the hard struggles in each factory against the closures and the dismissals and the thousands of state workers whose wages have been plundered. And what is more important and more decisive: they want to destroy the new alliance between the workers and the people that come into the national arena in the revolutionary days of December at the beginning the Argentinean revolution.

There are two trenches and not two gsidewalksh in the Argentinean revolution: the working class and its allies, with their organs on one hand; and the bourgeoisie and the imperialism, with the union bureaucracy and their agents of any color, on the other.

What happened on February 16th and 17th in Plaza de Mayo and in Avellaneda was only one more step, of the counterrevolutionary forces that have been plotted to impose to the revolutionary masses the expropriation and the deviation of its heroic combats.

For Altamira and the PO, as well as for the Stalinism, their apparatuses are everything and in behalf of them it is necessary to destroy the organs of self-determination of the masses

For the PO and their Stalinist partners in the Bloque Piquetero it is necessary to subordinate the organs of direct democracy and self-determination of the masses to the counterrevolutionary apparatuses; it is necessary to liquidate them, to prevent their development, extension, and the rise of their self-defense committees; it is necessary to prevent their centralization in a new assault of the masses sweep with all of them, with the government and with all the institutions of the infamous regime, imposing the dual power and opening the way towards the insurrection and to the taking of the power by the working class and the people, that is to say, to the victory of the Argentinean revolution.

The PO and their Stalinist partners work to subordinate the unemployed movement to the bourgeois gdemocratic oppositionh that wants early elections and for they are preparing the gPlaza del Noh. They are doing it the same way that in the previous pre-revolutionary situation, the union bureaucracy of Moyano and the CTA put the general strikes in the service of the bourgeoisie of the Productive Front that today, next to Duhalde, manages the business of the great capital, associated to the imperialism, plundering the nation and famishing the workers and the people.

It is that the PO already is servant of the policy of a bourgeois replacement in the regime, calling to Sovereign Constituent Assemblies at local, provincial and national level to save to the infamous regime.

I becomes absolutely clear, from the declarations of the PO legislator Altamira's to the newspaper La Nacion, where he recognizes this entirely confident. Before the journalist's question about his opinion on the Popular Assemblies, Altamira says: gIt is necessary a social transformation, but for that it is necessary to have a program and it can only be given by the partiesh. Following that, the columnist adds, gAltamira foresees also that in some moment this militancy will enter in reflux and he hopes this process will be channeled in the partiesh. (La Nacion 02/24/02, page 12 of the central body,

If the villain confesses the prosecutor needs no proofs! Altamira and the PO are renegade of the Trotskyism and continuators of Kautsky and the counterrevolutionary Socialdemocracy who said: gThe party it is everything, the revolutionary masses are nothingh. It was against them that, under the scream of gtraitorsh! The great revolutionaries Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburgo rose to combat against that apparatus that suffocated the energy of the masses.

"The party is everything, the soviets are anything was the scream of war with which Joseph Stalin and the Stalinist bureaucracy strangled the October Revolution and the Soviet Workersf State.

gThe parties are everything, the revolutionary masses nothingh, Altamira and the PO say, continuators of Kautsky and Stalin, that want to liquidate the direct democracy of the Asambleas Populares and also in the unemployed movement with the apparatuses of the hated political parties of this infamous regime, and to strangle the revolution. This is not more than to confirmation about that the leadership of the Partido Obrero has been co-opted and has openly crossed to the field of the bourgeois state and of its regime (as we explain later). They are enemies of the independent organs of direct democracy of the armed masses for the preparation of the insurrection and the taking of the power. They are renegade of the Trotskyism and of the dictatorship of the proletariat. They are, in synthesis, enemies of the revolution.

But on the same Sunday 24th, when the scandalous declarations of Altamira were published, the counterrevolutionary policy of the Stalinism, of the union bureaucracy of the CTA and of the traitors of the PO directed to liquidate the organs of direct democracy with agreements between parties, with faked convocation board -that it is supported by the rest of the centrist currents self-claimed Trotskyists- suffered an enormous defeat at the hands of the revolutionary masses: in the Asamblea Interbarrial of Parque Centenario (Inter-neighborhoods Assembly of Parque Centenario), it was passed by hand raised, to carry out on March 17th a Congress of all the asambleas populares of the country - called Asamblea Nacional Interbarrial (Inter-neighborhoods National Assembly)- with the method of the direct democracy.

With their direct democracy, the masses defeated, one by one, all these attempts of controlling this National Assembly by the Stalinism, the union bureaucracy of the CTA and the traitors of the PO, by the agents of the bourgeois parties and the centrist and opportunist currents (that, as always, converged camouflaged as gneighborsh).

This way, against the proposal that a gcalling boardh was chosen, they resolved for gthe constitution of an assembly of delegates from the neighborhood assemblies, to a reason one delegate for each 20, to organize the National Assemblyh. Against the proposal that the coordinators of the Inter-neighborhood Assembly were chosen a week before, the masses imposed: gIt is rejected and it is confirmed the current procedure, they are drawn the same day before beginningh.

This great victory of the direct democracy of the masses in struggle is a blow on the plexus to the Stalinism and its partners of the PO and to all the enemies of the direct democracy, and it confirms the correction of the courageous intervention of Democracia Obrera in the Asamblea Piquetera on February 16th and 17th.

The possibility to build and to rise the great Leninist revolutionary internationalist and insurrectionalist party of the Argentinean revolution has its luck tied to the survival, extension, centralization and armament of the organs of direct democracy of the exploited masses. But this is impossible to conquer without a struggle to the death against the treacherous leadership and the opportunists that lend them their hands. To that, no more, no less, is concentrated the combat of the Liga Obrera Internacionalista (Cuarta Internacional) - Democracia Obrera (Workersf Internationalist League (Fourth International) - Workersf Democracy) of Argentina.

While the workers and the people rise to the scream gout with all of them, no one can stayh, a new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement that sustains the infamous regime arises

In the face of the crisis and the hate of the masses to the union bureaucracy of the CGTs and of the CTA, the government of Duhalde and of the Pacto de Olivos -that has disposed the praetorian guards of paid hoodlums (like those that attacked to the unemployed of Merlo), but doesn't dare to take them into the streets in a general form fearing inciting even more the revolution that doesn't stop-, it has sent this Stalinist-bureaucratic fifth-column to try to strangle the organs of struggle of the revolutionary masses from the inside. The way for that was to push the emergence of a new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement, of which are part DLElia (provincial deputy of the Social Pole, a bourgeois party headed by priest Farinello besides a sector of the union bureaucracy of the Metalworkers Union of Lorenzo Miguel); Alderete of the Maoist PTP-PCR that called to vote Menem in 1989; Castells, leader of a dissident fraction of the PTP-PCR; Martino of the MTR, an old Stalinist cadre; the Communist Party of the bankers of the Credicoop; and also the PO. It is a new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement to try to control the enormous spontaneity of the masses that, with their independent actions, have overcame all the treacherous leaderships and opened the revolution in the glorious days of December.

It is for this reason that all of them, DLElia, Alderete, the PC, Castells, Martino and the PO, they lift a policy of co-management of this new union bureaucracy with the bourgeois state, where that one negotiate, control and administer the grant of credits from the imperialistic bodies, and their allotment among the different counties, municipalities and picketer bosses. They want to liquidate all vestige of independence and of direct democracy of the unemployed movement that today expresses the wide majority of the Argentinean labor class which is unemployed, underemployed, in black, hired, unstable, flexibilized, suspended, and hungry. They want to statize the unemployed movement transforming its organizations in agents of the charity of the bourgeois state for some few, when unemployed workers are millions, when every day the employer sack thousand workers s -more of 600.000 in the last months-, and when the ferocious increase of the prices and the devaluation has reduced to coins the misery of $120 of the Planes Trabajar.

The apparent division between the bureaucratic DLElia and Alderete on one hand, and, on the other hand, the Bloque Piquetero of Martino, Castells, the CP, with whom the PO is in fact in an unique party -and to whom the centrist currents as the PTS, the FOS and other smaller groups self-claimed Trotskyists lend their hands- it is totally purposeful for the politics of the bourgeois state. It is purposeful because it divides and it demoralizes the unemployed workers. But it is, at the same time, the expression of the dispute for the control of the millions of dollars for social aid between the different wings of the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement who compete for proving to the employers and the state than they are able to control the movement.

This bureaucratic wings that together control no more than a 10% of the unemployed workers and that divides them, is also purposeful for the policy of the government of Duhalde and of the infamous regime of the Pacto de Olivos that tries to control to remaining 90% of the more than 4.000.000 of unemployed workers with Chiche Duhalde - the president's wife- paying to the gpunterosh (paid cadres) of the PJ in the neighborhoods to distribute the misery of the food handbags and $20 per month, and who compose the praetorian guards that attack the unemployed, like in Merlo.

It is purposeful also for the union bureaucracy of the two CGTs, since the unemployed bureaucracy refuses to fight to overthrow it and for the unity of the employed and unemployed workers, besides the Asambleas Populares, in a great Workers and Popular National Congress with commanded delegates to prepare the general strike and a new assault of masses to sweep with the government and the infamous regime. They are enemy of all this, as it becomes clear in the declarations of Altamira to the La Nacion.

This bureaucracy is purposeful also for the union bureaucracy of the CTA, agent of the bourgeois parties and politicians as the Frenapo and Lilita Carrio who are trying the Asambleas Populares and the gpiqueterosh movement in their service in the march that they preparing for March 24th.

For that reason the Stalinism and the PO tossed the workers from the Assembly and they stayed with the bankers of the Credicoop Bank -camouflaged behind the Institute Mobilizing of Cooperative Fund -, with the church and the Pymes (the association of the small and medium companies employers). For that reason, this monster endorses the policy of putting the blood and the heroic fight of the Piqueteros of the North of Salta in the service of the Pymes, the church and of the murderous government of Romero, as it was openly proclaimed on Saturday 16th in Plaza de Mayo, by Hipy Fernandez, a leader of the Union of Unemployed Workers (UTD) of Mosconi who has a small company where the unemployed works for $120 that come from the Planes Trabajar. No one of the currents that were part of the leading board of that agreed meeting and who were allowed to speak in it -as the MAS, the MST, the PTS, the FOS and Socialist Convergence- denounced this betrayal, and they looked for another side when the praetorian guards of the Stalinism surrounded the representatives of Democracia Obrera that demanded the right to speak and the representatives picketers from Mosconi -some of which still have in their body the bullets of the murderous gendarmerie- who did not accept and wanted to denounce that betrayal on Saturday in Plaza de Mayo. It is was for this reason that on Sunday 17th this new bureaucracy of the unemployed movement launched their aggression and slander to impede them to speak and to toss the delegates of the picketers of the North of Salta who wanted to call to break up with the Pymes, the church, the bankers of the Credicoop and governor Romero. It was just then when the centrist currents reacted, but it was so late: they were imprisoned by their own policy.

What happened the on 16th in Plaza de Mayo and 17th in Avellaneda was a real reaction against the workers and popular vanguard and the masses in struggle to build up a national organization of the masses, democratic and independent of the bourgeois state; it was an attempt to control and to liquidate the independent actions and the direct democracy of the masses who has demonstrated, by opening the revolution, to be a million times superior than any struggle summoned by the general staff of the treacherous leaderships and their servants.

The Asamblea Piquetera of Avellaneda, even more bureaucratic than the second Asamblea Piquetera led by DLElia and Alderete

The Asamblea Piquetera of Avellaneda was even worse than the Segunda Asamblea Piquetera carried out on September 4th, 2001 and headed by DLElia and Alderete. In that Asamblea, against DLElia and Alderete that only wanted to allow participating those delegates recognized by them, to the bourgeois politicians and the union bureaucracy, the unemployed and employed ranks workers imposed the workersf democracy. They overpassed DLElia and Alderete and it imposed that all could participate, impeded the entrance of the bourgeois politicians, prevented the bureaucrats to speak to the scream of gthe union bureaucracy will be finished", and allowed everyone who wanted to, to speak and to vote by hand raised. It is for that reason that DLElia and Alderete never summoned another Asamblea Piquetera again. And today, after five months, the Stalinism and the leadership of the PO as a part of the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement, summoned it under a hard control, with the same methods than DLElia and Alderete and the union bureaucracy, and also in the same way, they accuse of being gprovocateursh, gserviceh, etc., to everyone that had different positions, and blew the minorities to hush them.

In this kind of meetings, like the one in Plaza de Mayo and the one in Avellaneda, which are organized by the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement, the Stalinism in their different wings and their servants of the PO, the security, guaranteed by the bands of hoodlums of the Stalinism and of the PO it is not there to take care of the delegates and the workers ranks from the attacks of the repressive forces of the bourgeois state, the police and the intelligence services, and the bands of paid hoodlums of the Partido Justicialista, the other bourgeois parties and the union bureaucracy, but to beat and to throw away guns in hand, the labor delegates that are dissident with that monster. And this is made with the consent of all the currents self-claimed Trotskyist! This criminal politics of this union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement, of the Stalinism and the PO was not condemned by none of the currents that self-claimed Trotskyist and that were part in the agreements of the gconvocationh board.

In this sense the new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement is also purposeful to the bourgeois state and the infamous regime. While their bands of hoodlums are mounted to silence and to blow the opponents, they leave millions of unemployed workers at the mercy of the police, the gendarmerie and the praetorian guards of paid hoodlums of Duhalde and the PJ, refusing to fight for build fighting workers' and peoplefs self-defense committees, like it happened in Merlo. More than that, the division amongst fractions of that bureaucracy that are in dispute for the control of the Planes Trabajar leaves their ranks trapped in the disputes between the intendants of the bourgeois parties and the different bourgeois sectors once and again. This has happened recently in the Central Market, were a group of unemployed of the CCC went to demand food, and they met there with a band of paid hoodlums of the bourgeois parties and the union bureaucracy -that were disputing the administration of the Central Market -, and they were brutally hit and beaten.

The Trotskyists of Democracia Obrera doesn't join with none of the two fractions of the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement: neither with D'Elia and Alderete, neither with Martino, Castells, the PC and the PO. On the contrary, we make ours the struggle of the PST (Partido Socialista de los Trabajadores - Socialist Workersf Party) in the 70s, when the CGT was divided: gNeither Azopardo neither Colon1. Lets shoot the Bureaucracy!h We get involved in all the unemployed organizations, fighting to overthrown the new union bureaucracy, for the unity of the unemployed movement in a democratic national organization, independent of the bourgeois state, for it to adopt workersf program of the 21 points of the picketers of the North of Salta, and for their coordination with the employed workers and with the Asambleas Populares in a great Workers and Popular National Congress.

The emergence of this new union bureaucracy doesn't have its explanation in ideological or political reasons, but in its bond with the bourgeois state that buys the leaders and statizes the organizations of unemployed, the same as it does with the unions, without which could not guarantee its domain. As we explain later on, they are the union bureaucracy of the two CGTs, of the CTA and the new bureaucracy of the unemployed movement who sustain today to the Bonaparteist government of Duhalde -as they sustained De la Rua yesterday and Menem before- and the hated regime. The same government and regime against which the revolutionary masses rose, leaving them without any social basis.

It is because in the semicolonial countries such as Argentina, the imperialistic financial capital needs statize to the unions to guarantee their domain in front of the weakness of the national bourgeoisie before the two colossuses that are confronted in them -the imperialism and the working class of the oppressed country-. This is the basic question for that the bourgeois regimes are Bonaparteist or semi-Bonaparteist, beyond the pseudo-democratic forms that they can acquire. As Trotsky said, the imperialism gIn the colonies and the semicolonies creates a stratum of aristocrats and labor bureaucrats, these need the support of colonial and semicolonial governments that play the role of protective, of sponsors and sometimes of arbitrator. This is the most important social basis in the Bonaparteist or semibonaparteist character of the governments of the colonies and the underdeveloped countries in general. This is also the basis of the dependence of the reformist unions in relation to the state". (The unions in the era of imperialistic decadence). There cannot be unions or labor organizations independent from the bourgeois state in the semicolonial countries if a revolutionary leadership does not head them.

And when the state and the bourgeois regime and their agents in the labor movement are not able to impede that the workers, on the outside of their control, play revolutionary heroic deeds and attack the property of the capitalists and the institutions of the state and the regime, as all Bonaparteism, it appeals to their strain of military officials and to their forces of repression. This way, in front of the great rising of Mosconi and Tartagal in November of 2000, where the workers and the people attacked and hurt to the bourgeois power, they destroyed the police station and they armed their own militias, they built up their pickets, assemblies and dual power organs, putting within reach of the hand the possibility to establish labor Communes in those towns, the bourgeois state acted with two complementary policies: it finished buying their leaders -that today are part of the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement-, and at the same time it occupied -with blood and fire- the North of Salta with the gendarmeria and with yankee troops, leaving dead, hundreds of wounded and detainees.

The creation of the new bureaucracy of the unemployed movement is the expression of the fear of the bourgeois state and its regime to that today -when the revolution begun, with the economic blow and the collapse that already make worse the unbearable penuries of the masses, with almost 50% of the labor class unemployed, when in dozens of municipalities the masses are fighting to overthrow the intendants of the parties of the infamous regime-, new revolutionary heroic deeds as those of Mosconi and Tartagal, but this time all over the country, that dislocate the municipal bourgeois power and establish dual power and end up imposing working and popular Communes could burst. That is to say, they fear like to the death a widespread Mosconi of the millions of unemployed that would rapidly unite to the Asambleas Populares and the employed workers and that would put on the top of agenda the struggle for power at national level.

The new union bureaucracy usurps the heroic revolutionary deeds unemployed movement and the revolutionary programmatic achievements that it conquered from the rising of Cutral-Co up to that of Mosconi and Tartagal

The unemployed ones fought to become manager of the charities of the bourgeois state, but for: gWork for everyone!h The Planes Trabajar were the crumbs with which the state always tried to buy them and to disable their fight. More than that, the struggle against the danger of bureaucratization of the unemployed organizations and to conquer the direct democracy has marked the whole history of struggle of the unemployed movement in Argentina.

The first historical achievement of this struggle against the bureaucratization and the buy of the leaders by the bourgeois state, had its expression in the second rising of the workers and the people in Cutral Co and Plaza Huincul (Neuquen) in 1997, where the unemployed workers called themselves gstokersh, denouncing and in opposition to the gpicketersh that had played the first rising in 1996, and that had been bought with subsidies and crumbs by the Neuquen provincial state and that become pointers of the bourgeois party that governs that county, the MPN (Popular Movement of Neuquen). The heroic stokers of the second Cutralcazo -that built up embryos of direct democracy in their Popular Assemblies, that defeated the gendarmeria that murdered Teresa Rodriguez, that burnt down in bonfires their affiliation credentials to the bourgeois parties- were betrayed and capitulated by the union bureaucracy of the CTA that exploded the strike of the educational workers of that county that they had begun to unite with the struggle of the unemployed, and impeded a provincial general strike that would have demolished the government of the MPN.

This fight was continued by the risings of the unemployed of Jujuy in 1997, who were organized in their pickets and who built up a provincial Coordination body, tossing union bureaucrat of the Maoist PTP-PCR, Carlos gPerroh Santillan. Finally, this bureaucrat was able to defeat that fight, putting it under de control of the church and transforming the Coordination body into a gmulti-sectorialh with the employers and their parties.

The struggle for the direct democracy and the unity of employed and unemployed was taken back by the workers and the people of Corrientes in 1999, where unemployed, teachers and state-workers built up their popular assembly in the gPlaza del Aguanteh (Square of the Endurance) during five months, and their pickets cutting the bridge that unites that province with the province Chaco. This heroic struggle was isolated, left to its own luck and betrayed by all the wings of the union bureaucracy and by the Stalinism that had deviated, from 1997, the struggle of the masses into the trap of the elections, saving the weakened government of Menem and allowing the victory of De la Rua. The first action of De la Rua, one week after his assumption of the presidency in December of 1999, was to send -with the approval of the parliament and with the complicity of the union bureaucracy- to the murderous gendarmeria to squash to blood and fire the struggle of Corrientes, causing a true massacre that charged with the life of four labor martyrs.

But undoubtedly the highest achievement in this struggle of the unemployed movement was reached by the heroic rising of the picketers of the North of Salta who have conquered and they voted, in their sovereign Congresses, the workersf program of 21 points that has the objective of gthe construction of organizations independent from the state and from all the interests contrary to that of the workersh, and says: gMaking a balance of the different experiences of struggle it has been verified how the government has tried to divide to the unemployed workers buying their leaders. The leaders that have betrayed the unemployed workers should be expelled from the organizations and considered enemies of the workers.h It lifts gThe procedure based on assemblies to take the decisions and the representatives that should be revocable when the assembly decides ith, the struggle for gOrganizations independent from the provincial and national governments, from all their agents and from the bourgeois organizationsh; and that gThe handling of the working plans, the positions that are gotten in the private (companies), the alimentary handbags and all that is conquered should be under the control of the assemblies so that it is distributed between those that more needs and between those committed with the fighth; and it calls to organize gfrom the bottom to the top (...) the coordination bodies with delegates elected in assemblies of each neighborhood in which there has to be contributions to the elaboration of the common program.h

That labor program adopts the struggle for work for all attacking the property of the capitalists, outlining gThird shift in the oil companies and allowance of the working hours without lowering the wagesh, and they denounce with clarity the objective of the Planes Trabajar: gWe are not unconscious about that the employment plans are orchestrated as a mechanism to make even lower the active worker's wage and when fighting for them we make it in the perspective of pulling up work, to achieve the full efectivization and to liquidate the labor precariousness.h

This program outlines, already in December of 2000, to gRatify the call made by the picketers in favor of a National Congress of Organizations and Unemployed to hit all together and at the same time for our demands. We outline the convocation to a National Congress of Ranks, with elected representatives of the whole labor movement.h

On February 16th and 17th, Democracia Obrera didn't do anything more than to fight -as we have been doing since the glorious rising of Mosconi and Tartagal - for this program, for the most advanced thing that real picketer movement has conquered and that today is usurped by this infamous bureaucracy agent and administrator of the hunger and the misery of millions of workers and their families!

In the same way that it happened in Cutral Co and in Jujuy, the heroic struggle of the picketers of the North of Salta was betrayed by all of them that today are part of the new union bureaucracy of the movement of unemployed, by DLElia, Alderete and his CCC controlled by the Maoism, by the PC, by Martino, by Castells, by Pepino Fernandez, Piquete Ruiz and gHipyh Fernandez (leaders of the UTD of Mosconi), and by the PO. They refused to lift the program of the 21 points; they left isolated the picketers in the hands of the murderous gendarmeria; they refused to call to the National Congress of Employed and Unemployed Workers they were fighting for to prevent the rise of a centralized unemployed revolutionary's movement lifting nationally that labor program. All of them wanted to manage the millions of dollars of the Planes Trabajar, and an unemployed movement to make pressure for the crumbs of the bourgeois state as an agent of it, separated from the employed working class.

The great heroic deeds of the unemployed movement settled the achievements of the workersf democracy that today recaptures the Asambleas Populares in Buenos Aires and in other places in the country, where all those that fight have the right to speak, where everything is decided democratically and is voted by hand raised.

On the contrary, the new union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement of DLElia and Alderete of the CCC, as that of Martino, the PO, the MIJD of Castells, the PC, etc. -although they get dressed of red, they cover their face with a balaclava or with handkerchiefs- they are the continuity today of those sold gpicketersh of Cutral Co against whom the heroic stokers of the second Cutralcazo got up. Today like yesterday, in the depths of the working class, in the millions of unemployed that got up in the glorious days of December of 2001, the are growing the new gstokersh that will defeat this union bureaucracy usurper of the heroic deeds of the unemployed movement. There are the forces to make reality the call of the picketers of the North of Salta, and to conquer a unitary National Congress of all the unemployed with a delegate with command each twenty workers, that recapture the labor program of the 21 points and that coordinate and unite with the Asambleas Populares and the employed workers.

From Democracia Obrera, we have fought, we fight and we will fight unfailingly for: Stop with the agreements at the top between the parties and the leaders who decide secretly what has to be made and what has not to be made! Democracy for all those that fight! Long life for the direct democracy, of the raised hand, for the right to speak for all those that fight, for the Popular Assemblies! That the labor parties and their leaders to subordinate to the sovereign decisions of the direct democracy of the workers and the people! That they are the workers and the people in those organs those that decide with their vote which parties can speak and they subject their proposals to voting, and which parties can not!

Stop with the charity of the bourgeois state! Work for everyone just now, imposing the reduction of the labor day so that all the available hands begin to work, with a minimum wage similar to the cost of the family basket, indexed automatically according to the inflation! Out with the Pymes, with the church and with the bankers of the Credicoop, the small savers' expropriators!

Down with the union bureaucracy of the unemployed movement! For the Planes Trabajar all the conquests of the struggle to be administered by the assemblies of the ranks and not by the bourgeois agents!

Down with the picketersf leaders that nobody have chosen and who live from the juicy diets of deputies, as the bourgeois deputy DLElia and the legislator Altamira! That every leader of the unemployed workers -included DLElia and Altamira- work in a Plan Trabajar and get paid $120 as any rank comrade! For them to be chosen in Assemblies, with command, and that they are rotating and that never converge alone to the negotiations with the intendants, governors and the ministry of work, and that they report them openly facing the ranks!

For a democratic national organization of the masses, independent from the bourgeois state, from the politicians and officials of the bourgeois parties and from the bourgeois agents, to involve the millions of unemployed workers; that is to say, for an Unitary Congress of all the unemployed workersf delegates, with the program of the 21 points! For the coordination with the Asambleas Populares, the strike committees and struggle committees of the workers that face the discharges and closures in the factories!

Down with the treacherous union bureaucracy of the CGTs and of the CTA! For the independence of the labor organizations from the bourgeoisie and its state!

Stop with the small KGB of the Stalinism and their servants to scare, to remain silent and to beat the working ranks and the minorities! For self-defense committees of the workers and the people in struggle to face the repression of the bourgeois state and to give them the punishment that the praetorian guards of policemen, services and hoodlums of Duhalde, Alfonsin and the union bureaucracy deserve!

For a great Workerf and Peoplefs National Congress delegates of the ranks of the whole working class, employed and unemployed and of all the popular sectors in struggle, that rises a workersf and peoplefs plan to bring a way out from the crisis, to prepare a new December 20th, a new assault of the masses to sweep with the government of Duhalde and the infamous regime, and to prepare the taking of the power by the labor class and the exploited people!

This is what we, the Trotskyists of Democracia Obrera, were going to say in the Asamblea Piquetera of Avellaneda, and for that reason they wanted to silent us!

The attack of D'Elia and the slander and aggression of the Stalinism and the PO against Democracia Obrera, are an attack against the international Trotskyism

This attack to the direct democracy, to the Argentinean revolution and to Trotskyism was continued on Wednesday February 20th, when DLElia, next to the Maoist Alderete, accused to the gright Trotskyistsh of being allied to Bush against the Cuban people.

This poisonous attack of the Stalinism against the Trotskyism wants to show to the vanguard and the masses that the Trotskyism is agent of Bush and of the imperialism, when they are in fact Fidel Castro and the Cuban restorationist bureaucracy those that fulfilled the island with yankee flags in solidarity with the imperialistic butchers in front of the attacks of September 11th and in front of the genocidist war against Afghanistan. It is that Castroist bureaucracy the one that has crossed to the field of the capitalist restoration and that is getting ready to finish giving -following the way of Gorbachev- the conquests of the Cuban revolution, and to won their right to be recycled in bourgeoisie, in association with the yankee republican right wing investors in the island and with the financial capital of the European powers. For that reason Fidel Castro and that restorationist bureaucracy are accomplices of Bush that imprisons and it tortures in Guantanamo the heroic internationalist militiamen that went to combat against the imperialism in Afghanistan.

It wants to pass in front of the masses their allies as enemies and their enemies as allies: because they are Fidel Castro and the Cuban bureaucracy those that betrayed the Central American revolution with the Sandinoism in Nicaragua and the FMLN in El Salvador; they are who drove the Chilean revolution of the Industrial Cords of 1973 to be drowned in blood, proclaiming gthe peaceful road towards socialismh. They and their agents and allies in the whole continent are those that strangle the struggle of the masses at every turn.

But, until today, none of the self-claimed Trotskyist forces in Argentina has come out to denounce, to respond or to face this virulent Stalinist attack against Trotskyism. None of them has summoned to an urgent meeting of the other currents to face it in common.

It is that all the centrist currents that are self-claimed Trotskyist have backed and still doing it and they capitulate to this Stalinist fifth-column. The Trotskyists have already took out the lessons from the great Spanish revolution of the 30s, and of the tragic end of the centrists of the POUM that capitulated to the Stalinism supporting the Popular Front, and then they were slaughtered and murdered by the Stalinist fifth-column and the KGB, as Andres Nin. These lessons are heated in the Argentinean revolution: the centrist currents as the MAS, the PTS, the FOS, etc. that capitulate and lend their hands to the Stalinism so that it strangles from inside the organs of direct democracy of the masses, take a risk to run the same destiny than the leaders and militants of the POUM.

What is more serious, none of these currents called urgently for a meeting to all the forces that are self-claimed Trotskyist in an international level to face this attack that is an attack to the world Trotskyism. The great majority of them, as well as many self-claimed Trotskyist militants and organizations, participate in gchatting forumsh in Internet gin solidarity with the Argentinah. None of them has denounced this ferocious attack against Trotskyism -that is publicly known, since it came out in television and the newspapers-, neither has called to face and to condemn to the Stalinism and those that are their servants, as the PO. As if you could be solidarian with the Argentinean revolution without to denounce and to combat to those that try to strangle her!

From Democracia Obrera and the COTP-CI we make, for this reason, our first urgent call: we call worldwide to all the currents and groups self-claimed Trotskyists to reject and to condemn the attack and the vile slander rushed against Democracia Obrera by Altamira, Pitrola and the leadership of the PO in alliance with the Stalinism, and to take out a declaration denouncing and condemning the bourgeois deputy and union bureaucrat of the movement of unemployed D'Elia, denouncing Fidel Castro and the restorationist bureaucracy and to all the Stalinist and their henchmen that want to constraint the world revolution and to strangle the Argentinean revolution.

The fight to build up a revolutionary party in Argentina is a task of all the internationalists Trotskyists of the world

The fight to build up a revolutionary party in Argentina is not a national task; it is not a task only for the Argentinean revolutionaries. It is a task of the healthy forces that claim themselves being part of 4th International in the entire world, because the fight to build up that party that can take to the victory the Argentinean labor class is inseparable of the combat against the Stalinism and the Forum of Porto Alegre, against the renegades and liquidators of Trotskyism like Alain Krivine and the Partido Obrero that have crossed to the field of the defense of the bourgeois order -that are the sacred alliance that has been created to strangle the Argentinean revolution- and against the centrists and opportunists usurpers of the that are subordinated to them.

We, the internationalist Trotskyists of Argentina, are sure that the forces that act to strangle to the Argentinean revolution are international: they congregate in the Forum of Porto Alegre, in the international meetings of the Communist Party as the one had carried out a few days ago in Uruguay, and in the multitude of gand a half internationalsh that have been raised by the usurpers of the 4th International in these years to hide their national capitulations below a gTrotskyismh mantel.

This means that the combat of the Argentinean Trotskyists is international, and to build up, amid the same revolution, a revolutionary internationalist party, is a task of all the healthy Trotskyists forces that want to forge its program, its theory and its strategy, as the steel under the fire, to the heat of the revolutions as in Argentina or in the glorious Palestinian revolution.

Without an international revolutionary leadership, the internationalist Trotskyists in Argentina will be powerless to give this combat firmly and up to the end. We will be isolated and alone with our own forces in front of terrible enemies and international counterrevolutionary apparatuses. If the revolution triumphs, what would undoubtedly be an exception under the present conditions, without a world revolutionary party to rebel the proletariats of the imperialistic countries, that extends and coordinates the Latin American revolution, this will be condemned to succumb under the counterrevolutionary action of the imperialistic powers.

The Argentinean revolution, the Palestinian revolution, as yesterday the war of Afghanistan, they have heated the imperious necessity to build up a Kienthal and Zimmerwald of the healthy forces of the international Trotskyism.

Bolshevism in Russia -together Rosa Luxemburgo and Karl Liebknecht- was not more than the left wing of Zimmerwald that faced the betrayal of the international Socialdemocracy in the First World War. The Leninfs gTheses of Aprilh were not more than the refraction in Russia of the program of the left of Zimmerwald that rose under the cry of war of Out the hands of the traitors of the Socialdemocracy sold to the imperialistic states from the world proletariat!h gTurn the rifle against your own imperialistic bourgeoisie, to transform the imperialistic war in the beginning of the proletarian revolution!h And that was the policy of the Bolsheviks in Russia, which ended overthrowing, with the armed soviets, the imperialistic counterrevolutionary government of Kerenski, and imposing the dictatorship of the proletariat.

We make an urgent call to all the healthy forces of the international Trotskyism to put all their forces to the service of this fight to build up a revolutionary 4th Internationalist party in Argentina, as Trotsky and the Leninist Bolsheviks did in front of the grandiose Spanish revolution of the 30s. 90% of the International forces of the 4th International to Spain, to the service of the victory of that revolution!

In the called gManifesto on the warh written in 1940, Trotsky and the 4th International outline with clarity the existent desynchronization among the objective factors of the revolution, that is to say, the decomposition of the productive forces, the revolutionary actions of the masses, the confrontations that approach among revolution and counterrevolution, and the subjective factor, that is to say, the nonexistence of a revolutionary party.

The International historical crisis of 4th International that, usurped by the revisionist centrism, comes from decades of capitulations has not made more than to make worse in an angle of 180 degrees this desynchronization among the objective and subjective factors for the victory of the proletarian revolution.

Making an analogy -with all the limits that this mean-, something similar happened in 1914, when the Socialdemocracy crossed, with weapons and baggage, to the field of the counterrevolution. But the Internationalist left of the 2nd International rapidly regrouped its ranks in Kienthal and Zimmerwald. As Leon Trotsky said, the threads of the continuity of the revolutionary Marxism had broken and a handful of internationalists Marxist that could fit in an armchair prepared to unite them to give continuity to the program and the strategy of the world revolution.

From Argentina we make an emergency call, and we affirm that it is necessary to unite those threads of the history that have been broken for decades of capitulations and betrayals of the centrists, revisionists and liquidationists that usurped the 4th International. Only this way the revolutionary Trotskyists will be able to advance toward the masses and to build revolutionary parties in the different countries defeating the treacherous addresses, that is to say, to build up the 4th International again.

To put in foot an international Committee with a revolutionary action program in front of the most advanced points in the revolution and the counterrevolution at world level is the task for the moment.

From Democracia Obrera and the Organizing Committee of the Trotskyism Principled (CI) we will put all our forces to its service.

For an immediate international regrouping of the principled Trotskyists! Out of 4th International the opportunists, the revisionists and the liquidationists!

In the recent times, and under the conditions of the confrontation between revolution and counterrevolution that came into the center of the world scene, we have seen the gAugust 4th, 1914h, that is to say, the openly crossing to the service of the bourgeois order, of Pabloist liquidationist currents, as the French LCR -whose deputed Alain Krivine has already become a defender of the interests of the French imperialistic bourgeoisie-, and recently of the PO of Argentina.

At the same time, under these conditions of collapse, crisis, wars and revolutions, the centrist currents that usurp the flags of the 4th International and that oscillate permanently between the revolution and the counterrevolution, are beaten at every turn, on one hand, by the pressure of the bourgeois regimes and the counterrevolutionary leaderships that want to discipline and co-opt them; and, on the other hand, by the radicalization of the masses. This has already caused and it will still cause, new crisis, divisions, ruptures and regroupings.

It is in that struggle of tendencies and fractions to the interior of the international Trotskyist movement, under these convulsive conditions, that live and will come to light the healthy forces of the 4th International.

The Stalinism, in the international meeting of Communist Party carried out in Uruguay and in the Forum of Porto Alegre, announces that their hour has arrived. The slanderous attack of the Stalinism and their partners of the leadership of the Partido Obrero against Democracia Obrera, and the slander rushed by DLElia against the group of the forces self-claimed Trotskyist in Argentina, demonstrate again, as it has already demonstrated the whole previous history of the class struggle, that there is a river of blood in every revolution that separates Stalinism from Trotskyism.

The healthy forces of the Trotskyism should say that it has been time to build up the 4th International, to confront their counterrevolutionary g5th and a quarter Internationalh of the Forum of Porto Alegre, and the Pabloist renegades that crossed to the field of the counterrevolution, as Alain Krivine and the leadership of the PO! A regrouping of the healthy forces of the Trotskyism, a new Kienthal and Zimmerwald where the principled Trotskyists recognize ourselves and regroup for this combat, it would be a true pole to fight to rescue to dozens of thousands of valuable cadres and honest militant that claim themselves Trotskyists in a world level, and to prevent them to be dragged by the centrist and revisionist general staffs, usurpers of the 4th International, to the catastrophe of the liquidationism and of the open crossing to the bourgeois order, that is to say, to new gAugust 4th, 1914h.

There is not time to lose, because on this depends the life of the Palestinian and the Argentinean revolutionary masses, of the world labor class, and also of the Trotskyists and the 4th International itself!

We have already seen the renegades of the Trotskyism acting in front of the war of Afghanistan, and scandalously betraying the world proletariat. We saw the LPP (Labor Party of Pakistan) -connected with the LIT-CI in their copy of workersf international that is the Koorcom- put to the service of the imperialistic butchers and of the Pakistan bourgeoisie, placing in the same level both, the aggressor imperialism and the oppressed Afghanistan, with the dirty excuse that gthe Islamism is reactionary and feudalh, and to lift the policy of fighting for the defeat of both sides, that is to say, for the defeat of the Afghan nation at the hands of the imperialism. We saw that this party, that leads unions and an enormous fringe of the Pakistan proletariat, refusing to summon to form labor internationalists militias to go to fight in Afghanistan, and what is worse, condemning to be gIslamich to the internationalist militiamen that yes they went to.

We have already seen the French LCR and Alain Krivine traveling to Palestine, as part of the European Parliament's delegation, as a faithful servant of the French imperialism, to tell to the Palestinian labor class and people, who has began almost two years ago the first great revolution of the 21st century, that they should accept the existence of the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel and the counterrevolutionary plan of two states posed by the imperialistic powers and the United Nations.

We have already seen the PO that has had its gAugust 4thh, to join to the bureaucratic-Stalinist fifth-column that tries to strangle the direct democracy that the masses have built up in the Argentinean revolution.

All kneel down before the Stalinism and the Forum of Porto Alegre, while the FARC with their truces and negotiations with Wall Street and the European powers give time to Pastrana and the yankee imperialism to rush the military genocidist attack against the Colombian masses; while the Peruvian PC sustains Toledo, while the Chilean PC sustains the government of Lagos and the Pinochetist- concertationist regime of the Constitution of the 80s, while Fidel Castro and the Cuban bureaucracy get ready to consummate the capitalist restoration in Cuba.

The Stalinists congratulate themselves of having been able to strangle the revolution that the Ecuadorian workers and peasants began in 1997 overthrowing president Bucaram. The Stalinist leadership of the peasantsf movement and that of the working class, together with the bourgeoisie, spread them a trap to the masses. At the beginning of 2000, the rural masses -separated from the working class to which the Stalinist leadership of the unions handcuffed-, with a new revolutionary assault, overthrew the government of Mahuad. But the rural leadership gave the power to colonel Gutierrez that in turn gave it to Noboa. By the middle of that same year, the rural masses, strengthened after having demolished two presidents in less than three years, came out again to the fight, thinking that they could turn Noboa easily and that their leadership was willing to do it. But the bourgeoisie was prepared: in what were the gdays of Julyh of that great revolution, it took out the army to the street and gave a hard blow to the masses; it negotiated with the rural address, and then passed the dolarization.

Today, facing the glorious Palestinian revolution, facing the Argentinean revolution that has begun, it becomes indispensable the fight for a regrouping, for a strong pole of the healthy forces of the international Trotskyism and to build up revolutionary parties under the heat of that combat. The delay in this task has already cost the tragedy of the strangulation under the hands of the Stalinism of the Ecuadorian revolution.

Down with the Forum of Porto Alegre! Down with the Stalinism and the Socialdemocracy administrator of the bourgeois governments and the interests of the European imperialistic butchers! Down with Lula the PT and the CUT that want to attach the Brazilian working class and peasants behind the bourgeoisie, with a counterrevolutionary Popular Front with the employers of the Partido Liberal and the Yankee evangelical church!

Out the renegades of the French LCR, of the LPP of Pakistan, of the Partido Obrero of Argentina from the 4th International! This is the scream of war that the healthy forces that we claim ourselves of the Trotskyism and the 4th International have to rush!

From the Organizing Committee of the Principled Trotskyism (FI) and from the LOI (CI)-Democracia Obrera, we make an urgent call to the healthy forces of the Trotskyist world movement, to summon and to already build an International Conference of the Principled Trotskyists, around the fight against the g5th and a quarter h International of the Stalinism and the Pabloism and to build up the 4th International expelling from it the Partido Obrero of Argentina and every Pabloist. A Conference based on the lessons and the strategy in front of the colonization war against Afghanistan and on an international campaign for the immediate liberation of the internationalists militiamen imprisoned in Guantanamo in the claws of Bush and their accomplices Fidel Castro and the Castroist restorationist bureaucracy.

A Conference based on the lessons and on the revolutionary program for the grandiose Palestinian revolution that concentrates today the sharpest of the confrontation between revolution and counterrevolution at world level.

A Conference to confront the Stalinist-bureaucratic fifth-column that tries to strangle the Argentinean revolution, with a revolutionary program and a Soviet strategy so that the working class and the exploited, with a new assault of masses sweep with all the institutions of this infamous regime, with the government of Duhalde, build up their dual power organs and open way to the victory of the revolution and to the taking of the power by the proletariat.

A Conference around a campaign on: Out the Yankees and their troops of Colombia! And against the truces and agreements of the FARC with the government, sponsored by the European imperialistic powers, that have weakened the exploited peasants and the working class of the cities and left them alone and under the fire of the paramilitary bands that murder hundreds of labor fighters each month, giving time to Pastrana and the yankee imperialism to launch their bombings and their genocidist attack.

A Conference that lifts the fight for that the working class of the United States, of the European imperialistic powers and of Japan to defeat to the AFL-CIO and the reformist union bureaucracies and to confront their own imperialistic bourgeoisies and, this way, to unite their ranks with the oppressed workers and the people of the semicolonies and colonies that today are the vanguard of the anti-imperialist fight and of the world revolution, and to rise up very high the flags of the 3rd International of Lenin and Trotsky on that the first task for the revolutionaries in an imperialistic country is to combat to death to its own imperialistic bourgeoisie.

An International Conference that is a new Kienthal and Zimmerwald where the principled Trotskyists can recognize ourselves and to regroup us around the lessons, the program and the common action in front of the main events of the world class struggle, and we can advance in building up a centralized international leadership that unifies the combat against the Stalinism and the Pabloism and their g5th an a quarterh International and against all the usurpers of the Trotskyism, in the way to stand up the 4th International and to return this way to the world proletariat, their historical leadership. Only this way, only giving this fight and with a centralized international leadership of the Principled Trotskyism, it will be able to advance to conquer workersf revolutionary internationalists parties in Palestine, in Argentina and in the different countries that are able to prepare the insurrection as an art and to take the working class to the victory, to the conquest of the power.

The heroic Zengakuren (red students) and the revolutionaries of the Communist Revolutionary League of Japan - Marxist Revolutionary Fraction - that in front of the war against Afghanistan denounced and they faced -blocking the leaving of the warships - to their own Japanese imperialistic bourgeoisie, and also to the Stalinism and the Socialdemocracy, they show that the healthy forces of the Trotskyism are alive and in the first line of combat. As they also show it the comrades of In Defense of the Marxism of Spain that they have made effective their support to the Argentinean revolution beginning with a primordial task, the one of facing the operating Spanish imperialistic bourgeoisie of the Argentinean workers and sackers of the nation. There is no time to lose! No theoretical difference, of account, of characterization, past or present, can obstruct that the healthy forces of the Trotskyism already regroup in an International Conference of the Principled Trotskyism!

Labor Internationalist League (Fourth International) - Democracia Obrera, of Argentina

Labor Internationalist Group - Fourth International, of Chile

Organizing Committee of the Principled Trotskyism (Fourth International)

Carlos Munzer, Juan Gonzalez and Juan Pico

February 26th, 2002 -



Translated into English by Marcos Smith


1 In reference to the streets of Buenos Aires where there were the respective headquarters of the CGT-Azopardo and of the CGT de los Argentinos.

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